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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Braddogg on August 01, 2007, 11:13 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on July 31, 2007, 10:37 PM NHFT
A good starting point for you, since you have this interest in the WTC7 fires, would be to read the FEMA report. I haven't read the whole thing myself.

One of these rainy days I may just do that; thanks :)

Yeah, sounds like exciting reading, eh?

Link to the NIST report, 296 pgs.

index page of NIST & FEMA reports, 9/11 WTC Tower Collapse Analyses, Articles by and about the tower engineers

Link to the 9/11 Commission report


Found over on FSP forum: a Libertarians for 911 Truth Yahoo group has been formed: Libertariansfor911Truth@yahoogroups.com


Friday, Aug. 3, through Sunday, Aug. 12:

Join a coalition of hundreds of Americans at house parties across the country coming together as part of the national "Answers For 9/11 Families Week". Go directly to http://pressfortruth.bravenewtheaters.com/ and sign up to host a screening of '9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH'

For more information contact: Ray Nowosielski, Director/Co-Writer/Co-Producer, 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH at Ray@BandedArtists.com.

At least one local showing is listed at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - one on Sunday, Aug. 5, at 7 pm, at Dave Diamond's apartment in Dover. We should work on setting up others.


There's a big Scholars for 9/11 Truth conference this weekend in Madison, Wisconsin: The Science and the Politics of 9/11: What's Controversial, What's Not.

Presenting will be: Kevin Barrett, Jim Marrs, Judy Wood, Jerry Leaphart, Bob Fitrakis, Morgan Reynolds, Dave von Kleist, Ace Baker, Leuren Moret, Alfred Webre, Doug Rokke, and others.

Steve Goodale, an AltExpo presenter, is attending and will report to us his observations. Just talked to him out there and got a few details. Apparently Jim Fetzer, the founder of Scholars is coming around somewhat from some of his controversial and divisive stands (that led to the split within Scholars). We'll see.

Conference info here.

Billed as: This is the conference of the year, which pushes the envelope of scientific research in a concerted effort to finally figure
out what actually happened on 9/11.  You don't want to miss it!


A little more about the Scholars conference in Madison:

Scholars for 9/11 Truth is sponsoring its first conference, which is
on "The Science and the Politics of 9/11:  What's Controversial, What's
Not", from 3-5 August 2007 at the Radisson Madison in Madison, WI.
The purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity (a) to review
multiple proofs that the "official account" of 9/11 cannot possibly be
true, (b) to explore some of the issues that have generated controversy
in the research community, (c) to afford the opportunity for students
of 9/11 to interact personally with leading investigators, and (d) for the
participants to reflect upon 9/11 in the context of the neo-con agenda.
A final session will be devoted to assessing the state of current research.


Computer Simulation Disputes 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

This video appears on Ron Chusid's blog, Liberal Values; Defending Liberty and Enlightened Thought

This appears to be what mvpel refers to in another post. I can't see that the animation in this video justifies the title above.

This is the page mvpel refers one to: http://www.cs.purdue.edu/cgvlab/papers/popescu/popescuWTCVIS07.pdf


Here my view on 911:

3 buildings came down by planned demolition.

Now lets prove who did it.

Connect the dots.



Screw the eyewitnesses and the photographs, eh?

NYC Police Saw Sign of Tower Collapse
QuoteAt 10:06 a.m. that morning, an officer in a police helicopter reported that ``it's not going to take long before the north tower comes down.'' This was 20 minutes before it collapsed. In another radio transmission at 10:21 a.m., the officer said he saw buckling in the north tower's southern face, Shyam-Sunder said.

The report includes photographs taken from police helicopters showing the bending columns.

Police had already ordered a complete evacuation of the north tower at the time those transmissions were made, said Police Department Inspector Michael Coan. Both transmissions came after the south tower was already down, he said.


" The report includes photographs taken from police helicopters showing the bending columns."

Got a link to these photos? I'd like to see them.


Quote from: kola on August 02, 2007, 02:20 PM NHFT
Here my view on 911:

3 buildings came down by planned demolition.

Now lets prove who did it.

Occam's Razor says two airplanes flew into two buildings. Major structural damage followed, from both the impact and the ensuing fires. The buildings collapsed from the damage; they were demolished, exactly as planned by whoever was flying the planes.

I guess you can call that "planned demolition".


Quote from: jaqeboy on August 03, 2007, 10:11 PM NHFT
" The report includes photographs taken from police helicopters showing the bending columns."

Got a link to these photos? I'd like to see them.

Wrote to the reporter at Bloomberg for link to the photos mentioned above. Article is dated 18 June 04, so the "progress report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is conducting the study" must be dated sometime shortly prior to the article.

Scoured NIST for the progress report and photos. BTW, their site for everything WTC is http://wtc.nist.gov/ and they mention 10,000 pages of reporting so far - all available in print, pdf or disk.

OK, found this report: NIST-SP 1000-5, dated 5 June 04: http://wtc.nist.gov/progress_report_june04/progress_report_june04.htm. The executive summary, on p. xxxv states "...new evidence has been found showing inward bowing of perimeter columns...ont the south face of WTC1 and the east face of WTC2...", still ooking for photos, though.


The Bloomberg reporter states: "You should check with NIST. They're in the report." Already spent ~4 hrs searching for the photos in the report. Mvpel, do you have a quick link or page number or anything to speed up the search?

I submitted the query about the photos and the column buckling to Steve Goodale, who is attending the Scholars conference this weekend in Madison, Wis., so we'll see if he was able to ask the various scholars about it, or if they have seen the pics and have a comment.

Russell Kanning

man ... are you on a 9/11 :treadmill: ?

some of us bumpkins have been talking while we wittle on the porch ... we haven't finished our report, but it has been an easy ride. :)

noone can accuse jack of not checking into all available details 8)

Kat Kanning

Another Firefighter Testifies On Explosions Inside WTC

We Are Change
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

BROOKLYN, N.Y. - Firefighter John Schroeder, assigned to Engine Company 10 directly across the street from the World Trade Center complex, holds back tears and describes his first-hand experience on Sept. 11th. His story directly contradicts many aspect of the National Commission on Terrorist attacks though corroborates many other eyewitness testimony.

"Standing outside the firehouse with my buddies, we were talking about how beautiful the day was. Then just like that, our lives changed forever. Some of those guys I would never see again."

In this exclusive interview, Firefighter Schroeder recollects in great detail how he was one of the first firefighters to rush to the complex. "We first assembled on West Street, where we saw someone burnt beyond recognition. We were like 'What is going on here?' and then went straight into the Marriot building" From there, Firefighter Schroeder made his way to the lobby of the North Tower. "It looked like a bomb went off, and we started making our way up the stairs to rescue as many people as we could."

As they were making there way up the floors, Firefighter Schroeder heard a huge explosion. "The elevators just blew right out. We couldn't believe it. The plane hits 80 floors up but the elevators explode at least five minutes later? It was unreal."

Firefighter Schroeder made it all the way up to the 23rd floor before barely hearing on the failing radios that another plane was coming in. That plane would hit the South Tower though for some reason "We were tossed like a rag doll by another explosion in our building. People were making there way down the stairwells burnt like you couldn't believe. We were all shocked because it seemed as if there was fire everywhere, on so many floors. It just didn't make sense".

The stairwells were black, and at that point, firefighters were making the decision to head back down stairs. In making there way down to the third floor, they were not able to find an exit. "The lobby was like a war zone. We could not find our way out. Then, all of a sudden, one of the maintenance workers had a key that opened a back door that got us out of there. He saved my life." That worker was Willie Rodriguez. "I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Firefighter Schroeder today has lost 40% of his lung capacity. "We haven't been treated properly at all. From the day of the attack, our physical and mental health has deteriorated and it seems as if no one cares. To lose friends, to have to recover their bodies in the days after, to be offered no protections against that horrific-smelling dust that was everywhere even though the government said the air was OK to breathe is just not right." Some of Firefighter's Schroeder's best friends have gotten out of the FDNY altogether while others accepted money and trips to help. "I stayed right here and did the right thing and now it feels as if I'm suffering the most. Where is our government to help the one's with the toughest jobs on that day and the days after?"

John Schroeder, we want to thank you for being as brave as your job requires in speaking out about your experiences on Sept/ 11th. You have set the historical record straight by explaining your story. This Nation is forever greatful to you as your account will help to save and protect many more lives.

Today, tens of thousands of such 9/11 first responders are in dire need of medical care due to the environmental conditions after the 3 towers imploded at Ground Zero. Diagnosed with cancers and debilitating respiratory illnesses, these true American heroes have been denied the financial benefits required to save their lives. While suffering and deteriorating, their health crisis has been ignored by state and federal policy. Many have already died.

Composed of family members, friends and fellow Americans of individuals who perished on that fateful day, We are Change will fight to raise awareness and consciousness to the first responder's illnesses and hardships. We are determined to put a face to the thousands of forgotten victims of the 9/11 attacks 6 years later.

Kat Kanning