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Ruwart defeats Ron Paul

Started by Dave Ridley, March 15, 2009, 01:02 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley


Author Mary Ruwart, PhD, has just defeated the biggest name in pro-freedom politics.  But don't worry, Ron Paul won't be leaving
office anytime soon - only his publication has been bested.   Dr. Ruwart's "Healing Our World" has narrowly vanquished Dr. Paul
bestseller "The Revolution: A Manifesto."  It wins FreedomBookClub.com's first annual "Book of the Year" award for 2008.

"Ruwart's book is a tremendous achievement," says Jeremy Furbish, who runs Freedom Book Club:  "It shows how we hurt ourselves
when we aggress against our neighbors through the guns of government."

"Healing" lays out a pro-liberty vision, describing how society *could* look if we were to remove the initiation of force...the force of taxation, of
victimless crime laws, of aggressive warfare and gun control.  Furbish says its emotional impact tipped the scales in a tight race between the two books for first place.  Furbish says he was especially moved by the book's afterward.  In it Ruwart outlines government's role in damaging her sister's health.

"I actually wept when I read this section," he says. 

Dying of cancer, Ruwart's sister ultimately turned to Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian, who illegally helped her end her life.

Dr. Ruwart grew up in Michigan and holds a Ph.D from Michigan State University in biophysics (1974). She worked as a pharmaceutical researcher for over twenty years and serves on the board of ISIL, the International Society for Individual Liberty.  She's also a Fully Informed Jury Association activist, working to help remind jurors of their right to ignore judge's instructions when rendering a verdict.   In 2008 she ran for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination but lost to Georgia congressman Bob Barr.

Other books considered for the prize: "How Capitalism Saved America," by Thomas J. DiLorenzo; "Empire of Debt," by William Bonner and Addison Wiggin, "A Foreign
Policy of Freedom," by Dr. Paul...and a lone fictional tite:  F. Paul Wilson's "By the Sword."

"Healing" has sold out twice on Amazon.com.   The book's currently available in three editions, each one updated for its times.  The 2003 version won this award and is available at Amazon.  The first (1993) edition is downloadable for free at:


To weigh in on the next "battle of the books" head to http://freedombookclub.com


 :D  Excellent book.  I cannot recomend it enough.  The book avoids using libertarian buzzwords and simplifies everything without losing its meaning.  Great for younger people who cannot or willnot handle a pointy headed intellectual book.  I also think it is great for talking to liberal friends because of its emphasise on aggression and its tone. 

This book beat Dr. Paul despite his enourmous popularity in our circle, and being available online for free, that is immpressive.