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Started by Kat Kanning, February 21, 2009, 05:48 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Axiom:  Lawyers are always bad. 


Lloyd Danforth

Obviously their industry is the result of arbitrary laws and regulations, but, I've always thought that they might have some legitimate function assisting in things like contracts, real estate closings, but, then when I think of it if contracts were written in English instead of legalize most of us could handle our own stuff.  Maybe some couldn't and would have to rely on some expert help. Even in the absence of government  when in private courts and mediation one might want help from an expert who has studied previous suits and mediation results and could be of help.
So, I'm guessing we will always find a use for something like a lawyer, but, they won't need to go to approved schools, be protected from competition thru licensing, or have their incomes guaranteed a government.

Tom Sawyer

Some of the biggest thieves are lawyers. Lawyers helped steal a million dollars from my mom and her kids.

Most of the lawyers I have known don't think in terms of right and wrong... just what they can get away with and what they can get caught at. ie. It's not a lie if it can't be proved otherwise.



Some defense lawyers are prolly great people.  But as Lloyd said, it is legally controlled and directed, and via the 'bar' association, a cartel to some degree or another.  Further, because of the difficulty in becoming a lawyer, they are intensely afraid of bucking the corrupt system they live in, and end up becoming sucked into its corrupted world. 
Lawyers spend their lives studying laws and statutes, and their work is defined by what some damn politician has written. 


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 21, 2009, 05:48 AM NHFT
Axiom:  Lawyers are always bad. 


That depends on how you define the term 'lawyer'.  ;)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 21, 2009, 07:58 AM NHFT
Some of the biggest thieves are lawyers. Lawyers helped steal a million dollars from my mom and her kids.

Most of the lawyers I have known don't think in terms of right and wrong... just what they can get away with and what they can get caught at. ie. It's not a lie if it can't be proved otherwise.

Some of the biggest thieves are _____. _____ helped steal a million dollars from _____.

Most of the _____ I have known don't think in terms of right and wrong... just what they can get away with and what they can get caught at. ie. It's not a lie if it can't be proved otherwise.

There are an awful lot of things I could fill those blanks in with and still have a true statement, yet not have proved there's any sort of connection. ;D


Personally I never go to court without one. I don't care how minor the reason for going.

I want someone there who can arrange for bail among other things.

Now that being said I am a lousy client. I will disagree with an attorneys strategy and give him/her a directive that I want the case handled in a certain way. If they want to be top dog, I don't retain their services. A lawyer will take the easiest way out for him/her most of the time. I on the other hand will not compromise on matters of conscience or principles and have spent a ton of money I didn't have to on occasion to prove I was right and the courts were wrong.

I once spent 1200 dollars to fight a 300 dollar court ordered payment.
In the end I netted out negative 900 bucks, but I had my satisfaction and that is priceless.

Keyser Soce

Quote from: MTPorcupine3 on February 21, 2009, 11:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 21, 2009, 05:48 AM NHFT
Axiom:  Lawyers are always bad. 


That depends on how you define the term 'lawyer'.  ;)

I thought the term lawyer was pretty clear, it was the term "bad" I was wondering about. Isn't everyone bad some of the time and good at other times? Are we speaking of the profession or the people who practice it? I know some people involved with the practice of law who I would not consider bad people. Regardless, I can't see myself condemning millions of people I've never met based solely on their profession and that includes cops although I certainly treat both cops and lawyers generally with great suspicion.


What do you call 100 lawyers drowned in the ocean?

A good start!  ;D

Pat K

Russell Kanning


It's the same type of thing as guns..

Many people will says "Guns are evil" or "Guns kill people" but it's not the guns that kill people, and guns aren't evil it's the person who wields the gun that could be evil, or could kill someone.

Lawyers aren't necessarily evil, it's just the system that wields the lawyers (the court system, the bar association, cooperations, etc.) are evil because they use the lawyers and the system itself to benefit themselves, and hurt people..


Quote from: ColdSoul on February 21, 2009, 07:05 PM NHFT
It's the same type of thing as guns..

Many people will says "Guns are evil" or "Guns kill people" but it's not the guns that kill people, and guns aren't evil it's the person who wields the gun that could be evil, or could kill someone.

Lawyers aren't necessarily evil, it's just the system that wields the lawyers (the court system, the bar association, cooperations, etc.) are evil because they use the lawyers and the system itself to benefit themselves, and hurt people..

Russell Kanning

its not the gun that kills people ... it is the lawyer who starts the war who kills people