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Extremely sad news regarding Aaron Hemmingway

Started by alecmuller, March 03, 2009, 08:57 PM NHFT

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Aaron Hemmingway was a porcupine from Missouri who lived in my house from March 2006 to September 2006.  He was smart, easy to get along with, considerate of the other housemates, no more or less cooky than your typical libertarian, and seemed very trustworthy.  I haven't talked to him since February 2007, when he said he'd just recently spent time living with Ed and Elaine Brown.

His mother just called me to tell me that he died last week.

She told me (and I've confirmed online) that the local news people are claiming he used a shotgun to fire at 5 Ameren UE employees, and that he shot himself after being chased and cornered by the police on Friday morning (2/27/09).

From everything I remember about Aaron, he was a good guy and this story doesn't seem credible.  His mom told me that he thought a great deal of the Free State Project and many of the people he met here, and that he would want those of you who knew him to be aware of what's happened.

His family can be contacted at normabear at yahoo.com.


Russell Kanning

Jim Johnson


I'm not sure that his mother knows exactly what happened either - I think most of her information has come from the people investigating it and the news.  She mostly just says that it doesn't fit with his character.


Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

He was les nessman on this forum.  This was almost his last post:


Here's the lyrics:

Send "Lawyers, Guns & Money"   
Well, I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this

I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock and the hard place
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck

Now I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan

Send lawyers, guns and money...

Kat Kanning


A sad situation for all involved

My condolences to his family and prayers for the fast recovery of the two people he allegedly injured

BTW the feds grabbed his computers..

"Humphreys said some of the evidence indicates that Hemingway was angry with the government, which is why federal investigators were called on."

"We haven't got into his computer yet to see if anything will tell us why," he said.

Watch your comments for a while we may be visited


Les Nessman has signed off.....

I'm sad

Kat Kanning

That article said he'd been depressed.  I bet they know that because he was on some of the crazy anti-depressant pills that make people go nuts.  :(

keith in RI

here is a site with a newscast about the story and a "mug shot" of some kind.... this story doesnt really make sense. even they dont know why he did it?!  im sure the feds will be scouring his posts here to try to figure out some kind of MO...... i feel so bad for the guy and the people he hurt but i got a feeling we'll never know why this happened.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on March 03, 2009, 09:26 PM NHFT
Was he the guy with the Fleetwood motorhome?
he came back from Mo with camping gear for cold weather and I would guess stayed in the Browns garage thing right at the very start ... I don't think he stayed very long.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: keith in RI on March 04, 2009, 08:20 AM NHFT
.. this story doesnt really make sense. even they dont know why he did it?!  im sure the feds will be scouring his posts here to try to figure out some kind of MO...... i feel so bad for the guy and the people he hurt but i got a feeling we'll never know why this happened.
sure it makes sense  that they could not know why he did it .... if he actually did it
I agree the feds will be visiting more
I think eventually we will know what happened.

Tom Sawyer

Russell Kanning

Quote from: neggy on March 04, 2009, 05:30 AM NHFT
Watch your comments for a while we may be visited

I'm sad
so are you saying we should  post different stuff for a  while?
will the feds not read our old posts or the ones in the future?
one of the reasons many of us post things on this forum is so the fbi will know what we are thinking and doing.
If Aaron did shoot those people, he didn't plan it here that I can tell.

II am sad too. I can't remember when was the last time I saw him. I remember him saying he was coming to help Ed and Elaine while  they were holed up by camping outside. I asked him if he was prepared for bitter cold, since it was nasty wicked cold at the beginning of that situation. I don't remember if that was on the forum or in person.
I definitely remember talking to him after i got out of jail in Concord. He told Kat and i that he couldn't stand working for the government anymore (he worked at the state mental hospital - boy did he have some horror stories) and had to go back to MO to make money before he could come back. He actually said some of this at a whole table of people.
After he left NH he started posting under a different name Less Nessman. I figured out it was him by his email address.
He was quiet and liked to help in nonpublic ways. I didn't know him very well, but am shocked that he would shoot people.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 04, 2009, 08:31 AM NHFT

Nice guy...
Sad ending.
I knew he had hung out with us at least once in Concord, but couldn't remember when.
He does fit the profile. Quiet guy, never talked about shooting people, worked for the government
and crazy enough to stand with us outside a fed building talking about how american revolutionaries refused to pay taxes too.
I almost took that Franklin Washington sign to Concord today.