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Hello Kitty?

Started by Kat Kanning, December 17, 2008, 05:59 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Wow, I'm going to have to kick some new-admin's butt when I get home.  :P  ;)

Lloyd Danforth

See what happens when you, just willy, nilly, make admins, while a trusted friend remains a lowly Global Moderator?

Kat Kanning

Oh, I thought you liked your old-fart global moderator status.  :D

Lloyd Danforth

Actually, it's all I can handle :P

Mike Barskey

Awww shucks. I'm just gettin' ya back for "Social Butterfly." :)

But if you're going to threaten the new god, perhaps I'll just remove your admin status so you can't do anything about it. Mwa-ah-ah-ah-ahhhhh! (that was a diabolical laugh, replete with reverb)


Butterflies :butterfly: and Hello Kitties :icon_cat: , what is this board coming to?  ;D


Does "Kitty" have a sister "Mimi" too?

not going too far off topic, but the Hello Kitty character has been officially licensed on a lot of products, including a vibrator.

Gives a whole new meaning to " hello Kitty" don't ya think?


Oh no!
The Barskey has too much power!

The end is near!!

Kat Kanning

Yes, the forum has been Barskeyed.  :o

Kat Kanning

Oh my, I do like this one better.

Mike Barskey

I can feel the power coursing through my veins. I am UNSTOPPABLE!


In the shire, it's like the term "Barskey" has endless meanings, kind of like the word "smurf" in the smurf village.


Quote from: dalebert on December 18, 2008, 01:49 PM NHFT
In the shire, it's like the term "Barskey" has endless meanings, kind of like the word "smurf" in the smurf village.

Totally, it's like 'da kine' in Hawaii!

Mike Barskey

Or like "dude" in California. Or like "da kine" in Hawaii.

I like that it's universal. It makes me feel kind of Barskey. Besides, a vague, universal "definition" is better than a negative one! :)

[edit] crap - Libertine beat me to the "da kine" reference. :)

Kat Kanning

I would go out, but I'm feeling kind of Barskey today.  :-\