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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Truthers and debunkers have probably already made up their minds on the issues. I'd like to get some undecided folks to see some videos and take part in the presentations and discussions afterwards. Steve Gooddale, especially is a wealth of information on the subject, and is also a very good presenter. Of all the speakers at PorcFest and AltExpo, he will probably be the most interesting.  :)


Quote from: Insurgent on June 16, 2007, 10:27 PM NHFT
Truthers and debunkers have probably already made up their minds on the issues. I'd like to get some undecided folks to see some videos and take part in the presentations and discussions afterwards. Steve Gooddale, especially is a wealth of information on the subject, and is also a very good presenter. Of all the speakers at PorcFest and AltExpo, he will probably be the most interesting.  :)

You're right, of course. The battle is for the hearts and minds of the undecideds.

And, Steve is awesome - I'm glad he's coming up to AltExpo#1

Russell Kanning

I was sure the government was not involved .... and now I have changed my mind. I was not an undecided person, so there is always hope.


100 Professors Question The 9/11 Commission Report


Many respected and distinguished university professors have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. A number even allege government complicity in the terrorist acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of over 100 university professors with links for verification and further investigation.

Kat Kanning

 9/11 Bombshell: WTC7 Security Official Details Explosions Inside Building
Says bombs were going off in 7 before either tower collpased

Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Alex Jones show today welcomed Loose Change creators Dylan Avery and Jason Burmas to discuss an exclusive interview they have conducted with an individual with high level security clearance who was inside the Office of Emergency Management in World Trade Center 7 and has descibed and detailed explosions inside the building prior to the collapse of any of the buildings at ground zero on 9/11.

The interview, to be featured in the forthcoming Final Cut of Loose Change is currently under wraps but the creators have allowed some details to leak purely to protect themselves and the individual involved who has asked to remain anonymous until the film is released.

We can reveal that the individual concerned was asked to report to building seven with a city official after the first attack on the North tower but before the second plane hit the South Tower and before their eventual collapse, in order to provide the official with access to different floors of the building.

The city official he was escorting was attempting to reach Rudy Guiliani, who he had determined was inside building 7 at that time. According to Avery and Burmas this official now works for Guiliani partners.

The individual was also asked to provide access to the Office Of Emergency Management on the 23rd floor of the building, this was the so called "bunker" that was built inside WTC7 on the orders of Rudy Guiliani.

When he got there he found the office evacuated and after making some calls was told to leave immediately.

It was at this point that he witnessed a bomb going off inside the building:

    "We subsequently went to the stairwell and were going down the stairs, when we reached the sixth floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and now had to walk back up to the eighth floor. After getting to the eighth floor everything was dark."

The individual in a second clip detailed hearing further explosions and then described what he saw when he got down to the lobby:

    "It was totally destroyed, it looked like King Kong had been through it and stepped on it and it was so destroyed i didn't know where I was. It was so destroyed that had to take me out through a hole in the wall, a makeshift hole I believe the fire department made to get me out."

He was then told by firefighters to get twenty blocks away from the area because explosions were going off all over the World Trade Center complex.

The key to this information is that the individual testifies this all happened BEFORE either tower collapsed, thus building 7 was at that point completely undamaged from any falling debris or resulting fires. It also means that explosions were witnessed in WTC7 up to eight hours before its collapse at around 5.30pm.

listen to the clips here. http://www.prisonplanet.com/audio/190607clips2.mp3


I heard this today, If this guy is what they say he is, ( a respected higher government person, he testified to the 911 commission, and has the key to the city) this may be really huge.. time will tell.  I'm not holding my breath, because we all know how responsive the government is to questions like this being asked of them.



Another really interesting talk coming up put on by the Seacoast 911 Questions group:



Michael Moore Calls For New 9/11 Investigation



Quote"We subsequently went to the stairwell and were going down the stairs, when we reached the sixth floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and now had to walk back up to the eighth floor. After getting to the eighth floor everything was dark."

I've posted the video of electrical transformers exploding before, but I suppose I'll do it again.


The WTC blueprints posted earlier indicate that the seventh floor was a mechanical area, and the floor plans show a huge electrical substation in the bottom center of the diagrams.

There were undoubtedly many, many explosions during the demise of the towers, of various things.  Here's a video of an aircraft oxygen generator burning, for instance:


Just because there was an explosion, and someone heard it and survived, doesn't mean it was a demolition or an "inside job."


Quote from: mvpel on June 26, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT
I've posted the video of electrical transformers exploding before, but I suppose I'll do it again.


At least the explosion took care of that nasty 60 Hz hum.  ;D


Quote from: jaqeboy on June 25, 2007, 07:35 AM NHFT
Another really interesting talk coming up put on by the Seacoast 911 Questions group:


I'm really interested to attend this--hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.


Quote from: mvpel on June 26, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT
Quote"We subsequently went to the stairwell and were going down the stairs, when we reached the sixth floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and now had to walk back up to the eighth floor. After getting to the eighth floor everything was dark."

I've posted the video of electrical transformers exploding before, but I suppose I'll do it again.


The WTC blueprints posted earlier indicate that the seventh floor was a mechanical area, and the floor plans show a huge electrical substation in the bottom center of the diagrams.

There were undoubtedly many, many explosions during the demise of the towers, of various things.  Here's a video of an aircraft oxygen generator burning, for instance:


Just because there was an explosion, and someone heard it and survived, doesn't mean it was a demolition or an "inside job."

you mvpel you are a phycopath ...........
  you stay on this site spewing your ignorance.....and you are a lying , well lets say  you are a hore. you truly are a hore. you are a scientist.


Quote from: slave on June 26, 2007, 06:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on June 26, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT
Quote"We subsequently went to the stairwell and were going down the stairs, when we reached the sixth floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and now had to walk back up to the eighth floor. After getting to the eighth floor everything was dark."

I've posted the video of electrical transformers exploding before, but I suppose I'll do it again.


The WTC blueprints posted earlier indicate that the seventh floor was a mechanical area, and the floor plans show a huge electrical substation in the bottom center of the diagrams.

There were undoubtedly many, many explosions during the demise of the towers, of various things.  Here's a video of an aircraft oxygen generator burning, for instance:


Just because there was an explosion, and someone heard it and survived, doesn't mean it was a demolition or an "inside job."

you mvpel you are a phycopath ...........
  you stay on this site spewing your ignorance.....and you are a lying , well lets say  you are a hore. you truly are a hore. you are a scientist.

Go away. This thread is for intelligent dialogue concerning events related to 9/11, not for name-calling


Quote from: mvpel on June 05, 2007, 10:22 AM NHFT
Quote"I--I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right there with the police commissioner, the fire commissioner, the head of emergency management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us."

"The towers" is not the same thing as the "World Trade Center" - he may well have been referring to WTC-7 (WTC stands for World Trade Center) here, from which the firefighters and rescue personnel retreated because it was becoming evident that it would collapse due to the serious structural damage and extensive fires.  The emergency operations center was located in WTC-7.

9/11 Truth: "When you hear hoof-beats, think centaurs!"
what about the other 10 story buildings that were left in a shell of metal frames? in the same block? bldg 7 was blocks away.
  to all you people on this forum; to let this guy spew his bullshit across this space?   
and do not challenge him on this ?
  many of you will move to nh and change your life and will stay silent with this bullshit being pushed across this thread?
  and bla.. bla ....bla.........
you know that people are asleep; and i appreciate that....they were born in captivity,all of them, all of us. i was asleep for years.
i am challenging to you to look to yourselves. are you a hore? a slave ? lets see if you will attack the messenger or  ?  you know we can ALL do more including myself. i am doing more by approaching this thread ; to at least challenge this spew that continues to bring humanity to apoctolypto.


Quote from: KBCraig on June 26, 2007, 01:49 PM NHFTAt least the explosion took care of that nasty 60 Hz hum.  ;D

Makes the skin crawl, doesn't it?   :o