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the Liberty Forum rant

Started by Friday, March 06, 2009, 07:07 AM NHFT

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I can't speak for the Liberty Forum, only for myself.  Either last year or the year before, I noticed AltExpo fliers taped up in elevators and on hallway walls.  The FSP is the one under contract with the hotel, and volunteers put in many months of planning and effort to put on a high quality con in one of the largest venues in the state, the purpose of which is to encourage liberty activists to move to New Hampshire.  The Crowne Plaza made it very clear to the FSP that they do not want *anything* taped to their walls, which is why all the LF signage is free-standing.  When people who aren't even attending LF do stuph like that on LF weekend, it reflects badly on the LF, and by extension the FSP.  It's also a violation of the hotel's right to enforce whatever rules it wants on its private property.  If someone you know is throwing a party, you don't go over to their house and stick stuff up on their walls, and rearrange their furniture, without obtaining their permission, do you?  Wait, don't answer that.   :P

Don't get me started on the Free Staters I've seen waltz into LF sessions without paying the admission fee. It's not like it's not perfectly easy to get yourself a free pass by volunteering to do a few hours of volunteer labor, so no one needs to be excluded for lack of funds.  There ain't no such thing as a free convention in a nice hotel with cool speakers flown in from all over the country.  If you're not paying your own way, I assure you, someone else is.  Just *please* stop calling yourself a libertarian, because the word for taking what you want without paying for it is not libertarian... it's stealing. Or looting, or freeloading, if you prefer.       >:(


Please post mug shots of free loaders so that we may publicly ridicule them.


I don't see a problem with the Alt Expo. They payed for the rooms.
I haven't seen any signs taped to anything.

As for the free-loaders. I know that at least one person hasn't paid but stood outside the door and chatted there. So I don't know of anyone who hasn't paid. Though I'm sure they're out there.

The hotel did bitch at us for drinking beers purchased somewhere where they didn't rape us on the price. Should have foud out what they were selling first and bought that type. But it was swill anyway.

Needs more Osborne.


Osborne needs more Osborne. These days he is a mere shadow of the man he once was.

Pat K

Quote from: MengerFan on March 06, 2009, 08:52 AM NHFT
Osborne needs more Osborne. These days he is a mere shadow of the man he once was.

Lot of that going around.


Quote from: Friday on March 06, 2009, 07:07 AM NHFT
Don't get me started on the Free Staters I've seen waltz into LF sessions without paying the admission fee. It's not like it's not perfectly easy to get yourself a free pass by volunteering to do a few hours of volunteer labor, so no one needs to be excluded for lack of funds.  There ain't no such thing as a free convention in a nice hotel with cool speakers flown in from all over the country.  If you're not paying your own way, I assure you, someone else is. 

So you only want people willing to pay money to see your speakers? That is not a very good way to gain new supporters even ones that might pay the next time you want speakers to come.... but if you only want your speakers to preach to the choir, then people should respect that.

Russell Kanning

I don't think there was an altexpo last year ... so maybe it was someone else taping notes to the walls or it was 2 years ago at the Concord Holiday Inn.
Maybe someone taped anti-mccain notes to the walls last year. :)

Lloyd Danforth

I thought there was an Alt Expo last year

Kat Kanning

There was no alt expo last year at liberty forum according to Jack, who says he was recuperating from his heart attack then.


Quote from: anarchytoday on March 06, 2009, 05:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on March 06, 2009, 07:07 AM NHFT
Don't get me started on the Free Staters I've seen waltz into LF sessions without paying the admission fee. It's not like it's not perfectly easy to get yourself a free pass by volunteering to do a few hours of volunteer labor, so no one needs to be excluded for lack of funds.  There ain't no such thing as a free convention in a nice hotel with cool speakers flown in from all over the country.  If you're not paying your own way, I assure you, someone else is. 

So you only want people willing to pay money to see your speakers? That is not a very good way to gain new supporters even ones that might pay the next time you want speakers to come.... but if you only want your speakers to preach to the choir, then people should respect that.
Reread the part about plenty of volunteer opportunities being available.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 07, 2009, 06:54 AM NHFT
There was no alt expo last year at liberty forum according to Jack, who says he was recuperating from his heart attack then.

Damn! I remember having such a good time!


Quote from: anarchytoday on March 06, 2009, 05:39 PM NHFT
So you only want people willing to pay money to see your speakers?

I think she means people who actually enter the event areas, like the rooms with speakers and such. The rest of the hotel is open to the public and people can decide for themselves whether to require badges to enter their parties and such. There's nothing wrong with people coming and just socializing, partying, etc. if they don't try to sneak into the restricted areas and get free content.


Quote from: MengerFan on March 06, 2009, 08:52 AM NHFT
Osborne needs more Osborne. These days he is a mere shadow of the man he once was.

I hope you're getting better though.

Russell Kanning

it was cool having the hotel to ourselves basically :)


Quote from: dalebert on March 07, 2009, 07:44 AM NHFT
I think she means people who actually enter the event areas, like the rooms with speakers and such. The rest of the hotel is open to the public and people can decide for themselves whether to require badges to enter their parties and such. There's nothing wrong with people coming and just socializing, partying, etc. if they don't try to sneak into the restricted areas and get free content.

I guess if you don't want to use every opportunity to convert future subscribers you could keep them way from your speakers, Maybe you don't want everyone possible to hear your point of view without paying with cash or labor first.

It's too bad churches don't operate in that manor of pay first to see the preacher, there would be a lot less people that believe that everything in the bible is real.

Some how those churches don't require to be paid up front for any to hear their speakers, yet they can rake in the bucks.