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Mike Barskey pulled over 101 east. Mike taken out of car and around back

Started by leetninja, January 02, 2009, 08:53 PM NHFT

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Message into porc411

Sounds relatively not good.

Officer pulled over T/Kerry(?) and Mike Barskey over - did not tell them why they were being pulled over - demanded that Mike roll down window further - mike wouldnt comply - officer made him exit the vehicle it sounds - mike asked why he is being asked to get out of the car - officer didnt respond and made him get out of car - she is hanging up to try and find out whats going on at the back of the vehicle.

J’raxis 270145


Looks like Mike was doing 71 in a 55. He was taken to the back of the car and detained in handcuffs. Teri is apparently being arrested for open container.

I should also note that that particular stretch of 101 is notorious for being a speed trap. I would advise avoiding it.


Quote from: error on January 02, 2009, 09:00 PM NHFT
Looks like Mike was doing 71 in a 55. He was taken to the back of the car and detained in handcuffs. Teri is apparently being arrested for open container.

I should also note that that particular stretch of 101 is notorious for being a speed trap. I would advise avoiding it.

That is strange that the speed trap would be in a 55mph though. They usually sit in the 40. I've been pulled over on 101 and 101a. two of three times asked out of the car.

Nevertheless: ugh.



phone broke up a little - the ordered her back into the car Mike has been detained and handcuffed the cops are arguing with mike and said that they were speeding 71 in a 55.  officer has been confrontational from the start with Mike.  Second officer has pulled up.  Mike is still handcuffed.  She is trying to listen as much as possible.  she is not sure what they are going to do - at this point an officer comes and starts yelling at her ... i will transcribe as much as possible.

officer asks about weapon in the car asks who has been drinking she is answering how many beers she admits to an open container and he jokes about the brand with her - she is showing him where the open is - she is handing it to him.  he is taking the open beer from her.  silence ... asks for ID - officer states reason for being stopped is 71 in a 55.  the lecture begins.  he says and i quote "he doesnt need to explain himself" and now the lecture continues about how he doesnt know who he is dealing with she says something like "well i think we are all people here" he states that he "is sure [shes] seen i on TV" and "how things can go very badly out here" and then he asks where she is living she states grafton and hawaii and has to repeat herself for him she says her name is Diane(!?) ... end of message


Quote from: error on January 02, 2009, 09:00 PM NHFT
Looks like Mike was doing 71 in a 55. He was taken to the back of the car and detained in handcuffs. Teri is apparently being arrested for open container.

I should also note that that particular stretch of 101 is notorious for being a speed trap. I would advise avoiding it.

I didnt hear anything on the VM about her being arrested for it - just the kop questioning her about it - did you talk to her?


I think she is being too cooperating. He has no right to know what's in the vehicle unless it's seen in plain sight.

This is exactly what they did to my GF. While one officer pulled me away for a "talk" they had her open my glove box, console, etc for the other officer.


Quote from: Coconut on January 02, 2009, 09:10 PM NHFT
I think she is being too cooperating. He has no right to know what's in the vehicle unless it's seen in plain sight.

This is exactly what they did to my GF. While one officer pulled me away for a "talk" they had her open my glove box, console, etc for the other officer.

its the same type of thing that i was saying when i had my problems in salem - it is beaten into our minds to "respect authority" and all that so when they ask us to do something it is almost (or next to) instinct to comply.  it is hard breaking those habits - i speak from my own experiences when i say that - i have gotten MUCH better about not being compliant with them though ... 



Way too much information voluntarily given. Never talk to cops. Ever.

J’raxis 270145


Quote from: shyfrog on January 02, 2009, 09:13 PM NHFT
Way too much information voluntarily given. Never talk to cops. Ever.

Through some experiences, I disagree with the second part, though I know the reasoning for it. Agree with the first part. I guess that's a conversation for another place.


New 2 second porc 411 from Barskey saying he's back in his car. Then the call cuts off.


Quote from: Coconut on January 02, 2009, 09:10 PM NHFT
I think she is being too cooperating. He has no right to know what's in the vehicle unless it's seen in plain sight.

This is exactly what they did to my GF. While one officer pulled me away for a "talk" they had her open my glove box, console, etc for the other officer.

This is why I decided long ago that if anyone travels with me they know in advance what to do if there's a pullover. There are alot of lessons to be (re)learned from this encounter.


cut off message left by Mike - he did get to say he is back in his car.  that was the end ...