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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Sweden's tax enforcement agency budget woes (hee hee) sorry

Started by coffeeseven, December 11, 2008, 07:42 AM NHFT

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From I Olson, SweMail:

(page 10, col 1)  Swedish Enforcement Agency in Crisis

There are likely many who felt some malicious pleasure when it
turned out that the Swedish Enforcement Agency has been hit with
economic problems. Since the agency was split off from the Swedish
Tax Authority and had to manage its own budget, everything has gone
bad. The forecast points towards an over budget situation in the
range of about SEK 60 million which means that the agency may be
forced to eliminate 150 full time positions.

The government maintains that it is skeptical about putting more
tax revenue into a black hole.

The question that comes up now and again in daily paper headlines
is: Can the Swedish Enforcement Agency enforce injunctions to pay
with threats of collection being made against itself?

Pat McCotter


Taxes have a special procedure in that they must be paid within the assigned time even if the debtor considers them to be incorrect. The Administration will claim the money and, if the tax claim is subsequently determined to be incorrect, the money will be refunded.

uh huh