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UN flag burn in Keene: What we've learned

Started by Dave Ridley, December 24, 2004, 02:39 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

take a look at this TV commercial from moveamericaforward:


Dave Ridley

I was hoping someone would post that opposition LTE!  This isn't the first time our facts have been questioned; last time was on a neutral forum where I answered with this message:

Our source for the gun control beef is the UN itself:


Here the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice advocates, among other things:

"controls on the availability, use and storage of small arms within states, including strong domestic firearms regulation and a ban on civilian possession of military weapons..."

With regard to Hubbard Brook our source is UNESCO's website:




My "favorite" quote there:  "Biosphere Reserve Handbook: The Secretariat has been charged with drafting a Biosphere Reserve Handbook to aid in creating, managing and coordinating Biosphere Reserves. It was mandated by ?Seville +5? and the MAB ICC at the 17th session and based on the Seville Strategy and Statutory Framework. A draft is now available for review and comment from selected experts, by entering a password here."


Anybody wriiten a response to the opposition LTE yet? Somebody should.....


Russell Kanning

Kat heard somewhere that the UN biosphere signs seem to dissappear in NH every time they are put up.  :D


Maybe the signs make good fire wood.  Oh, hold on.  Does the U.N. even allow us to have fires in N.H.?

Anyway, I think if people are going to take the signs they should replace them. 

Are those U.N. FREE ZONE signs available?  I think that they would make a nice replacement . . . kind of a "compromise" . . . campers get some fire wood, and the U.N. still gets to have a nice little sign with their name on it.

Dave Ridley

It would be cheaper just to spray paint an X or something over the word UNESCO or whatever it is on that sign.   That's better than tearing it down since it sends a message.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: John on January 08, 2005, 10:00 PM NHFT
Are those U.N. FREE ZONE signs available?? I think that they would make a nice replacement . . . kind of a "compromise" . . . campers get some fire wood, and the U.N. still gets to have a nice little sign with their name on it.
I like the way you think.  8)

Dave Ridley

Kat Kanning

Why Do We Fund UNESCO?

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

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At the end of 2002 President Bush announced that the United States would rejoin UNESCO, an educational agency of the United Nations. One year later the First Lady was dispatched to Paris for a ceremony marking the end of our 20-year absence from UNESCO, where she assured the world that the US would be a ?full, active and enthusiastic participant? in the organization.

Rejoining UNESCO, of course, means paying for it. Our new commitment to UNESCO costs $60 million annually for starters, fully one-quarter of the agency?s budget. Sadly, I believe the administration made this decision as a concession to our globalist critics, who decry supposed American unilateralism.

UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, which sounds lofty. In truth, the agency is nothing but a mouthpiece for the usual UN causes, including international abortion and population control; politically correct UN curriculum for American schools; and UN control of federal land in America through so-called World Heritage sites.

President Reagan rightly withdrew the U.S. from UNESCO in 1984, citing the organization?s financial mismanagement, blatant anti-Americanism, and general hostility to freedom. He believed the organization had become too politicized, too bloated, and too hostile to free markets. Furthermore, UNESCO enjoyed rapidly expanding budgets during the 1970s and 1980s, which President Reagan felt American taxpayers should not shoulder. President Reagan was correct in identifying UNESCO as an organization that did not act in America's interest, and he was correct in questioning why the United States should fund 25 percent of UNESCO's budget for that privilege.

From its inception UNESCO has been openly hostile to American values, our Constitution, and western culture. Why in the world should we send tax dollars to an organization that actively promotes values so contrary to those of most Americans?

To better understand the origins and ambitions of UNESCO, we need only consider a quote from Sir Julian Huxley, brother of the famous Aldous Huxley. Julian Huxley was the founding director-general of UNESCO when he said the following:

    "The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extent... It can stress? the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world political organization? Political unification in some sort of world government will be required?to help the emergence of a single world culture."

Those who supported rejoining UNESCO claim the organization has been reformed over the years. Yet it?s strange that in two decades since the United States left UNESCO, we only started reading about purported reforms in the year 2000. Are we to believe that after nearly twenty years of business as usual, a large bureaucracy like UNESCO suddenly reinvented itself in a few short years? Is it worth spending $60 million every year on an organization with such a terrible history of waste, corruption, and anti-Americanism?

President Reagan?s politically brave withdrawal from UNESCO portended an era of greater disengagement from the United Nations itself. Congress can revitalize that worthy goal by urging the administration to rethink its terrible decision to entangle the American people with an organization as rotten as UNESCO. I recently introduced a congressional resolution urging an official withdrawal from UNESCO, and I plan to attach the resolution as an amendment to a foreign aid spending bill this summer. It will be interesting to see whether the same members of Congress who savaged the UN before the Iraq war actually vote to get America out of UNESCO.

April 19, 2005

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.

Ron Paul Arch

Lloyd Danforth

Fooled me. I thought there was a new thing we learned from the U.N. flag burning.


Kat Kanning

Scott Roth

I'm ordering several UN flags from JP.  We need another flagburning.  Lori and I missed the firat one, but that's how we found out about the underground.  So, any other orders for flags?