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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Wow, that was one hell of a vitriolic ad hominem.


Quote from: The Right Reverend Doctor Pope Sir Ryan on May 01, 2008, 11:48 PM NHFT
Wow, that was one hell of a vitriolic ad hominem.

Yeah, I think I tried to encourage him (or maybe it was his son) that that type of approach might fit better over on the 9/11 Was NOT an Inside Job thread - sort of like in The Great Explosion, where there was a planet just for the people filled with hatred and violence - they all "got along" on that planet, because that was what they wanted to do!

Since he seemed to have a renewed interest in WTC7 and this news footage that was just uncovered, I've tried to encourage his pursuit of knowledge at the proper place - in this case, the CNN news reporter on the street. He's probably still alive and working and whichever independent researcher contacts him and gets an interview might glean one more nugget of the total story - wishing KB good luck in his research!


Quote from: jaqeboy on May 02, 2008, 09:33 AM NHFT
Yeah, I think I tried to encourage him (or maybe it was his son) that that type of approach might fit better over on the 9/11 Was NOT an Inside Job thread -

Yes, Jack. It's apparent the entire Truther movement would prefer to be left alone to believe that everything "proves" something, whether it does or not.


Quote from: KBCraig on May 01, 2008, 04:40 PM NHFT
I read the speculation and the comments. Zero objective analysis. Everyone commenting there presumes it was pre-planned controlled demolition, thus they look at all data as if they support that conclusion.

This is why the truther movement is laughed at.

Does anyone else see the irony in this statement?  KB, you definitely have your mind made up that the sequence of events on 9/11 occurred exactly like the official story says they did.  You presume that the official story is accurate.  I don't see you displaying any objective analysis whatsoever.  Jaqeboy, on the other hand, seems to do a good job of simply presenting and posting information and letting the reader determine what he/she thinks about it. 

Where did that "9/11 Was Not an Inside Job" thread go anyways? . . . hmm, seems to have disappeared.  Maybe there's not enough facts/info to keep it alive. 

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: alohamonkey on May 02, 2008, 11:50 AM NHFT
Where did that "9/11 Was Not an Inside Job" thread go anyways? . . . hmm, seems to have disappeared.  Maybe there's not enough facts/info to keep it alive. 

Still seems to be there:—


Quote from: alohamonkey on May 02, 2008, 11:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on May 01, 2008, 04:40 PM NHFT
I read the speculation and the comments. Zero objective analysis. Everyone commenting there presumes it was pre-planned controlled demolition, thus they look at all data as if they support that conclusion.

This is why the truther movement is laughed at.

Does anyone else see the irony in this statement?  KB, you definitely have your mind made up that the sequence of events on 9/11 occurred exactly like the official story says they did. 

I don't know what the "official story" says. I believe the sequence of events was exactly what I saw happen: two planes hit two towers, they suffered major structural damage and uncontrolled fire, then collapsed, causing catastrophic damage to other buildings.

That requires no belief in either the "official story", nor the conspiracy theories. It is simply what it is.


Quote from: alohamonkey on May 02, 2008, 11:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on May 01, 2008, 04:40 PM NHFT
I read the speculation and the comments. Zero objective analysis. Everyone commenting there presumes it was pre-planned controlled demolition, thus they look at all data as if they support that conclusion.

This is why the truther movement is laughed at.

Does anyone else see the irony in this statement?  KB, you definitely have your mind made up that the sequence of events on 9/11 occurred exactly like the official story says they did.  You presume that the official story is accurate.  I don't see you displaying any objective analysis whatsoever...

Thanks for noting that Aloha

Quote from: alohamonkey on May 02, 2008, 11:50 AM NHFT
... Jaqeboy, on the other hand, seems to do a good job of simply presenting and posting information and letting the reader determine what he/she thinks about it.

Yeah, that's the intention. When we get enough pieces, we might be able to put this puzzle together. Seems that Congress, et. al. are content with the Bushies assembly of flawed pieces into a puzzle solution of their choice - the fact that there are huge gaps in their assembly doesn't seem to matter because it fits a political goal-driven agenda, a la the PNAC doctrines.

Anywho, the investigation continues - I'm hoping someone will be putting these new pieces of the WTC7 timeline up on some site.

Enough of the collectivist rhetoric and the mind-control mockery, eh, KB? That finds a better home on the Jr. High School playground, or maybe that other planet (thread). It's not really needed or heeded here and only makes you look like a fuming red-faced bully. We don't care about that here - we'd rather live and let live, eh?


From George Washington's blog: http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2008/05/governement-apologists-keep-moving-goal.html

Government apologists keep moving the goalposts

Folks who are trying to defend the government's version of 9/11 have continuously moved the goal posts:

    * Initially, the government apologists pretended that everyone believed the "official story" of 9/11

    * Then, when the family members of the victims and every day Americans started publicly question the government's story, they said "but, all of the experts confirm the government"

    * Then, when hundreds of top experts in relevant fields - military officials, intelligence officers, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, etc. - publicly questioned the government's story, they said "well, no structural engineers question 9/11"

    * Then, when numerous structural engineers decided to risk their careers to question the official version of events, they said "yeah, but no criticism of the government's claims has been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal"

    * Then, when papers began to be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, they scrambled with new arguments . . .


By the way, 2 weeks from tomorrow, there's a big event in Keene. Be sure to check on http://merrimackvalley911truth.org for final details. We've started a carpooling group on eRideShare.com. It's the biggest online ridesharing service in the country. Go to http://mv911t.erideshare.com and use "truth" as the password. You can enter if you are driving over there and can take riders and you can enter that you're looking for a ride.

New England 9/11 Symposium - Reminder - May 17

http://www.911blogger.com/node/15339 on 911 Blogger, and I know that one of the prime sponsors of the event Monadnock 911 Truth Alliance has finally started a website - I've got it written down on a note somewhere...



Boston 9/11 Truth has posted a google video of Stephen Jones' talk at the Boston Tea Party for 911 Truth on their site: http://boston911truth.org/site/ . In this talk, he spoke of some new analysis conducted on some of the debris - very interesting analysis.

or here's the direct link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1957490867030316250&hl=en

Russell Kanning

the new filters on the forum really clear up some of the posts in this thread


They shoulda used some filters on who they accused of the 9/11 attacks, eh?

Charges against the "20th Hijacker" in September 11th attacks dropped

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - The Pentagon has dropped charges against a Saudi at Guantanamo who was alleged to have been the so-called "20th hijacker" in the Sept. 11 attacks, his U.S. military defense lawyer said Monday.

Mohammed al-Qahtani was one of six men charged by the military in February with murder and war crimes for their alleged roles in the 2001 attacks. Authorities say al-Qahtani missed out on taking part in the attacks because he was denied entry to the U.S. by an immigration agent.

But in reviewing the case, the convening authority for military commissions, Susan Crawford, decided to dismiss the charges against al-Qahtani and proceed with the arraignment for the other five, said Army Lt. Col. Bryan Broyles, the Saudi's military lawyer.


Archived news from the 5 majors starting 5 minutes before the first attack on 9/11. I did watch the CNN repeat of their coverage and noted that they began mentioning bin Laden about 45 minutes after the first attack.


Michael Rivero notes:
"These are archive clips of the first moments that 9-11 broke into the TV news. In looking back at them there are a couple obvious points. EVERYONE makes a point of bringing up the 1993 bombing attack on the World Trade Towers, and dropping hints about terrorism even as they claim there are no facts yet.

"Second, the stories all break into the TV feeds at most 5 minutes after the impact on the tower by the first jet, YET BBC HAS THEIR OWN CAMERA SET UP WATCHING THE BUILDING, EVERY NETWORK HAS A CAMERA UP ON TOP OF A HIGH BUILDING, AND ABC NEWS EVEN HAS A HELICOPTER IN THE AIR!

"This is morning rush hour in New York. Doesn't it seem like the network cameras are in position just a bit fast?"


Rep. Karen Johnson of Phoenix, Arizona questions mafia's conspiracy theory on 9/11:

Backing my claims about 9/11 questions

[correction: Karen Johnson is a state Senator]