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PiMP My Activism: activism role-playing seminar

Started by Mike Barskey, January 19, 2009, 06:57 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on January 21, 2009, 08:45 AM NHFT
Jack might be doing Alt-Expo, which has a more flexible schedule.

Sorry, but I didn't catch this thread earlier - The AltExpo has a 3 room suite and we'd be open to the use of one of the rooms for this. PM me, Mike for details. We usually just ask for donations of the attenders as the rooms do cost us.

Also, I am waayyy behind on publicizing the AltExpo because of various things and I will be going to Texas next week for my brother's memorial service, so please talk up the AltExpo (and I'll get presenters list posted soon) and consider us in your partying plans, your room-crashing plans and your side sessions room needs! If someone has a topic and they need a space, we've got it. Plus we'll have a variety of A/V equipment available for presentations.

We'll have an open snack buffet, too, and just ask everyone bring something, go to the store and buy something or contribute cash so we can send someone to the store to buy something for snackin on.

Free libertarian

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

it went really well .... this will be perfect for altexpo this year

Kat Kanning

Barskey sounded like he wasn't going to Alt Expo.  I could moderate the thing at Alt Expo for him, if he wants.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 22, 2009, 07:48 AM NHFT
Barskey sounded like he wasn't going to Alt Expo.  I could moderate the thing at Alt Expo for him, if he wants.

That would be great, Kat. Just wondering if you or Russell would like to do any other talk. I loved Russell's "Welcome to the Shire" talk at Gunstock! It's tough for the organizer, tho - I never get to hear a complete talk...  :(

Sam A. Robrin

I'm still giving thought to that idea of the sticker--permanent or temporary--that tells why the window cannot be rolled all the way down.  Would a lawyer have to be consulted?  Can it be phrased with enough brevity and simplicity that the average cop can understand it?  Can I angle this so it can turn a profit . . . ?


I'll buy as many as I have car windows!
When can I get my shipment??

Mike Barskey

Jaqeboy, did you have in mind having a PiMP session on one day, or one on each day of the conference? Or multiple sessions per day? The most I am interested in moderating myself is once per day, and even that seems like a lot - maybe just one session on Friday and one on Saturday.

However, I don't have to be there. Kat said she's willing to moderate a session, and perhaps others are as well.


Quote from: Mike Barskey on February 23, 2009, 02:15 PM NHFT
Jaqeboy, did you have in mind having a PiMP session on one day, or one on each day of the conference? Or multiple sessions per day? The most I am interested in moderating myself is once per day, and even that seems like a lot - maybe just one session on Friday and one on Saturday.

However, I don't have to be there. Kat said she's willing to moderate a session, and perhaps others are as well.

Essentially, we offer a one hour segment for a quick intro session to any alternative-type topic - it's like speed-dating, only with freedom-related topics. Then, people can adjourn elsewhere for follow-on work. This year we have 3 rooms, so folks could use the 3rd room for longer follow-on sessions. That room will also be the video presentation room, and some other sessions are being held there. We'd entertain the one-hour session, then you're free to choose to do other work as available space permits - we'll try to firm up the schedule for the 3rd room, too. Tonight I'm going to work on the presenters' matrix. If you want to do a one-hour, just let me know what times you can't do it to give me the flexibility to fit you into one of a few time slots.

This is gonna be fun!

Mike Barskey

Here are some video "ads" I made from footage during the first PiMP session.

Kat Kanning

People who attended:  Could you sum up how you felt about the seminar?  Was it useful?  Do you think it will help you in future interactions with the thugs?  Did you have fun?

Lloyd Danforth

I had a lot of fun but will continue to feel each situation out act as pleasant as I can and try to drive away. Most of the time I get stopped in in Mass, anyway.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 27, 2009, 05:40 AM NHFT
I had a lot of fun but will continue to feel each situation out act as pleasant as I can and try to drive away. Most of the time I get stopped in in Mass, anyway.
I don't see how being pleasant, in order to drive away ... and Mass stops, don't fit with the seminar. Some people will want to practice those sorts of situations.

Russell Kanning

I thought the cops were very realistic ... meaning unsettling for most role players.