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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Wow, interestng story, telo. Just goes to show you that 9/11 is the "one size fits all" fulcrum for levering fascism into place. Mukasey is just another willing puppet in the scheme.

Glenn Greenwald is good! His techniques, suggested in this article, are just what we need in order to use our people power to catch them in the act and correct/bust them in the act of jumping on the lever!


- Week of Truth -
The First Major Nationally Coordinated 9/11 Truth

New York Best Selling Author, Steve Alten, is appearing on national
corporate media educating millions of the importance of the
9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT. We can get him on more and
more media, and perhaps stop a false flag attack that will
launch war with Iran. Seymor Hirsch has urgently warned
of a building attack on Iran, and Scott Ritter has predicted
the neocons will launch an event in April.

THE WEEK OF APRIL 16-22nd, so that all sales
will go to the New York Times Best Seller List.

Celebrities I know say that most people in Hollywood now
know that 9/11 was an inside job. Some have come out,
Margaret Cho, Willie Nelson, Jeanine Garofalo, Charlie
wait to buy copies of this 9/11 truth telling book,
during April 16-22nd Buy-In for Truth.

Everyone can contact local bookstores and ORDER
multiple copies of "The Shell Game" now, BUT. do
not purchase them until April 16 thru 22nd.

All books purchased,
from above web-link
will benefit the
Feal Good Foundation
Steve Alten will donate $5,000 to
the FealGood Foundation each
week the  The Shell Game
reaches the top 10 of the
NY Times best seller list
provide all commissions
from sales linked from

Week of Truth Buy-In - April 16-22nd



U.N. Official Urged Commission to Study Neocon Role in 9/11


WASHINGTON — A new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On March 26, Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University, was named by unanimous vote to a newly created position to report on human rights in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. While Mr. Falk's specialty is human rights and international law, since the attacks in 2001, he has devoted some of his time to challenging what he calls the "9-11 official version."

On March 24 in an interview with a radio host and former University of Wisconsin instructor, Kevin Barrett, Mr. Falk said, "It is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people. Whether they are innocent about the contention that they made that something happen or not, I don't think we can answer definitively at this point. All we can say is there is a lot of grounds for suspicion, there should be an official investigation of the sort the 9/11 commission did not engage in and that the failure to do these things is cheating the American people and in some sense the people of the world of a greater confidence in what really happened than they presently possess."


From George Washington's blog:

Friday, April 11, 2008
"The US Air Force Shot Down Flight 93"
The following comment was posted to my blog today (I do not know who the author is -- he posted semi-anonymously; so decide for yourself whether or not you believe him):

    "I am an Air Force veteran. I was serving at Langley AFB, Virginia on Sept. 11. (not to be confused with CIA headquarters at Langley, VA). The "Alert Squadron" of 4 F-16 Falcons also stationed at Langley AFB was scrambled AFTER the "plane" crashed into the Pentagon. Because of my position as a ground equipment mechanic, I had access to the flightline operations that day. My friends were Crew Cheifs and Weapons Loaders, among other professions on the flightline that day. One of my [unusual] duties that day was to drive a Loader (personal friend) along with a rack of live missiles (AIM-9's and AIM-120's) across the active runway to the Alert Squadron and drop them off. I was towing equipment to the flightline, so when it was time to go back and pick up the Loader (and our missile trailer) I was unable to do so, but another member of my Flight (a good friend, and later roommate) did go. According to my roommate (and I later confirmed with the Loader) the Loader was completely silent most of the trip back to our side of the base, after they crossed the active, he spoke. "They shot one down." JJ replied "WHAT?" Loader:"One of those 16's came back with one less missile than it left with" That was all. As they pulled back in to the squadron area, The loader was whisked away by his commanders for debriefing. I didn't see him for a few days, but when I did, he said he couldn't talk about it, but he confirmed that what my roommate had told me was true.

    The US Air Force shot down Flight 93. I haven't told this to many people. I told my parents and other family members shortly after I left the military. They didn't believe it. I figured no one else would either. I kept my mouth shut. Everyone was dedicated to the president and the country (not really) And anything that went against the Official, media delivered story was viewed as unpatriotic. I knew that I loved this country, so I kept my mouth shut. I just can't do that anymore. I know that I don't have any documents to prove it, and I have no way of knowing where the others involved are now days, so I can't prove anything. All I have is my word. and with God as my witness that is the truth."


Bond Girl BUSTS out about 911 Truth:

Kat Kanning

Lloyd was nice enough to loan me a copy of The Shell Game.  :)


I haven't read it yet, but we ought to see if both Liberty Books in Concord and Just Read Books in Milford would carry it, especiall for the Week of Truth.

Kat Kanning

Apparently that starts tomorrow.


Week of Truth
April 16th - 22nd
A Nationally Coordinated 9/11 Truth Effort to



Third NSA Source Confirms: Flight 93 Shot Down By Air Force Jet

"WMR has received another confirmation, bringing the total number to three, that United Flight 93, hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001, was shot down over rural Pennsylvania by U.S. Air Force jets scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. There are also reports that one F-16 scrambled from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia returned to base minus one air-to-air missile but the National Security Agency CRITIC report specified the interceptors that downed United 93 took off from Andrews...


Published in The Open Civil Engineering Journal
Volume 2  Issue 1
ISSN NO: 1874-1495:

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction
pp.35-40 (6) Authors: Steven E. Jones, Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, James R. Gourley
doi: 10.2174/1874149500802010035


Reports by FEMA and NIST lay out the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. In this Letter, we wish to set a foundation for productive discussion and understanding by focusing on those areas where we find common ground with FEMA and NIST, while at the same time countering several popular myths about the WTC collapses.


Another Air Traffic Controller Supports 9/11 Truth

Andrew Kornkven, an Air Traffic Controller from Minnesota for over 15 years, will come out of the woodwork tonight, and announce his support for 9/11 Truth on Dr. Kevin Barrett's radio show.  Although Kornkven has written before on 9/11, he has never revealed to the public that he is an ATC.

Dr. Barrett's radio show is tonight from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. central time, April 22.

Listen live here, or look for archives:


Kornkven has already written several excellent essays regarding 9/11:

andrewkornkven's blog

"Mayday! Mayday!"-- What Really Happened in the Cockpit of United 93?

David Ray Griffin Burrows Further Down the Rabbit Hole of No-Phone-Calls-From-the-Planes

Are the Hijackers-- the Real Ones-- Still Alive and With Us Today?

Sex, Lies, and Phone Calls: The Ted and Barbara Story

Phone Calls From the Planes: Surprising New Evidence

Poll: Do you think the thirty or so calls made from the planes on 9/11 are real or faked?

Phone Calls Analysis

The Elephant in the Room

My book review for "Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11"-- rejected by Amazon.com!

Its interesting to note, that on September 11, 2001, Kornkven was not scheduled to work that day.


Sex, Lies, and Phone Calls: The Ted and Barbara Story
(Read why Ted Olson's story is clever disinformation)

Ted Olson came forward a few days after 9/11 and reported conflicting accounts of the phone call made by his wife:

A few days later, he says "She told me that she had been herded to the back of the plane. She mentioned that they had used knives and box cutters to hijack the plane. ...


This alleged phone call is the only report in which box cutters are mentioned as weapons being used by the hijackers.

...Olson's fabricated account has worked too well as disinformation to have been solely the work of one troubled man.  First, his lie was what introduced the idea of box cutters into the official account.  The official story wanted us to believe in a primitive attack, carried out by fanatics with little or no connections at the airports or in the system at large.  The use of box cutters seemed to reinforce that the hijackers fit that description, especially since it was believed at the time that box cutters were legal to bring on to airplanes.  Later, it was revealed that while the government's rules never did ban box cutters, the airlines' own rules did.  The government ultimately dropped its contention that box cutters were used at all, changing the weapon to short knives.  But by then the disinformation had done its job.


Quote from: jaqeboy on April 22, 2008, 08:22 PM NHFT
Sex, Lies, and Phone Calls: The Ted and Barbara Story
Ted Olson came forward a few days after 9/11 and reported conflicting accounts of the phone call made by his wife:

A few days later, he says "She told me that she had been herded to the back of the plane. She mentioned that they had used knives and box cutters to hijack the plane. ...


This alleged phone call is the only report in which box cutters are mentioned as weapons being used by the hijackers.

...Olson's fabricated account has worked too well as disinformation to have been solely the work of one troubled man.  First, his lie was what introduced the idea of box cutters into the official account.  The official story wanted us to believe in a primitive attack, carried out by fanatics with little or no connections at the airports or in the system at large.  The use of box cutters seemed to reinforce that the hijackers fit that description, especially since it was believed at the time that box cutters were legal to bring on to airplanes.  Later, it was revealed that while the government's rules never did ban box cutters, the airlines' own rules did.

Here is an example of "inference as evidence" that is so troubling in much of the Truther movement.

Your argument wrongly supposes that because airline rules prohibited boxcutters, there were no boxcutters on the plane, then builds on that to proclaim Ted Olson's anecdote to be part of a larger government cover-up.

Before 9/11, knives on airplanes were something of a crapshoot. Federal law clearly allowed knives with blades under 2.5", but some airlines were more restrictive. Enforcement was highly variable from one airport to the next, and even from one security screener to the next. Magazines like Blade and Knives Illustrated carried (and still do) articles and columns about traveling with knives. There were many letters and stories about knives that were both legal and kosher per airline regulations, being confiscated at security checkpoints, plus others about being allowed through with knives with 3-5" blades.

My favorite story was by a fellow who was told by the screener that his expensive --and perfectly legal-- Böker ceramic folder would have to be confiscated. Not willing to give his knife up to the screener's personal collection, he stuck the open knife in a crack in the table and snapped the blade off, then tossed the handle to the screener.  >:D

QuoteThe government ultimately dropped its contention that box cutters were used at all, changing the weapon to short knives.  But by then the disinformation had done its job.

Another distinction without a difference. A boxcutter, a utility knife, a Swiss Army "classic" pen knife... all are short knives. Building "proof" of a disinformation campaign, thus a larger conspiracy, on such meager distinctions is why so many open-minded people dismiss the Truther movement.