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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: jaqeboy on June 29, 2007, 06:07 PM NHFT
"9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!" - interviews with eyewitnesses


I watched the first three minutes of that (the grainy video and over-dramatic music got the best of me and I moved on to Girls on Trampolines).  Can you try and debunk this yourself?  I mean, help me think of things that might create loud noises in a building that had already been hit by an airplane?


Some on this list say "exploding generators"

btw, what's the link for the site you mentioned?  ;D


Quote from: jaqeboy on June 29, 2007, 11:39 PM NHFT
Some on this list say "exploding generators"

I've never heard a bomb, nor an exploding generator, so I won't pretend to speak with authority about it.  What do you think -- think it could be an exploding generator?  What sorts of things might cause a generator to explode?

Quotebtw, what's the link for the site you mentioned?  ;D

;D  I'm afraid the site might crash if I give it out to too many people


Quote from: Braddogg on June 30, 2007, 12:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on June 29, 2007, 11:39 PM NHFT
Some on this list say "exploding generators"

I've never heard a bomb, nor an exploding generator, so I won't pretend to speak with authority about it.  What do you think -- think it could be an exploding generator?  What sorts of things might cause a generator to explode?

I wasn't there either, so obviously didn't hear anything. The prevalence of reports of explosions before the collapse of the buildings leads many to suspect that the building was "pulled" by use of explosives. Videos such as these lead to or support the suspicion that this was the case.

My concern is the creation of "public myth" that may cause or be used to support a whole chain of other untoward events, ie, wars, loss of liberties, etc. (Upcoming talk on 10 July about this should be interesting - see http://9-11.meetup.com/307/calendar/5832078/ for details re the talk). Apparently, public myth can be created by ignoring some facts, denying others, manipulating or distorting others, even adding some to create a final report that is the authoritative foundation document of the myth, eg, the Warren Report, or the 9/11 Commission Report.

In the case of the 911 story, the Bush admin didn't even want to have a commission to investigate (and just let the administration's statement of what happened stand), and it took families of the survivors (the Jersey Girls) to create the public pressure that forced the Keane-Hamilton commission into existence. They initially appointed Henry Kissinger to head it, but the families forced him off by asking to see his client list(!).

So, in the vein of the explosions reported, William Rodriquez (spoke here 18 May) reported explosions on the B2 level before the plane hit to the commission - it appeared nowhere in their report. If his was the only incident, one might accept the omission, but if it were one of a long chain of omissions, denials, distortions and manipulations, a reasonable man would have cause to wonder what was going on and what the real story is. I think that's where we are right now, and, in a famous survey, 84% of the population polled answered that they don't believe the government's story fully.

Here's an example of a government actor making statements that appear to be part of the fabric of creating/supporting the myth: YouTube video of John Gross, the lead engineer on the NIST report, denying that any molten metal was found at the WTC towers site, counterposed with video of eyewitness testimony: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_p_o7d8rDCQ.  It's the kind of thing that makes a reasonable man wonder...

The situation we are in is one in which all the authorities that perform investigations of crimes such as these are saying "case closed" while evidence keeps cropping up that counters some of what the authorities say - the list is long, so I won't attempt repeating.

Reasonable men call for a re-investigation that is independent of influence from the White House or other powerful governmental players.


Here's a video, for example, where it is claimed that the NIST used "phantom forces in a highly-manipulated computer model" to come to their conclusions (as well as other criticisms of NIST and their report):


(Note: there is at least 1 error in this video: "Empire State Building hit by B-52")


I guess the thing to remember about the creation of the 9/11 myth is that it only took 3 government reports, which Michael Berger pointed out when he spoke in Concord recently, to create the "official story": the Keane-Hamilton commission report (9/11 Commission), the FEMA report and the NIST report. They all have their serious flaws. Here's Karen Kwiatkowski at Lew Rockwell on the 9/11 Commission report: http://www.lewrockwell.com/kwiatkowski/kwiatkowski88.html.

The talk coming up in Portsmouth on 10 July (http://9-11.meetup.com/307/calendar/5832078/) should be really interesting in that the speaker has heard Phil Zelikow, the exec. director of the 9/11 Commission, state that "his job is to create public myth." Anyone wanting to hear how the mechanics of this works should attend this talk. Carpooling from Manchester will be arranged - details to be posted on the http://merrimackvalley911truth.org site. How about a field trip over and then a return to Murphy's for a late Taproom Tuesday to recap the talk?


Slave ...

You will have more pleasant conversations on this board if you ignore the people who defend the government and just present your information.

More and more people are waking up everyday. It is sad that so many people who claim to love liberty expend massive amounts of energy to defend the government, particularly when an unbelievably compelling case has been presented against the government by men such as David Ray Griffin and Dr Chussodovsky.  We are not likely to win over those who insist on defending the government; many of them believe that the cause of liberty is "harmed" by attaching it to such "controversial" topics, and will thus fight you regardless of the amount or quality of the evidence you present.

Your target audience is those that haven't made up their minds yet, and who haven't seen the evidence yet. That is probably most on this forum.

If you waste your time fighting the government apologists, you will only frustrate yourself.

I say this to you by way of friendly advice. Trust me, I've promised myself so many times that I will never come back to this thread ... and yet I keep coming back.


Saying that it's unlikely that the government was responsible for or complicit in the 9/11 attacks is not the same thing as defending or apologizing for the government.


Another good video from a former MI-5 guy: David Shayler:


911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy - new documentary by Adrian Connock and David Shayler about the BBC's selective and distorted  ... all ยป 911 coverage. With particular reference to the Conspiracy Files programme aired on BBC Two on February 18th 2007


Quote from: mvpel on July 03, 2007, 12:11 PM NHFT
Saying that it's unlikely that the government was responsible for or complicit in the 9/11 attacks is not the same thing as defending or apologizing for the government.

Possibly not. It could just mean you are uninformed.


Quote from: mvpel on July 03, 2007, 12:11 PM NHFT
Saying that it's unlikely that the government was responsible for or complicit in the 9/11 attacks is not the same thing as defending or apologizing for the government.
enough, this is where the knife cuts the grass.
  fact: the corporate and govt. line  and the 911 commision report is false.  a lie.
  fact:white guys in suits are responsible for 911. bldg. 1,2,and seven;.............. to the ground, in the basement.
  fact: certain people on this thread are well aware of these above facts wich is known, over all the imformation passed within there time on this thread.
and go round and round forever..........concious liars covering up for the murder of 3000 people on 911  and the direct result of way over 5,000 dead servicmen and women and who knows how many corporate soldiers and up to at least 750,000 persians.
   and i got a minus 13 carma?
willfull denial of truth expressed to you all who participate and observe as they post there trash here; this is fact.
they are not slow learners; they do know.


Quote from: slave on July 05, 2007, 05:44 PM NHFT
   and i got a minus 13 carma?

From what I've seen here, the majority agree with your opinion on 9/11.

You karma could just be a reflection on your charming personality.


Quote from: KBCraig on July 05, 2007, 08:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: slave on July 05, 2007, 05:44 PM NHFT
   and i got a minus 13 carma?

From what I've seen here, the majority agree with your opinion on 9/11
You karma could just be a reflection on your charming personality.

you  read all the bullshit lies ,that you just admitted that you know are are lies ,and not call them on this .
  yet you will  attack my character for speaking the truth and not them.
  and i am the one with whose  character you choose to criticise ?
   you are something else.


Quote from: slave on July 05, 2007, 08:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on July 05, 2007, 08:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: slave on July 05, 2007, 05:44 PM NHFT
   and i got a minus 13 carma?

From what I've seen here, the majority agree with your opinion on 9/11
You karma could just be a reflection on your charming personality.

you  read all the bullshit lies ,that you just admitted that you know are are lies ,and not call them on this .
  yet you will  attack my character for speaking the truth and not them.
  and i am the one with whose  character you choose to criticise ?
   you are something else.

A. You really have a problem with reading comprehension.
B. You are a very poor mind-reader.

Other than that, I'm sure you're a lovely person.



4 days till the "Creating Public Myth" talk next Tuesday in Portsmouth. I think this will be a very important presentation. Many people don't know that their mind and beliefs are shaped by some masterful individual like Phil Zelikow who chose to design and create the myth (9/11 Commission Report) they will hear repeated over and over again in the media.

We're talking carpooling from Murphy's with a brewski or 2 when we get back with the Taproom Tuesdays crowd. We should leave there at 5:45 or 6 latest. Details over at http://merrimackvalley911truth.org or on the other thread for this: http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=9387.0