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Debt-free = Foolish?

Started by Michael Fisher, August 28, 2005, 08:50 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning



OK, I'm not a necro, really. However, I happened upon this little nugget from the past while searching for something else and the article at the top is particularly interesting in hindsight. Look at how people were thinking and behaving a few years ago and look how correct we silly doom-saying libertarians turned out to be!

Russell Kanning

Warren Buffett likes to do the opposite of what is fashionable.

porcupine kate

I like being out of fashion.  ;D


It's nice to see that what I said three years ago, is still what I'd say today.  8)


I'm currently debt free, but will be getting a mortgage in t-minus 2 months.  My goal is to pay off the mortgage in 16 years or less.

porcupine kate

A mortgage is the only debt I would consider taking on.  I do want a house on a nice piece of land here in New Hampshire.

Russell Kanning