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Homeless man jailed for 10 days for catching fish from stream for dinner.

Started by thinkliberty, January 30, 2009, 01:05 AM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

You can't be taken the King's fish... not his deer and not his fish... get off his land... and pay your taxes too, it cost money to keep track of all the things your not supposed to do.


Quote from: thinkliberty on January 30, 2009, 01:05 AM NHFT

"They had slices of lemon and a loaf of sourdough bread," Fish and Game Lt. Dean Hileman said. "It was almost a meal fit for a king."

Yeah, except for that part about being homeless and sleeping under a bridge.  ::)

Pat McCotter

Quote from: thinkliberty on January 30, 2009, 01:05 AM NHFT

Silva was prosecuted for violating state Fish and Game rules but could have also been charged with federal violations. It is illegal to harm or damage a federally protected species.

Bill Struble, a special agent with the National Marine Fisheries Service, said he does not think Silva will be charged in federal court. It is unusual for someone to be charged in federal court after being convicted in a state court, he said.

"The state system was the better fit," he said. "I was in court to make sure that the prosecutor was aware that there was a violation of the Endangered Species Act and that this was more serious than a regular poaching case."

"We could put him away longer than the state can! We are the Feds, dammit!"


I need to stop looking at these ridiculous stories as I wake up, it totally ruins my day to see some douchebag telling a guy that doesn't have food otherwise that he can't eat it because the 'species was endangered'.

The guy must be psyched that he's getting 10 days worth of food now, a nice hard bed, and maybe a bit more warmth.  Only in America would someone be arrested for not trying to starve.  I hope this trend continues until all the fish are gone.


QuoteArea streams teemed with steelhead a century ago

Now the streets are teeming with homeless. Let 'em eat fish.

Paaaaging Mr. Christ. Paaaaaging Mr. Jesus Christ.

Pat McCotter


Not such a bad deal.  Catching a night's worth of food got him 30 meals and a place to stay.  He might want to fish more often.  Of course, alcohol is a little more difficult to get in jail...


Well, he got free room and board for 10 days at the tax payer expense!  He wasn't homeless for those 10 days, don't that count for nuttin?


Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day and get dependent on welfare. Teach a man to fish and he'll go to jail and eat for 10.


Quote from: dalebert on January 30, 2009, 11:27 AM NHFT
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day and get dependent on welfare. Teach a man to fish and he'll go to jail and eat for 10.