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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

that is also the theme of Griffen's speechs now ... very good

I overhear people making decisions based on this 9/11 myth created by bad men. It is a shame.


Interesting interview with Christopher Brown. He notes some differences in construction between WTC1 & WTC2. He notes also that the recently released engineering drawings were conceptual, not the final plans and that they have been modified - he thinks they're disinfo. He makes a big point that the interior core of the towers was a steel-reinforced concrete structure and that demolition was designed in, since the building would eventually have to be brought down somehow!

Lots of detailed discussion about actual construction of the towers and demolition in general:

Twin Towers - Built for Demolition
breakfornews.com - "The Next Level - 9/11 without tinfoil":

Pretty controversial concept about how the towers were blown to bring them down.


Interesting talk by Walter Burien at the 9/11 Accountability Conference in Phoenix re where the money went:



This ought to be good. Bob Bowman is a retired Army Lt. Colonel who was on the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) project.

Dr. Robert Bowman Patriot Tour

Dr. Bob Bowman will speak about peace, justice, and anti-war and 9-11 activism, as part of his nationwide Patriot Tour. Described by the Los Angeles Times as "The Best Public Speaker in the Country," Dr. Bowman challenges us to "Take Back America" for the people. He explains why we need a government that (1) Follows the Constitution, (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People.

Admission: $5 at the door.

Sponsored by: Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group, Seacoast Peace Response, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and Seacoast Progressive Alliance, and supported by Merrimack Valley 911 Truth and Independent Voices for Truth.

For more information on the Patriot Tour, go to Bob's web site at www.thepatriots.us

Location: Sugar Shack, on Route 4, a half mile west of the Lee Traffic Circle in Barrington, turn in at the Park and Ride Parking Lot (no sign on street for Sugar Shack)

RSVP: to Seacoast 9-11 Questions Meetup site: http://9-11.meetup.com/284/calendar/5913116/

When: Monday, July 23, 2007 at 7:00 PM

Where: Sugar Shack
    314 Route 4
    Barrington, NH 03825-3198

Event fee: USD5.00 per person

More information about the event and about carpooling from the Merrimack Valley area at: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org - join this Meetup group to receive other announcements regarding 911 Truth events in the Merrimack Valley area of New-Hampshire.


That looks to be an intriguing talk!

In other breaking news, a new MySpace has been created to support and promote the Merrimack Valley 9/11 Truth group. http://www.myspace.com/merrimackvalley911truth Get on there--let's be friends  :)


Not a strictly 9-11 article, but it does show how news is "created" when need be (for those who think "they don't do stuff like that":


Sydney Morning Herald

US says Iraqi rebel head is an invention

Tina Susman in Baghdad
July 20, 2007

IN MARCH, he was declared captured. In May, he was declared killed, and his purported corpse was displayed on state-run TV.

On Wednesday, Omar al-Baghdadi, the supposed leader of an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Iraq, was declared non-existent by US military officials, who say he is a fictional character created to give an Iraqi face to a foreign-run terrorist group.

In reality, said Brigadier-General Kevin Bergner, an Iraqi actor has read statements attributed to al-Baghdadi, who has been identified since October as the leader of the group, known as Islamic State of Iraq.


Did anyone happen to catch Deval Patrick's comments about the mill fire in MA?  He was talking about the melted steal beams and how they ended up looking like spaghetti.

I was wondering if any of the theorists had any comment about that?


Do you have a link to anything on this. I didn't hear about it.


Quote from: jaqeboy on July 24, 2007, 09:15 AM NHFT
Do you have a link to anything on this. I didn't hear about it.


QuoteThe governor, along with other local, state, and federal officials, took a brief tour of the site yesterday afternoon. He described what he saw as extraordinary.

"The steel girders look like piles of spaghetti," the governor said.


What was the combustible in the building? Wood?

Would love to see pics of those girders - I didn't see any in the article. I'll look around for other articles with pics.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: lildog on July 24, 2007, 08:59 AM NHFT
I was wondering if any of the theorists had any comment about that?
I don't know if there are any government theorists available to comment.

I'll try.

The building burned because the terrorists hate our freedom. We will now get rid of those freedoms so you can be safer.

There were very few spaghetti beams at the WTC site because the flames were so hot it all melted into a pile .... that we sent to China so we could be safe from its intensity.

... sorry I am not very good at this theorizing business


Quote from: jaqeboy on July 24, 2007, 01:11 PM NHFT
What was the combustible in the building? Wood?

Would love to see pics of those girders - I didn't see any in the article. I'll look around for other articles with pics.

It was an old mill with a few shops in it from my understanding.

They have been covering it on the TV fairly well.  When I heard the quote it was on the radio.  The paper had the second half "The steel girders look like piles of spaghetti".  He first stated that the steel melted which made me think of the 9-11 debate so I thought I'd bring it to your attention for discussion and consideration.


Quote from: lildog on July 24, 2007, 02:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on July 24, 2007, 01:11 PM NHFT
What was the combustible in the building? Wood?

Would love to see pics of those girders - I didn't see any in the article. I'll look around for other articles with pics.

It was an old mill with a few shops in it from my understanding.

They have been covering it on the TV fairly well.  When I heard the quote it was on the radio.  The paper had the second half "The steel girders look like piles of spaghetti".  He first stated that the steel melted which made me think of the 9-11 debate so I thought I'd bring it to your attention for discussion and consideration.

Yeah, definitely I'm interested. I just haven't had time to find any pics and I haven't been watching the tube. My degree is in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Materials Science and Metallurgy, so I might be able to lend some credible analysis to this. I may try calling the Commonwealth of Mass to see if the materials can be inspected - I don't want to just trust a statement by the governor quoted in the media, eh?


Quote from: jaqeboy on July 25, 2007, 12:19 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on July 24, 2007, 02:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on July 24, 2007, 01:11 PM NHFT
What was the combustible in the building? Wood?

Would love to see pics of those girders - I didn't see any in the article. I'll look around for other articles with pics.

It was an old mill with a few shops in it from my understanding.

They have been covering it on the TV fairly well.  When I heard the quote it was on the radio.  The paper had the second half "The steel girders look like piles of spaghetti".  He first stated that the steel melted which made me think of the 9-11 debate so I thought I'd bring it to your attention for discussion and consideration.

Yeah, definitely I'm interested. I just haven't had time to find any pics and I haven't been watching the tube. My degree is in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Materials Science and Metallurgy, so I might be able to lend some credible analysis to this. I may try calling the Commonwealth of Mass to see if the materials can be inspected - I don't want to just trust a statement by the governor quoted in the media, eh?

Aerial pic from one of the 3 Telegram and Gazette articles together on one site: http://fallenbrothers.com/community/attachment.php?s=6b78f20635eac1a107bfeeea85912896&attachmentid=3410&stc=1&d=1185196463

Original article at: http://www.telegram.com/article/20070723/NEWS/707230592/1116

Not sure if this represents what the governor saw, as this is pretty high up. Also, from this distance, you can't discern any melting or twisting - you can see a lot of collapsed, though still straight, pieces of framing (presumably steel).

I'll contact the reporters (Steven H. Foskett Jr., sfoskett@telegram.com & Richard Nangle at rnangle@telegram.com) to see if they have links to any closer shots. Also will try the Uxbridge Chief (Peter Ostroskey) and the State Fire Marshall (Stephen D. Coan) to see what they have on any melted metal.

As far as combustibles, here's what I found in the articles, but this doesn't seem to be conclusive yet:

"The oil-soaked floors that define that sort of a complex allow a fire to spread quickly and make the firefighting extremely difficult, he said." [obviously wooden floors]

"Chief Ostroskey expressed concern that Foam Concepts, a facility that contained a large amount of unprocessed polystyrene foam, would soon be engulfed. He concentrated several crews on that building, successfully batting away flames." [apparently not ignited]

No references to melted or twisted steel, though one reference to:

"state and federal fire investigators combed through twisted and smoldering mountains of wreckage and ruins yesterday"

Will report back what I find from the media and the authorities - not planning on going there to inspect.


BTW, this is one type of steel damage at WTC 1 & 2 that lead to suspicion:

suspected to have been ruptured by an explosion, not melted by fire.