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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Amy Goodman interviews NYT reporter Phillip Shenon on his new book: The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation

New Book Alleges 9/11 Commissioner Philip Zelikow Minimized Scrutiny of Bush Admin Failure to Prevent al-Qaeda Attack



Hadn't seen this one. Kat cover your ears. Rough language.


Found on Free-Stater Brian Wright's movie review pages:

Overcoming People's Psychological Resistance to 9/11 Truth
Important understanding of the human factor in the spread of uncomfortable verities

Written and Directed by Ken Jenkins

This is something I have always wondered about and Ken Jenkins seems to address it (haven't seen the video yet) pretty well.


Another engineer for 9/11 truth:

Principal Electrical Engineer for WTC: "Fuel and Planes Alone Did NOT
Bring the Towers Down"

911 Blogger
February 12, 2008

Richard F. Humenn, PE was the Senior Project Design Engineer for
electrical systems for the entire World Trade Center, and he had 60
people working under him. In other words, he was the guy in charge of
all electrical at the WTC. A retired licensed professional engineer,
he was certified by the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut
and Washington, D.C.

Humenn stated to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

On September 11, I watched the live TV broadcast of the progressive
collapse of the World Trade Towers with disbelief, as the mass and
strength of the structure should have survived the localized damage
caused by the planes and burning jet fuel.

I viewed the presentation of Richard Gage and other related material,
which compels me to believe that the fuel and planes alone did not
bring the Towers down. I, therefore, support the proposal to form an
international group of professionals to investigate all plausible
causes for the virtual freefall and the almost total destruction of
the WTC structures.

Humenn also recently gave a two-hour recorded interview to an
attorney and former law school professor (a transcript of the
interview will soon be posted to AE911Truth.org). In that interview,
Humenn expressed his opinion that the Twin Towers were intentionally
demolished. (He stated that he could not believe the U.S. government
could have done such a thing; however, he was not asked about rogue
elements within the government).

Few engineers have as much first-hand knowledge of the Twin Towers as
Humenn, so his opinion carries some weight. As he explains, "Though
an electrical engineer by trade, I was also very familiar with the
structures and their conceptual design parameters."


Quote from: jaqeboy on February 12, 2008, 11:05 PM NHFT
Principal Electrical Engineer for WTC: "Fuel and Planes Alone Did NOT
Bring the Towers Down"

911 Blogger
February 12, 2008

Richard F. Humenn, PE was the Senior Project Design Engineer for
electrical systems ...

Let us know when the principal structural engineer issues his opinion.

Russell Kanning

the 9/11 talk at Keene was pretty good ... Kat will be putting up an article
I guess we can link to the latest engineer to join that group :)


Quote from: KBCraig on February 15, 2008, 01:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on February 12, 2008, 11:05 PM NHFT
Principal Electrical Engineer for WTC: "Fuel and Planes Alone Did NOT
Bring the Towers Down"

911 Blogger
February 12, 2008

Richard F. Humenn, PE was the Senior Project Design Engineer for
electrical systems ...

Let us know when the principal structural engineer issues his opinion.

Heck, you can just join ae911truth.org as a non-A/E and get the breaking news there!  ;)

Structural Engineer Leslie Robertson opined many pages back in this thread (dated around Christmastime) in an article .


boomboom boom boom boom booom

yeahs thats how melting buildings collapse huh  ::)




- - 9/11 Truth Debate at European Parliament, February 26
Posted 911truth.org on February 15 2008

Film & debate in the European Parliament about 9/11.

Brussels 26 February 2008 7pm, PHS 3C50 (this is where the debate will be held) – this event is NOT open to the public, only to journalists and the politicians. (Nevertheless, Belgian & French Truthers have their contacts and will make sure this debate is videotaped and put online afterwards).

Organised by the Italian Europarlementarian Giulietto Chiesa.


The documentary will be followed by a debate
lead by Andreas von Bulow, Giulietto Chiesa,
David Ray Griffin, Yukihisa Fujita, et al.

Read more: www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20080215144019801


"it is NOT open to the public."



Yeah, what do you expect? Free and open government? What are you, some kinda nut?

Oh, yeah, you're on this forum....  ;D


Kucinich to Investigate 9/11 Insider Trading
"I'm not afraid to ask questions about 9/11"

Aaron Dykes / JonesReport.com | February 20, 2008

Congressman Dennis Kucinich revealed that he is initiating an investigation into the insider trading that took place leading up to 9/11, particularly in regards to put options placed on American Airlines and United Airlines stock.

Kucinich said that he had personal questions about the implications insider trading had.

"I've indicated a long-standing interest in gathering information and trying to get to the bottom of exactly what happened with respect to all the stock activity that took place preceding 9/11." Kucinich said.



As most of you may know, Willie Nelson was interviewed by Alex Jones recently and stated his disbelief about the official account of 9/11, especially regarding the tower demolitions. Willie was in NYC this week to perform for the 12th anniversary of Democracy Now. A few of us attended and were able to get a media packet on the Ballot Initiative to a member of his band, as well as several other notables in attendance. On Thurs. morning he also appeared on the show. Juan Gonzalez asked Willie Nelson iabout 9/11, this is how it went:

JUAN GONZALEZ: The FCC is watching, yes. I'd like to ask you about one of your views or perspectives that?s raised a lot of controversy, obviously, your sense of?or your reaction to what happened on 9/11 and your queestions that you have about the events of that terrible day.

WILLIE NELSON: Well, I have a lot of questions. I think a lot of people have a lot of questions. I think 85 or 90 percent of the people in this country say, ?What?? I mean, a plane hit this building, and it fell kind of like that. And another plane hit that building, and it fell kind of like that. About the same time it fell, this one fell the same way. It looked like an implosion somewhere, you know? And then, all of a sudden, the third building fell, and no plane hit it. So, naturally, I?ve got questions.


Alleged Hijacker Booked On Post-9/11 Flights

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet
Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Astounding newly released FBI documents obtained via the Freedom Of Information Act show that alleged 9/11 hijacker Hamza Al-Ghamdi had booked future flights to San Francisco and Riyadh, suggesting that he was unaware of his eventual fate aboard United Airlines Flight 175, the plane that hit the World Trade Center's south tower.

The papers consist of a 300 page Federal Bureau of Investigation timeline (PDF link) that was used by the 9/11 Commission but not made public until now.

The 9/11 Commission failed to mention in its final report that Al-Ghamdi was booked onto several flights scheduled to take place after 9/11, including another flight on the very day of the attacks.