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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2007, 09:07 PM NHFT
Sorry for getting the speed wrong ... for some reason 1800 mph had stuck in my head.  But no matter.  Even 1300 mph is more than sufficient for the fighters sent from Langley to reach it.

I think you missed this point: F-16s don't leave the runway going 1300 mph. They can hit Mach 2.05 in level flight at 40,000 feet, whereupon they have just a few seconds throttle down and start looking for a gas station.

Top fuel dragsters can run a quarter mile in under 4.5 seconds and hit 330 mph. You shouldn't extrapolate that to mean they could drive from Keene to Winchester in 24 seconds.

QuoteI think it was Griffin who calculated that they were flying around 250 mph ... slower than the jets they were pursuing!  Why?

Pursuing? Or meeting in a head-on engagement, or aiming to intercept? Or searching for?

QuoteI'm not going to let you get off so easy by saying that "they didn't know what to look for, the transponders were off."

I didn't say they didn't know what to look for. I said they didn't know where to look, because Flight 77, without a transponder signal, was lost in a sea of blips. A goodly number of those blips were General Aviation craft, which don't have always have transponders. When Flight 77 left the standard flight lanes, went to low altitude, everyone was confused. Pilots of any fighter-interceptors could only rely on their eyeballs for finding the hijacked plane.

I recommend anyone who is interested in this, check with your local flight school. Most have an introductory special for $59 or so, where an instructor will take you up for a short flight. Look around while you're up there, and try to spot other aircraft. You'll be amazed at how many of them there are, that you can't see.

Ask Varrin about it sometime. I've got a couple dozen hours of bootleg time behind the yoke, so I'm no expert, but Varrin has more PIC hours than any of us here. Ask someone who flies for a living how easy it would be to find and attack a plane like Flight 77.

QuoteYou're telling me that it didn't occur to the federal government to protect its own headquarters?

As error noted, the protection plan changes based on who's in town. They don't respond the same, because they don't want to reveal their reaction plan. Not to mention, they protect the person, not the building. In this case, the president was in Florida, so the military response really wasn't worried about something hitting the White House.


Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2007, 06:42 PM NHFT3) Who was the pilot, given the fact that none of the pilots had the qualifications to fly flight 77 in the manner flown.

"Qualifications"?  What qualifications?

According to the government of NH, I'm not "qualified" to do plumbing work, because I don't have the proper licensing.  I betcha I can snake a toilet, if I were so inclined...

Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2007, 06:42 PM NHFTOne hell of a fortunate coincidence for the bigwigs sitting in the East Wing, huh?  Wouldn't it have been simpler for him to just descend and smash into the East Wing in the first place, and take out a bunch more people?  If you're a terrorist, that's the way to go.  If you're a government planner, that's the last thing you would want to do: take yourself out. Here's an LA Times article on this "coincidence"

What would hitting the White House have accomplished?  The bomb shelter is pretty impressive.  An atomic attack on DC wouldn't crack it, so a commercial airliner isn't exactly a threat.

Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2007, 09:07 PM NHFTI'm not going to let you get off so easy by saying that "they didn't know what to look for, the transponders were off."  C'mon, KB!  You don't go looking for the plane, you defend certain areas. If you are charged with protecting the protected airspace over Washington DC, you don't have to go wandering around the country looking for the plane that might one day make it to DC ... you just go and fly around within the protected area.

"Airspace over DC" is a large volume of space.  An airliner is fairly small.  Needle in a haystack.



Reminder that to hear a survivor of the WTC Towers collapse, see and hear William Rodriquez, the "Last Man Out" of the North Tower, speaking at 6:30PM this Friday at Franklin Pierce College in Rindge.

See http://www.merrimackvalley911truth.org for details. Carpooling details are at the bottom of the description page. If all goes well there will be carpools leaving from Concord, Nashua, Amherst and Keene.


Just a last shot reminder. Most of us have not gotten to talk to someone who was actually at the WTC on 9/11, much less anyone that was as involved as William Rodriguez was. That's why I think this is an excellent opportunity to increase one's knowledge about what really happened on that day - a pivotal day in the state v. freedom struggle to be sure.

I'll bet there will also be DVD's and books for sale, too.

The carpool from Nashua (leaving ex. 6 Park & Ride at 4:45PM), going through to meet the carpool in Amherst is going on (leaving Amherst Library at 5:15PM). Concord area carpool is a no-go, though individuals are going. Keene area folk have made their arrangements in separate cars.

De-bunkers may want to hear William's experiences directly from his own mouth - no internet or nutcases in between that and your ears to alter things in translation!

Details at http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Quote from: jaqeboy on May 16, 2007, 11:09 PM NHFT
Reminder that to hear a survivor of the WTC Towers collapse, see and hear William Rodriquez, the "Last Man Out" of the North Tower, speaking at 6:30PM this Friday at Franklin Pierce College in Rindge.

See http://www.merrimackvalley911truth.org for details. Carpooling details are at the bottom of the description page. If all goes well there will be carpools leaving from Concord, Nashua, Amherst and Keene.


I'm excited to hear all about the presentation, as I was unable to be there  :-\ How many on the forum, and otherwise, ended up attending?


What a great evening! The Nashua-Amherst carpool had a vanload of people and one came separately from Nashua. There was a big Keene contingent for a total crowd of 130-140 with the Keene Sentinel covering it. I didn't see any of our usual de-bunkers there, so I guess their curiosity wasn't piqued by someone who was actually there and survived the WTC towers' collapses. It was great to see Porcupines there amidst the crowd of students, progressives, conservatives, newbies to 911T, etc.

William Rodriquez's talk was absolutely stirring! He told, in pretty graphic detail what he experienced and saw on that day. Luckily for him, he had called in a half hour late that day or he would have been up on the 106th floor having breakfast with his friends from the building. He pulled injured and trapped people from the B2 basement level where there was an explosion 6 or 7 seconds before the plane hit above. In addition, he had one of only 5 master keys to all the stairwell doors and let the firemen in at each level up to about the 43rd floor. He was helping carry a handicapped man out from the 27th floor and was about to go back in when the building started to go. Police across the street yelled for him to RUN, so he ran and dove under a fire truck where he became buried under debris for 4-1/2 hours before he was rescued.

He has told his story many times, but the MSM doesn't pick up on it much here, though he was interviewed on Fox25 out of Boston yesterday and it was pretty solid. He has been covered extensively on Univision and Telemundo, the Spanish TV channels. He has also spoken often overseas, as other countries are very interested in what really happened on 9/11.

Willie, as he likes to be called, was instrumental, with the Jersey Girls, in putting pressure on the administration to get the commission establlished and instrumental in getting Henry Kissinger off of it (by merely asking him to disclose his client list!). He has also led massive peace marches in NYC with US military joining in.

He gave a stirring closing where he implored us all to get involved in seeking the truth, since this was the pivotal event which led to war and the loss of civil liberties at home. He was right up our alley on this.

In case you missed the talk, he has one more stop on his New England swing, 2PM Saturday at the First Congregational Church of Lee, 25 Park Place, Lee, Massachusetts (almost to the New York border).

He admits to financial difficulties because what he does, doesn't actually pay, so he operates on donations. There may actually be some opportunities for him ahead. He does have a DVD out now, which we can show at one of the MV911T meetings.

He, and others, are calling for an international investigation. He doesn't have the answers, but he's determined that the victims' families deserve the truth. He insists on an investigation that is not under the thumb of the Bush administration.

An excellent event! Lots of networking with other groups from all over. The Student Scholars for 911 Truth, Justin Martell and Mike Jackman, founders, are to be commended for organizing a very informative and successful event. Our own New-Hampshire students have started an international student movement! Another thing to be proud of from our Granite State. They've even got a conservative nemesis at FPC called "Students Against Student Scholars for 911 Truth" - a sure sign they're making waves.


Thanks for the update; sounds like an exciting presentation and I'm sorry to have had to miss it. Here's the picture of it you sent me via text-msg

[attachment deleted by admin]


I have a couple of others I'll send you. I should have got more closeups, but in the period after I was too busy networking and forgot to ask when I was talking to him if I could get a pic with him.


Quote from: lawofattraction on May 19, 2007, 06:57 PM NHFT
The creators of "Loose Change", as well as William Rodriguez, will be guests on "The View" with Rosie O'Donnell Thursday.

That should be interesting. If anyone watches it, please give a report.

I don't recommend either version of "Loose Change" because they really just create more questions than they answer, and also have enough holes in the arguments to be able to be picked apart by debunkers. There are far more credible videos on the subject; that being said, I am curious to see the version 3 that is supposed to be coming out soon.


Per the Alex Jones Show and ABC programming. 9/11 hero William Rodriguez and the makers of Loose Change will appear on The View, Thursday May 24th.

According to a release from ABC, Korey Rowe and Dylan Avery, creators of the 9/11 conspiracy documentary Loose Change will appear on the May 24th show. Also listed is William Rodriguez, who was a janitor at the North Tower of the World Trade Center, who has since become part of the 9/11 truth movement. The only other guests listed for that date are the winners of Dancing With the Stars, so it appears that the show will not have representatives from both sides of the topic. Rosie O'Donnell has said before that we have been hearing the other side for years, so maybe the show will only cover the topic from one angle. However, since the show line-up often goes through changes before the show is taped, it is possible that they might be adding additional guests. It is also possible that they might have the other side in another segment on a different day.



I just came across this 16 minute video which talks about WTC 7 collapsing; it worth watching for many reasons. It shows some different angles of the building coming down which I hadn't seen before (many people have never even seen any footage of the building collapsing)

The video also shows a clip from a Dutch TV programme where they interview a man who owns a building demolition company in the Netherlands. When shown the footage of the collapse, he concludes that "it was definitely a professional demolition job". He is then told that it happened on 9/11, which he wasn't aware of before watching it. That isn't hard to believe since the media barely even mentioned it happening, and still to this day many people think that only two buildings fell that day.


Everytime I see productions from both sides, it makes me wonder what really happend. The evidence proves 'something' other then what we have been told happened, actually happened. Someone is lying, we should keep looking for the truth. I don't trust the government for answers because they have already lied to us in the past.


Quote from: Insurgent on May 19, 2007, 08:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: lawofattraction on May 19, 2007, 06:57 PM NHFT
The creators of "Loose Change", as well as William Rodriguez, will be guests on "The View" with Rosie O'Donnell Thursday.

That should be interesting. If anyone watches it, please give a report.

I don't recommend either version of "Loose Change" because they really just create more questions than they answer, and also have enough holes in the arguments to be able to be picked apart by debunkers. There are far more credible videos on the subject; that being said, I am curious to see the version 3 that is supposed to be coming out soon.

I think it is a good thing to generate something (Loose Change) that makes people ask questions, or question government, or the media. One thing I want to point out is that the only common denominator in the 9/11 Truth Movement is the desire for a new investigation. There are many different theories and ideas out there but no one knows for sure what happened. Was it the Bush administration? The Mossad? The NWO globalist elite? The Illuminati?

We do know that there is a cover up and that there are many unanswered questions. Loose Change is part of a (now huge) movement that started to ask questions, created debate, and got many people to research false flag terrorism in general. All great things! Those with open minds and open hearts will follow a path of discovery that at times will take them into some dark places. Government sponsored terrorism, CIA mind controlled sex slaves and child sex slaves, CIA drug smuggling, and many other government black operations that would make your head spin.

Then out the darkness you will arise committed to bringing down these evil beings and their agendas to reclaim this country and planet.


Quote from: Insurgent on May 20, 2007, 01:30 PM NHFT
The video also shows a clip from a Dutch TV programme where they interview a man who owns a building demolition company in the Netherlands. When shown the footage of the collapse, he concludes that "it was definitely a professional demolition job". He is then told that it happened on 9/11, which he wasn't aware of before watching it.

So you value his judgement, even though he issued a declaration about the cause, while being completely ignorant of the facts and circumstances of the building's collapse?