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My Day at the DMV (Revised)

Started by drumnaked!, December 22, 2008, 10:29 AM NHFT

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I recently moved to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project. As such, New Hampshire law requires me to get a new driver's licence within 60 days of my arrival. Today I was approching 120 days in the state. I figured I'd bite my lip and hold my breath and get it done. So I went into the office expecting to give them all of my fingernails which they would pull out of my fingers with rusty pliers.....and that's exactly what they did, in not so dire terms. I walked up to the desk bureaucrat with all of the papers I thought I needed. It turns out I filled out the wrong white sheet. I got the white one and I needed the "off-white" one. So I gritted my teeth and filled out the EXACT SAME FORM with a different title on the top and gave it back to the bureaucrat lady. She started to type in the information while singing a very annoying country song. After about 20 minutes of her off key singing, she tells me that the Social Security number I provided was not valid. I gave her the deer in the headlights look of total lack of surprise. I took a deep breath and asked her what I needed to do to fix it. She told me to go to the other side of town and register with the Social Security Administration to get a new card. By this point it had started to snow. I got in my truck and drove to the office in the snow. When I got there, the office was closing. I ran up to the lady closing the doors and gave her a short explanation of what was going on and she said there was nothing she could do, they were closed. I asked her why all other businesses stayed open in the snow, yet the one I pay for every single day closes at the first sign of snow. She gave me the deer in the headlights look and then reluctantly opened the door. I filled out all their shit and gave them the clip board. They then gave me a piece of paper that had my Social Security number on it. It was the exact same one that I put on the DMV form, I checked twice. It was at this point that I noticed the sign on the wall that says "NO FIREARMS UNDER PENALTY OF LAW!" Great. Bill of Rights?  So I drove back to the DMV, with the snow getting worse every second. I went back to the bureaucrat and gave her the form. She looks at it puzzled and then says to me; "Isn't your name Travis B Cooper?" I couldn't believe it. She put my name in the system backwards. I gritted my teeth and said, barely controling my anger, "No, My name is Cooper B Travis. That's how I put it on the form, why would I put my name backwards?" She shrugged and went back to singing country music and chewing on her cud. She then began to scan my old licence and couldn't figure out how to use the machine. After the entire office came over to help, they just decided to leave it and put it through the copier instead. They said "It's against the rules to do it that way, but what can you do?" She gave me my paper I.D. and I walked out. I still have to register my truck, and I can't wait to do that! I hear they need your first born and at least 3 kidneys for that.


Because of all the lovely freedom I have in this country, I have been forced to remove the section about the SS office. I see the cold,  metal bars closing in all around me every day.


So sorry you had to go through that, Drum
Thanks for disciplining the "public servant" at the SS.


Quote from: drumnaked! on December 22, 2008, 10:29 AM NHFT
New Hampshire law requires me to get a new driver's licence within 60 days of my arrival.

Requirement is not the same thing as obligation. You are required to get the new license if you are to maintain your licensure (commercial contract) with the State. It baffles me that people move to the Free State and continue to act like slaves just like where they came from.

Everytime I hear about someone arrested for failure to provide papers they have a license that is suspended or expired, which is a violation of (unilateral) contract that they signed when they obtained that license (permission to exercise a Right). If We the People are to be serious about being free we need to stop acting like good slaves. We Free Staters have the opportunity to turn in our license, revoke our signature on that contract, and replace the license with an affidavit of competency. If you do it before you move to the Free State it will be easier. When you request that license (permission) it is considered prima facia evidence that you need permission.

Quote from: drumnaked! on December 22, 2008, 10:29 AM NHFT
After about 20 minutes of her off key singing, she tells me that the Social Security number I provided was not valid.... They then gave me a piece of paper that had my Social Security number on it.

It's not your Social Security Number. It belongs to the Social Security Administration and is assigned to a corporation. Are you a corporation or a living soul? We the People need to start acting like living, responsible, free souls if we are serious about being free, not enumerated sheep.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: MTPorcupine3 on December 22, 2008, 11:41 AM NHFT
Quote from: drumnaked! on December 22, 2008, 10:29 AM NHFT
New Hampshire law requires me to get a new driver's licence within 60 days of my arrival.

Requirement is not the same thing as obligation. You are required to get the new license if you are to maintain your licensure (commercial contract) with the State. It baffles me that people move to the Free State and continue to act like slaves just like where they came from.

Everytime I hear about someone arrested for failure to provide papers they have a license that is suspended or expired, which is a violation of (unilateral) contract that they signed when they obtained that license (permission to exercise a Right). If We the People are to be serious about being free we need to stop acting like good slaves. We Free Staters have the opportunity to turn in our license, revoke our signature on that contract, and replace the license with an affidavit of competency. If you do it before you move to the Free State it will be easier. When you request that license (permission) it is considered prima facia evidence that you need permission.

By the way, have you been following the Right to Travel case ongoing in Manchester right now? See the four "Ivy's Right to Travel Trial" videos on my YouTube channel if not. She's been consulting with SamIam and the few freestater lawyers about her legal arguments, and it sounds like you have a lot of info you could contribute, too.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: MTPorcupine3 on December 22, 2008, 11:41 AM NHFT
to be serious about being free we need to stop acting like good slaves. We Free Staters have the opportunity to turn in our license, revoke our signature on that contract, and replace the license with an affidavit of competency.

Could you point me to examples of court victories, thanks. :)

Kat Kanning

Well, MTProcupine doesn't get tossed in jail all the time, or at all, as far as I know.

Tom Sawyer

I am interested in this approach.

However, if someone comes on the forum and implores others to follow his "legal" remedy they should be able to point us to sources that show it to have stood up to the law.


Quote from: Kat -Help I've Been Barskeyed- Kanning on December 23, 2008, 08:34 AM NHFT
Well, MTProcupine doesn't get tossed in jail all the time, or at all, as far as I know.

To be fair, MTPorcupine hasn't been pulled over yet. He generally obeys "traffic laws" and makes no attempt to attract undue attention on the road. There's no guarantee what would happen if he were pulled over.

However, no one I know using the same techniques, the same posturing, etc., has gone to jail. If you don't have an adhesion contract with the State, you are out of jurisdiction unless you actually harm or endanger others. The worst case scenario that I know of is that the cop wrote a ticket anyway, but the ticket was challenged and dismissed.

A guarantee for jail or impoundment: Let your DL expire, have it suspended, and "drive" anyway. Argue with the cop at the roadside about your status as a "sovereign citizen" or your right to travel, his lack of jurisdiction, etc. Or go limp and speechless.

MT Porcupine also has an International Motorist Qualifications card, which is nothing more than a laminated affidavit of competency (with foreign address), and his name is not associated in any way with the car in which he travels.

Luis Ewing uses similar techniques and writes a lot about it. You might want to check out www.luisewing.com He does more than right to travel. He possesses and uses marijuana openly and stays out of jail. And more. Note that there are various ideas about the right to travel. Check things out for yourself.


I am fully aware of the right to travel argument, and I support it 110%. However, I need a job, and the place I am getting it from requires me to get a license to drive in NH. I would much rather have spent this time doing something more productive.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks for the explanation MTPorc.  :)


Quote from: drumnaked! on December 23, 2008, 03:35 PM NHFT
need a job, and the place I am getting it from requires me to get a license to drive in NH.

If you choose to get a job that requires you to get a license, that changes everything. Good luck.