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The presidents name is Joe

Started by Tunga, February 10, 2009, 07:35 PM NHFT

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1st oath flubbed.

2nd oath is unwitnessed.

Biden is president.

Great Theater.

Where did that Republic thing go to?



Tunga is back!

The President's number is 666!


Quote from: Tunga on February 19, 2009, 10:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tunga on February 18, 2009, 07:15 PM NHFT

Re: The presidents name is Shmoe.
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 11:21 PM NHFT »
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Quote from: Tunga on February 18, 2009, 08:30 PM NHFT
Typical of the mainstream minion philosophy KB opinionated his belief in an evil force at work with regard to the United States Presidency. 

Without exception,while exposing such ritual; Tunga takes no pleasure or enjoys no vengeance in divulging your dirty little secrets.

We mention the Yen carry trade only to shock your jaded intellect into awareness.

May is a merry month. Mostly made memorable making money.

"I see" said the carpenter as he picked up his hammer and saw.

The inevitable is happening and Tunga appears nearly powerless to divert it.

Please join the Tunga in prayer for the salvation of the earths inhabitants.

Madmen have seized the controls.

Stop them we must.

Or perish we will.

Peace out.

Mr.T bones.

Re: New physics book available!
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2006, 09:33 PM NHFT » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic 

Hmmm. Interesting. So what would you say would happen to the apparent speed of a light ray from a distant star as it passed through the more dense magnetosphere emanating from our sun? Would it speed up or slow down or none of the above?

  Seventeen Thousand more kids get posted to Afghani pipeline patrol. What a great change that amounts to.

Where empires go to die. Afghanistan.

"This shows the big fight is yet to come," said George Clarke, a tax lawyer based in Washington who is not involved in the UBS case.
For one, UBS said that except for the 250 to 300 U.S. customers, it will fight to keep all others names private, arguing Swiss secrecy laws shield them.
Hours before the new suit, Switzerland's president, Hans-Rudolf Merz, said his country will not relent in defending its treasured tradition of confidential bank accounts.
"Banking secrecy, ladies and gentlemen, remains intact," Merz told reporters.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 12:22 AM NHFT by Tunga, Reason: bet you\'d sell your mother. »   Report to moderator
Told ya.

So now we can see the difference between "Acting President" and "Sitting President".

Just say Moe?



Remember, the VP's job is largely ceremonial (constitutionally speaking) unless the president is unable to fulfill his oath.

"You know, I never realized just how much power Dick Cheney had until my first day on the job. I walked into my office, and you know how the outgoing president always leaves the incoming president a note in his desk?" he asked rhetorically. "I opened my drawer and Dick Cheney had left me Barack Obama's birth certificate."



Quote from: KBCraig on February 11, 2009, 02:57 AM NHFT
Tunga is back!

The President's number is 666!

Hasn't there been a conspiracy about almost every president in relation to 666? 


In a crazy twist. It was revealed this morning over at Rumormillnews.com that Obama's father was actually Frank Marshall Davis.

The story that never ends.



Tunga doesn't know who Obama really hatched from. we just want this story to end in a peaceable fashion.