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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: jaqeboy on July 05, 2008, 10:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 04, 2008, 08:24 PM NHFT
First part of Alex Jones' new movie:
The 9/11 Chronicles
The other 10 parts are in the related videos.

Good find, Kat. Are you going to buy the DVD? If not, I'll see if someone at the MV911T meeting in Manchester on Tuesday will purchase it. We can put that in the queue for viewing at our upcoming meetings.

Good Introduction speech by Alex Jones here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeYv9eis618&feature=related (Part 1 of 3 parts).

Very inspiring!

Kat Kanning

Had no plans to buy the DVD.

Electricity:  kind of minimalist, but it's there.  You could show it in the house.


An LP-New York sponsored Hardfire interview with Richard Gage and a supporter of the government's conspiracy theory:



Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 06, 2008, 07:48 PM NHFT
Still left guessing  ::)

In short, the NIST report expected to come out shortly will say that fires combined with structural damage on one side of the building which almost nobody filmed or photographed caused WTC 7 to collapse. Supposedly they have pictures of this structural damage which they're going to release as well.

Kat Kanning

Typical of the news media to always be filming where the action isn't.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: jaqeboy on July 05, 2008, 10:19 PM NHFT
Good find, Kat. Are you going to buy the DVD? If not, I'll see if someone at the MV911T meeting in Manchester on Tuesday will purchase it. We can put that in the queue for viewing at our upcoming meetings.
this one had a lot of handheld shots that were tiring after a while

Russell Kanning

Quote from: jaqeboy on July 05, 2008, 10:20 PM NHFT
Kat, btw, video viewing up at Burning Porcupine? Electricity? - I have a generator.

I'll transfer the infrastructure question over to one of the Burning Porc lists.
inside would probably be best


Quote from: error on July 06, 2008, 08:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 06, 2008, 07:48 PM NHFT
Still left guessing  ::)

In short, the NIST report expected to come out shortly will say that fires combined with structural damage on one side of the building which almost nobody filmed or photographed caused WTC 7 to collapse. Supposedly they have pictures of this structural damage which they're going to release as well.

Yeah, supposedly they scoured the territory for all the availble photographic and video images, so they should have some that may not have been seen on the net. Pics of the south face (Vesey Street side) of WTC7 are rare because that area had already been cleared of people for safety reasons hours before. Also, the shots I have seen have been obscured by smoke - apparently the wind was coming from the north, so any smoke from the building went to that side. The amount of damage to that face is in controversy and I have heard everything from very little to the whole face was raked over. Anxiously awaiting their images.

Unfortunately, them snarfing up all available images may leave them with control of the long-term disposition of those, ie, if they got exclusive rights to them. They will certainly have the option to be selective about what they publish. NIST seems to err on the side of publishing a lot, though, given what they produced for a report on the towers - thousands of pages long. I think it was a stack of volumes about 4 feet high. Can be seen on NIST site, link somewhere in this pile of posts.

Kat Kanning



I thought this was interesting. 


A 747 crashed in Colombia today.  Isn't this what it's supposed to look like when planes crash into fields?

Not this.

Russell Kanning

if they would have sent out a bunch of suits ... they could have cleaned that up in a few minutes and started replanting grass


Video tonight in Manchester!
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce:
(Please forward this message to your friends)

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be
meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in
America, not the fluff news from the mainstream media, but the hard,
wrenching truth. Some of this information will be hard to watch, some
hard-to-believe, some will make you squirm and feel worse than when
you walked in, but we're banking on "the Truth will set you free!" and
we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester,
the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday up north (final
location t.b.d.) - you can get all the details at the meetup group
site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Manchester will be at The Great Buffet, across
from the Mall of New Hampshire (1525 South Willow Street). We'll
gather at 6:30 for food and beverages from Tom's fine buffet, sushi
bar and stir-fry station. We meet in the party room off to the left of
the lobby ( a great room for meetings). At 7, we'll have a brief
business meeting and start the video at 7:15ish.

Video tonight in Manchester!
This month, we're showing 911: Dust and Deceit to emphasize that there
are continuing victims of 9/11.

This disturbing film by Penny Little, 911: Dust and Deceit at the WTC,
exposes the environmental disaster of 9/11 through interviews with
scientists, waste management specialists, governmvent workers,
volunteers, the heros and victims of the dust which permeated the air
after 911.


EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman announced to New Yorkers,
shortly after the 911 attacks on the World Trade Towers that ". .I am
glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington DC that their
air safe to breathe" and that we " . .need not be concerned about
environmental issues as [we] return to [our] homes and workplaces" At
that time, she didn't have the information to support those assurances
or make recommendations.

The White House itself, through its Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ), actually manipulated the statements being released by the EPA
so as to soft-pedal health concerns. Because of these misleading
statements, and because the EPA bucked its legal responsibility and
left the problem to the City, the public was put at risk. This is true
even though the EPA reversed course in May of 2002 and initiated an
extremely limited and flawed voluntary cleanup. There is evidence of a
coverup, and a media blackout.

Thousands of people are ill.

Video tonight in Manchester!
Now, we realize that this is not a happy, fun-time subject, but
neither is the plight of the first-responders and clean-up workers. We
encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John
Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of
his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and
support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and
afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government
agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


If you're just curious and not convinced, this is your opportunity to
view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who
are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and
the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done
to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for
dinner and a movie (and discussion). We will have free DVDs that you
can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books
and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:

Video tonight in Manchester!