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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Oh, I see.  I've heard of you before.


This weekend is a big one for the 911 Truth movement - the Boston Tea Party for 911 Truth

Conference on destruction of the buildings Saturday
evening session: "911 Took Them to War"

Tea Party on Sunday, featuring Cindy Sheehan
after-party at Hennessey's

It's very encouraging to see the mass movement of truth, peace and freedom activists joining together and building at the grassroots. The Boston group is great and you'll get a chance to meet all of them, as well as others from all over the country.

Further details are on the MV911T site and the Boston 911 Truth site.


Quote from: ThePug on December 13, 2007, 04:42 PM NHFT
Maybe the design of the building didn't lend itself to a "chimney" effect.

Please explain this "chimney" effect in more detail and, if you can, please provide any supporting documentation that you have.  The "chimney" effect seems to be common knowledge on this board and I have requested verification/proof of it from KB and others in the past . . . but I have never received anything.  I'm curious b/c this is the first place I've ever heard of it. 


KB also mentioned a "chimney effect" regarding building 7 a dozen pages back, but did not provide any verification. There was no visual or no other claims of a chimney effect in WTC 7 that I have seen.

Should we start a document listing the wacky claims debunkers and snipers on this thread make that have themselves already been debunked, so we can just point someone who raises them again to that list? There's a pretty good sized list of these wacky claims that have been laid to rest. It'd be good not to have to address them again. Thanks Aloha for your patience with them - it's not necessarily meanness on their part, just lack of studiousness.


PS, I think it's easier to do the research than it is to get into the interminable speculations and counter-arguments to speculations, such as "chimney effects." You could probably word-search the Commission Report, the FEMA report and the NIST report (the 3 official documents) on chimney effect faster than you could make a speculative argument for it and then argue back and forth about it. You could google chimney effect WTC7, etc., etc. - lots of ways to get to that. I don't think anyone has to question or de-bunk chimney effect re the fires in WTC1, 2 or 7. It's not even one of the issues suggested (except on this thread  ;D  )


Fact: Any competent engineer can tell you that the structural damage and fire was enough to bring those buildings down.

That does not prove it was the cause, but that it could be the cause.

Fact: To mine the buildings with demolition charges would require a conspiracy of unaccountable magnitude.

Fact: To convince some nutcases to pull off the visible attacks, exactly as the looked, would require only a small conspiracy.

Fact: That conspiracy would have to exist, anyway, in order to carry out the visible attacks, regardless of the addition of demolitions.

Query: If you insist on believing that there was a conspiracy to carry out the attacks, and they had to conspire to to hijack the planes, anyway, why do you imagine they would also use demolitions?

It's just nonsensical.  The size of conspiracy necessary could never remain a secret.  Not even close.  Someone would blab long before the actual attack.

Why insist on a far-more-complicated explanation than is necessary?



BTW, car-pooling details for Saturday and Sunday events are down to the wire with more people wanting to go and with weather making the whole thing more challenging. Will try to update carpool info on the MV911T site by 8 or 9 PM tonight, but to confirm plans, it'd be best to call Jack at 233-1058 or Jeremy at 828-8306. All will most likely have their questions answered at the Boston Tea Party for 911 Truth.


The Sunday Tea Party rally schedule has been shortened due to weather concerns. See MV911T site for latest schedule, or the thread over in Outside the Shire.


Quote from: alohamonkey on December 14, 2007, 08:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on December 13, 2007, 04:42 PM NHFT
Maybe the design of the building didn't lend itself to a "chimney" effect.

Please explain this "chimney" effect in more detail and, if you can, please provide any supporting documentation that you have.  The "chimney" effect seems to be common knowledge on this board and I have requested verification/proof of it from KB and others in the past . . . but I have never received anything.  I'm curious b/c this is the first place I've ever heard of it. 


Took less than a second with Google.

Now that you've picked your random factoid to harp on, do you care to actually address any of the relevant points I made?


wackypedia: sponsored by BushCo and Thugs.

look that one up!



Quote from: kola on December 14, 2007, 06:53 PM NHFT
wackypedia: sponsored by BushCo and Thugs.

look that one up!


So?  Even my original mention of the "chimney effect" was nothing more than an incidental mention as an example of the infinite number of possible differences between Windsor Tower and WTC7, and as far as I know there are no 9/11 truther claims based around it.



Quote from: ThePug on December 14, 2007, 06:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: alohamonkey on December 14, 2007, 08:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on December 13, 2007, 04:42 PM NHFT
Maybe the design of the building didn't lend itself to a "chimney" effect.

Please explain this "chimney" effect in more detail and, if you can, please provide any supporting documentation that you have.  The "chimney" effect seems to be common knowledge on this board and I have requested verification/proof of it from KB and others in the past . . . but I have never received anything.  I'm curious b/c this is the first place I've ever heard of it. 


Took less than a second with Google.

Now that you've picked your random factoid to harp on, do you care to actually address any of the relevant points I made?

OK.  Thanks.  Now that you've told me how a chimney works . . . can you tell me what relevance that has to this discussion? 


Quote from: ThePug on December 14, 2007, 06:19 PM NHFT

Took less than a second with Google.

Now that you've picked your random factoid to harp on, do you care to actually address any of the relevant points I made?

"Stack effect is the movement of air into and out of buildings, chimneys, flue gas stacks, or other containers, and is driven by buoyancy."

Very in-depth research Pug.  I appreciate your enthralling insight into this complex issue.


Quote from: alohamonkey on December 15, 2007, 09:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on December 14, 2007, 06:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: alohamonkey on December 14, 2007, 08:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on December 13, 2007, 04:42 PM NHFT
Maybe the design of the building didn't lend itself to a "chimney" effect.

Please explain this "chimney" effect in more detail and, if you can, please provide any supporting documentation that you have.  The "chimney" effect seems to be common knowledge on this board and I have requested verification/proof of it from KB and others in the past . . . but I have never received anything.  I'm curious b/c this is the first place I've ever heard of it. 


Took less than a second with Google.

Now that you've picked your random factoid to harp on, do you care to actually address any of the relevant points I made?

OK.  Thanks.  Now that you've told me how a chimney works . . . can you tell me what relevance that has to this discussion? 

I merely mentioned it in passing as a possible difference between WTC7 and Windsor Tower. Seeing as how you chose to focus on it and ignore the rest of my post, you're the last person to be lecturing any one on sticking to the relevant issues.