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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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AltExpo#3 at LF09

Started by jaqeboy, February 16, 2009, 11:25 PM NHFT

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Quote from: doobie on February 18, 2009, 12:25 PM NHFT
Nit pick/suggestion: Alt. power generation methods, & storage

I'm working on getting the guy in who does more solar installations in N.H. than anyone else... will let you know.


Quote from: Barterer on February 18, 2009, 11:12 PM NHFT
Arright guys, I just booked my trip and will be there Friday night and will present/demo shirehours on Saturday the 7th.  Also attending the liberty forum Sunday.  8)



Thank you John for the plug on Free Talk Live - also good vibes from Ian, Mark and Sam! (about 90% of the way along)

I'll call in tonight to explain the philosophy of the event and mention some of the speakers. It's all about "what are you going to do with your freedom?", or to steal barterer's old tagline: "Stop complaining about your loss of freedom and just take it back!"

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 17, 2009, 08:45 PM NHFT
Aw!!  Man!!!  I was gonna go to your presentation, but, you know.............what with you not getting there on your own power and all...... :P
I rode my trike to and from work this Tuesday, and while it wasn't too bad going to work, heading home after 11pm was miserable  My shifter cables froze up so I couldn't downshift, making going up hills really difficult.  My hands were in extreme pain from the cold, and a solid chunk of ice formed on my face.  If the weather cooperates, I will probably leave by trike on Wednesday or Thursday.  If it's too cold out on Wednesday and Thursday, I will probably cycle part way (about 12 miles) on Friday and catch a ride the rest of the way.  There are ways of remedying the problems I had in the cold, but they require upgrades that cost more money than I can come up with at this time.  So the weather will determine whether I go all the way under my own power or only part way under my own power.

Jaqueboy, will there be a video projector available (and perhaps a computer which I can plug my flash drive into) if I want to give a video enhanced presentation?


Yes, we'll have one or more projectors and screens and a dedicated computer for presentations. Just contact Dan Stuart at dan@stuartsit.com and tell him what you need and he'll make sure it's in place.


Kevin Innes, the silver guy from Asheville, North Carolina is coming up and presenting in both the Liberty Forum and the Alt Expo. He'll also have a booth at LF and will have materials available and videos being shown upstairs in the Alt Expo rooms.

We'll have workshops for the public on Thursday evening in Room 202 of the hotel and Monday, 9 March in Manchester at the Great Buffet (in the party room). These workshops are to tell folks about the opportunity to purchase silver in bulk in our pool to get the lowest prices, how to get involved as a silver trader yourself to make some money at it, and how to promote use of silver as a local currency in the community.

Kevin just sent this in:

QuoteWhile the Liberty Forum is going on I would like to get some activity going in Nashua.  I can train and organize groups of activists to go out and talk to businesses while we are there. Weather permitting.  I'm going to challenge people to do more than just talk - how about putting their talking into action by talking to people and businesses in the community about Honest Money. 

From these events we will get more people to canvas the area on Monday March 9 and also Tuesay March 10.  Let's get the ball rolling and show people how much excitement we can create in a short time about Real, Honest Money in NH!


We should hear later today if we can get Mark Weissflog, the biggest installer of solar systems in New Hampshire to fit in a one hour talk. It turns out there is a home show the same weekend that he has a booth in. We hope to get him in at 11AM Friday or 10AM Saturday, so he can stop in with us for an hour on his way to the home show while his partners open up the booth there.

His company is KW Management in Nashua. They're a commercial electrical contractor and their Clean Energy Technologies division does the alt. energy installations. Hope he can fit us in. Oh, yeah, he's also on the Board of the New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association, nhsea.org.


Excellent, just got the call that Mark Weissflog of Clean Energy Technologies will present for an hour at 11AM Friday on "Energy Alternatives in New-Hampshire".

Mark is on the Board of NHSEA and on the State Building Code Review Board, so if you have any questions about renewable energy systems and how they can be implemented in homes or businesses here (and meet codes), he is the #1 guy to talk to.

Things are shaping up - I'll try to have the speakers roster posted to AltExpo.org tonight.


Kevin Innes will be presenting Saturday on "The Power of Honest Money; Reclaiming Community Economics." He is recruiting folks to form Consumer Action Networks, or CANs all over the country.

Still massaging the schedule, but he's holding workshops open to the public Thursday before LF and Monday after, as well as having a timeslot in the main Liberty Forum program.


Tentative schedule of presentations at AltExpo#3 at LF09:

Thurs, 5Mar, 7PM, Rm. 202 Crowne Plaza, Kevin Innes, Silver-The Inflation Fighter, (fee: $20, open to the public)
                  9PM on, AltExpo Welcome party

Friday, 6Mar, 10AM, The Eyes Have It, Gene Fitzpatrick - free health evaluation using iridology
                   11AM, Energy Alternatives in New-Hampshire, Mark Weissflog - solar, wind, water power; building codes issues
                   12Noon, Welcome to the Alt Expo, The Road Less Travelled, Jack Shimek
                    1 PM, Computer Security Secrets, J'raxis
                    2 PM, Save Sonny!; Flash animation for economic education, Bryan Daly of Line Plot
                    3PM, Pedal Power! Saving gas - getting exercise, Tim Logsdon & Dan Stuart
                    4PM, PiMP my Activism (Practice Makes Perfect), Mike Barskey & Kat Kanning
                    5PM, Anonymous Commerce, Steve Villee
                    6PM on, mingle, munchies, movies
                    9PM party: the Freeman's Frolic

Saturday, 7Mar, 10AM, Eco-villages & intentional communities, Rob Rolen
                    11AM, America Comes Home; becoming a State National, George Mason
                    12Noon, Living Invisibly, FreeWhit
                     1PM, Time is Money; the Shire Hours system, barterer (John Bilyeu)
                     2PM, The Power of Honest Money; Community Action Networks, Kevin Innes
                     3PM, On the Road to the SnAP (Sacred non-Agression Principle), Brian Wright
                     4PM, Couner-Economics Today, Cynthia Freedomgal
                     5PM, Freedom Force International, John Barnes (tentative)
                     6PM on, mingle, munchies, movies
                     9PM party: Alt-A-Palooza

Sunday, 8Mar, 10AM, seekers, the Free Spirit Project
                     12Noon onwards: open

                       6PM, Honest Money Dinner, Bertucci's Brick Oven Pizzeria, Amherst Street, Nashua, Kevin Innes

Monday, 9Mar, time t.b.d., Community Action for Honest Money, led by Kevin Innes

                     7PM, Bullion with Benefits workshop (fee: $20, open to the public), The Great Buffet, So. Willow Street, Mancester


Looks like Mike Barskey and Kat are going to conduct another PiMP my activism session. I'm giving up my 4PM Friday slot to include them in. This will be great! Everyone remember that we do have computers, projectors and a screen if you have A/V material. Also, handouts, business cards, any other material to leave with people is good!

Russell Kanning

We are thinking it would be cool to hang out one of the days. Kat might help Barskey, but he probably doesn't need it. If you need me to or if people are requesting it, I could do a Welcome to the Shire session, but you are covering some of that territory with your altexpo welcome.


Just to clarify, is Alt Expo open to the public or only to those attending Liberty Forum?

Fluff and Stuff

The Alt Expo is open to the public.

BTW, so is the Vendor Room and the Free Talk Live area.  Even if you are don't interesting in listening to the LF speakers or spending $1, still come!


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 26, 2009, 05:35 PM NHFT
We are thinking it would be cool to hang out one of the days. Kat might help Barskey, but he probably doesn't need it. If you need me to or if people are requesting it, I could do a Welcome to the Shire session, but you are covering some of that territory with your altexpo welcome.

I love the Welcome to the Shire thing - maybe we could split the time slot - You welcome 'em to the Shire and I welcome 'em to the Expo.