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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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No offense, but that courtroom stunt was dumb

Started by joeyforpresident, February 06, 2009, 10:48 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Pat K

Tom Sawyer


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 08, 2009, 05:11 PM NHFT
Russell actually is religious.  Jesse made it up.

I'm not sure that Jesse said he had his hat on for religious reasons.

He said he would not take it off for moral reasons.  Meaning it is immoral to him to obey arbitrary authority.

I do agree that trying to claim religion in the actual trial would be a mistake.

Pat K

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 08, 2009, 07:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on February 08, 2009, 06:28 PM NHFT
From the Friday collection.

Great, now the Prez wants one... thanks Uncle Pat ;D

;D  hey like I told my sister, no it's your job
to to protect him. It my job to buy him stuff
that makes noise and hope he raises hell with it.
that's are what uncles are for.


Quote from: joeyforpresident on February 08, 2009, 08:19 AM NHFT

Just as a/the judge is right to remove anyone who does not respect the decorum of the courtroom. There doesn't have to be a law to require some folks show some respect to the institution - whether you agree with the institution is not the issue - but there was a posted sign.

I'm still trying to find where the "violence" by the State occurred. Arresting someone for not following courtroom decorum is "violence?" Or was there other violence that wasn't included in the article?

I promise you that if it were my courtroom, you will respect the institution of the court. You don't have to agree with me, and you're not required to do so, but pulling stunts like this only shows how ridiculous this anarchist mentality is. I don't agree with mountains of governmental decisions or politicians, but I won't show blatant disrespect just because I want to cause trouble and attention.

But, again, that's just my view. And if anyone's offended, that's just too bad ;)

And I want to know the next time you guys plan to stage a protest, because if what Jan is saying is correct and that people were arrested simply for holding up a sign, I will be right there with a video camera (and the spy cam) and my bullhorn :)

That is the last thing these assholes need.  They are thugs in pinstripes and uniforms and badges.  They bankrkupt thousands of people every year through frivilous fines, they legitimize via legal cover all eminent domain cases, they literally have imprisoned millions of people. 

That is THE problem with you law and order types.  You are too busy kissing the ass, as the foot is busy sodomizing you.  You will never get you liberty back kissing their ass.  If they want respect, they can earn it back the way every other goddamn group of people do, by making good decisions and doing honorable things. 


Russell Kanning

he is going to be president someday

I guess he got david riled

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Coconut on February 08, 2009, 07:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 08, 2009, 05:11 PM NHFT
Russell actually is religious.  Jesse made it up.

I'm not sure that Jesse said he had his hat on for religious reasons.
you do realize ... that Kat was the one there

Kat Kanning

how about we re-run the lauren scenario jesse style, since it was so similar?  lauren enters the fed courthouse and refuses to remove  the cell phone from her pocket.  guards challenge her about it, so she starts making up a story that she can't remove her cell phone from her pocket for moral reasons and points to the heavens.  guards ask what her strong moral convictions are, but she's not able to make up any that fast, so can't state her reasons.

how dumb would that have sounded?  if lauren had done that, i'd have to have been unimpressed with her action too.


Quote from: David on February 08, 2009, 10:26 PM NHFT
That is the last thing these assholes need.  They are thugs in pinstripes and uniforms and badges.  They bankrkupt thousands of people every year through frivilous fines, they legitimize via legal cover all eminent domain cases, they literally have imprisoned millions of people. 

That is THE problem with you law and order types.  You are too busy kissing the ass, as the foot is busy sodomizing you.  You will never get you liberty back kissing their ass.  If they want respect, they can earn it back the way every other goddamn group of people do, by making good decisions and doing honorable things. 



Russell Kanning

some tsa thug was demanding respect from a friend recently ... she said he hadn't earned it


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 08, 2009, 11:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: Coconut on February 08, 2009, 07:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 08, 2009, 05:11 PM NHFT
Russell actually is religious.  Jesse made it up.

I'm not sure that Jesse said he had his hat on for religious reasons.
you do realize ... that Kat was the one there

Oh please, Russell, you weren't there either.

When I said I was refusing to remove my hat, I said verbatim "for moral reasons." When the judged asked me if these moral reasons were religious reasons, I responded "Morality and Religion are one and the same to me, so I would guess so." Never did I for a moment say that I was not removing it for "religious reasons"; indeed, I would argue that religion and morality are essentially philosophical viewpoints with differing names and subject to different interpretation.

Simply because you can't reconcile objective absolutist ethics with being on equal grounding of moralistic religion doesn't mean I was dishonest.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 09, 2009, 05:02 AM NHFT
how about we re-run the lauren scenario jesse style, since it was so similar?  lauren enters the fed courthouse and refuses to remove  the cell phone from her pocket.  guards challenge her about it, so she starts making up a story that she can't remove her cell phone from her pocket for moral reasons and points to the heavens.  guards ask what her strong moral convictions are, but she's not able to make up any that fast, so can't state her reasons.

how dumb would that have sounded?  if lauren had done that, i'd have to have been unimpressed with her action too.

I hadn't gone with a prepared speech, but most people who are familiar with me would confirm that I am in fact a moral absolutist of the objectivist variety. I wasn't making it up, I wasn't simply pulling this out of my ass-- I follow the higher cause of liberty and I am very firm in my objectively derived morals.

Just because I didn't have a prepared speech doesn't make what I said less accurate or false.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: AnarchoJesse on February 09, 2009, 11:30 AM NHFT
Oh please, Russell, you weren't there either.

When I said I was refusing to remove my hat, I said verbatim "for moral reasons." When the judged asked me if these moral reasons were religious reasons, I responded "Morality and Religion are one and the same to me, so I would guess so." Never did I for a moment say that I was not removing it for "religious reasons"; indeed, I would argue that religion and morality are essentially philosophical viewpoints with differing names and subject to different interpretation.

Simply because you can't reconcile objective absolutist ethics with being on equal grounding of moralistic religion doesn't mean I was dishonest.
since you are saying religion and morality are similar, with different names ... how did I mischaracterize your stance?
I just mentioned that Kat was actually there, so she knew what happened, just like it is funny that Joey takes the newspapers account over your own. :)
So when you said you had moral reasons for keeping the hat on ... what did you mean by that ... did you tell the cop ... did he laugh or just start handcuffing you?
Of course you know that I am siding with you. There is no good reason for the cops to threaten force and handcuff you for you wearing a hat for moral reasons.
I don't understand that last sentence.