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Ignoring the wiretapping law, if HB312 does not pass

Started by J’raxis 270145, February 15, 2009, 01:06 AM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

Quote from: thinkliberty on March 03, 2009, 02:38 PM NHFT
The NH constitution preserves the right to record.
see: [Art.] 22. [Free Speech; Liberty of the Press.] Free speech and liberty of the press are essential to the security of freedom in a state: They ought, therefore, to be inviolably preserved.

If you don't know what inviolably means here is a link: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Inviolably

Video and audio recording is the main medium of press today. As long as you plan on broadcasting what you are recording to the public and you are in a public place HB312 does not apply as far as i see it.

Yep, and there's Part I, Art. 8, too. Problem is they're ignoring the Constitution (as usual).


If you're looking to make a stand on this, coconut on the FK forum is talking about doing some prohibited Keene District Court recording, likely at either Andrew Carroll's & Barskey's trials or Ridley's.  I'm sure he'd appreciate you joining him.


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on March 04, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
If you're looking to make a stand on this, coconut on the FK forum is talking about doing some prohibited Keene District Court recording, likely at either Andrew Carroll's & Barskey's trials or Ridley's.  I'm sure he'd appreciate you joining him.

Probably the May 1 trials.

However, yes, I think it would be far, far more powerful if I am not alone, but accompanied by 10-15 other people with cameras. This fight won't be won standing alone.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Coconut on March 04, 2009, 12:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on March 04, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
If you're looking to make a stand on this, coconut on the FK forum is talking about doing some prohibited Keene District Court recording, likely at either Andrew Carroll's & Barskey's trials or Ridley's.  I'm sure he'd appreciate you joining him.

Probably the May 1 trials.

However, yes, I think it would be far, far more powerful if I am not alone, but accompanied by 10-15 other people with cameras. This fight won't be won standing alone.

There's a good chance I'll get in on this. My intent with this pledge (that is, how I planned to personally carry it out) was from now on to simply always be ready to record the police, whenever I'm randomly stopped by them, either with mere notification, or nothing at all. At minimum, I'd have the cell phone in the pocket called into Porc411, or something along those lines.

But after Ridley's arrest for the camera civdis, I remember talking to a few people about redoing that civdis with a crowd of videographers. So it might be a good way of "implementing" this pledge. They had five cops up there last time, and used two just to make Dave go away. What are they going to call in for 10–15 people? The entire KPD force?

Only thing is, they don't seem to use the wiretapping statute for recording in the courthouse without the bailiffs' consent; they used the disorderly conduct statute instead. That is, the passage of HB312 wouldn't necessarily affect courthouse recording in any way.

By the way, there's a rumor that the bastards on the Committee ITLed this bill, something like 11–7. I haven't seen confirmation on the State's website yet, though. The sponsors might be able to turn it around on the House Floor though; getting the House to go against a Committee recommendation is rare but has been done before, e.g., with the marijuana decrim bill last year.

J’raxis 270145

So HB312 passed the House today, 206–142. Bastards on the Criminal Justice Committee (where the cop and ex-cop Reps get appointed, so they can maintain the status quo) had tried to kill it, but Joel and Neal Kurk were able to turn things around when the House voted.

Still has to clear the Senate, but we're on our way to getting rid of this idiotic felony wiretapping law being abused by police...

Russell Kanning

if you don't fight the cops, they can arrest an entire crowd with 1 cop ... after that it gets a little messy for them ... especially if you don't bail out or comply with all of their paperwork ... they have to do lots of paperwork

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on February 15, 2009, 01:06 AM NHFT
There is a bill up this year at the Legislature to finally allow people to audio record police engaged in their official duties without their explicit consent.

Many people think that being able to do this is of sufficient import that this is a "hill worth dying on" in order to secure this right. I happen to agree with this. If they don't pass this bill, this time, I believe that it is finally time that we resort to nonviolent civil disobedience, ignoring RSA 570-A until such time that they do amend or repeal it.

To that end, I've created this pledge:—

"I will record the police without asking for their consent if HB312 is not passed by the New Hampshire Legislature, but only if 10 other activists will do the same."

The password is Winters, the name of the primary sponsor. I'm calling for at least ten people to sign up. If the pledge succeeds, I plan to present it to the Committee during the public hearing on 2009-02-19.

The Senate killed HB312 on Wednesday. Cowards did it via voice vote so none of them are on the record (hah) as opposing the bill. So, it looks like the pledge is in effect.


Apparently, Shortly I'll have my first real act of CD posted on YouTube.  I audio recorded a belligerent swearing a-hole of a cop who detained me today.


Quote from: doobie on June 06, 2009, 12:27 AM NHFT
Shortly I'll have my first real act of CD posted on YouTube.  I audio recorded a belligerent swearing a-hole of a cop who detained me today.

Was that shortly after the Porc-411 message of "Doobie-about-to-get-detained-in-Hudson-for-open-carry-talk-to-you-later-*click*"?

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: doobie on June 06, 2009, 12:27 AM NHFT
Shortly I'll have my first real act of CD posted on YouTube.  I audio recorded a belligerent swearing a-hole of a cop who detained me today.

Nice. ;D


Anyone know if this has ever been in court?  Perhaps we need to take it up in the court instead of in the legislature.  A SC ruling that "there is no reasonable expectation to privacy in public (or someone elses private property by them), would be a good ruling to bypass the scum in the senate.


Quote from: KBCraig on June 06, 2009, 12:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: doobie on June 06, 2009, 12:27 AM NHFT
Shortly I'll have my first real act of CD posted on YouTube.  I audio recorded a belligerent swearing a-hole of a cop who detained me today.

Was that shortly after the Porc-411 message of "Doobie-about-to-get-detained-in-Hudson-for-open-carry-talk-to-you-later-*click*"?

Yes, I dialed as soon as I knew the cop was going to stop me, and waited and waited and waited and by the time I could leave a message the cop was out of his car trying to get my attention.  I didn't even have time to get the camera into my hand to record.  But I must have bumped something cuz it accidentally turned on, which I guess is that clicking and freeze framing that occurred.