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Homeland Security U.S.A.

Started by Friday, January 04, 2009, 05:30 PM NHFT

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For those for whom "COPS" just didn't go far enough, ABC is proud to present...


Premiering Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 8:00PM

Follow agents as they work to keep our borders safe for democracy!


Pat K

Ja I think I am starting to see.................

Jim Johnson

At least Nazis had the guts to show their faces.

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

We a have a movie about he history of the SS...
The parallels are chilling.


sickening, the commercials make me want to write to ABC and let them know that I won't watch a thing on that station while this crap is still in their lineup.


Yeah, we caught an unfortunate glimse of that commercial while my wife was setting up the TV for a netflick.

Thought: That has GOT to be a fucking joke.  Why watch ANY of their shit?  It makes me all the gladder I ditched all broadcast TV over a year ago.. except a BBC comedy on PBS, ironically.

Tom Sawyer

The networks have been in the pockets of big government from the beginning.

It is really evident when you watch the older PR/propaganda show Dragnet etc.

Also the government blesses them with access if they like the scripts and denies help if they don't. So, wonder of wonders, progovernment agency show make the cut.



I'm working on something for this show.

Namely, a pre-air review (which will call it the worst thing to hit TV in years).


They should get Dionne Warwick to host the show since these are not just any SS. These are psychic SS.

Bioterror Attempt Likely by 2013, DHS Report Warns
Monday, Jan. 5, 2009

A U.S. Homeland Security Department intelligence report warns that terrorists are likely to attempt a biological-weapon strike sometime over the next several years, potentially spreading a lethal illness to thousands of people, the Associated Press reported last month (see GSN, Dec. 19, 2008).

Officials fear that terrorists could steal anthrax or another potential disease agent from a laboratory or storage center, AP reported. An attack using such material could inundate regional medical systems with patients and take a disastrous toll on the economy, according to the Homeland Security Threat Assessment for 2008 to 2013.

The report adds that terror attacks involving biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear weapons would remain the most serious security threats to the United States in the coming years, but obstacles to obtaining WMD materials make such strikes less likely than other acts of terrorism.

Al-Qaeda is expected to continue pursuing attacks on the United States aimed at spreading financial havoc and political "turmoil" while killing and injuring as many people as possible, according to the report, which notes that Africa and the Middle East would remain hotbeds of terrorist activity.

Border security is also expected to remain a source of concern over the next five years, the report states.

"The threat of terrorism and the threat of extremist ideologies has not abated," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said in an end-of-year speech on Dec. 18. "This threat has not evaporated, and we can't turn the page on it" (Eileen Sullivan, Associated Press/Washington Times, Dec. 25, 2008).

Sorry couldn't resist marking the word FEAR since that's what they really wanted us to see and feel.



I want to see a TV show about how they came up with this. Gripping.

Pat K

Quote from: Jennifer on January 05, 2009, 10:40 PM NHFT
I want to see a TV show about how they came up with this. Gripping.

Screwed again !


Quote from: Jennifer on January 05, 2009, 10:40 PM NHFT
I want to see a TV show about how they came up with this. Gripping.

A riveting story.