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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth comes to MIT, just an hour south. Here's the announcement from Rich Aucoin of Boston 911 Truth:

All, ....................Please consider attending this event @ MIT Friday May 16th @ 7pm. Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, a San Francisco area architect, is in town for the AIA National Convention and will make his very compelling, subject presentation . When he addresses architects and engineers his conversion rate is nearly 100% to seekers of 911truth.

.............Best, Rich

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

May 12, 2008

Dear Honored Citizen:

You are invited to attend a forum at MIT concerning the Collapse of the 3 World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11.
I am the founder of the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth which is a fast-growing collaboration of more than 350 architectural and engineering professionals. The last few years have witnessed the emergence of mounting scientific evidence that the collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were not adequately explained by the official theories outlined in the 2002 FEMA and 2005 NIST reports. The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth call for a new, fully funded unimpeachable Congressional investigation with subpoena power.

We are dedicated to presenting the evidence that supports our call in this comprehensive presentation.

Evening Forum (Open to the Public)
9/11: Blueprint for Truth / The Architecture of Destruction

Friday May 16, 7:00 pm No RSVP for this.

MIT, Room 54-100 Map at http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=54-100&mapsearch=go


More info on Gage's talk on the Boston 911 Truth Meetup site:


Russell Kanning

that is just great media coverage on 9/11 .... they know their stuff .... except when they say wtc7 is already down .... oops


Russell, If you've got some time on your hands, here is a Massive 9/11 TV Archive.


There are 2 big events this weekend for people curious about the events of 9/11 and the subsequent effects:

Friday: Richard Gage talks at MIT

Saturday: All day symposium at Keene High School.

You can find details about both events at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth's site.

There is info on carpooling on the Keene announcement, but, basically it's this: I'm encouraging people to try eRideShare.com, which is an online carpooling site. You can set up groups on there to just show carpooling to some of the events of the group. Here's how you use it: click on the special url for the group: http://mv911t.erideshare.com. Then enter the password for the group: "truth". If you are driving to the event and would welcome riders, click "Post a ride offer". If you want to ride with someone else who's driving, click on "Find a ride offer". In either case, then you enter your info. Try it out. Not many folks use it yet, but I think with a little promotion it could become a handy tool.


Saturday in Keene - a HUGE 9/11 event - final press release:

9/11 Victim Family Members Raise Questions Media Still Fail to Ask
Hundreds of victim family members have been demanding answers to questions about the deaths of loved ones ever since the horrific events of September 11, 2001 - to no avail. Dozens of witnesses who offered to testify to the 9/11 Commission were ignored; many others found their testimony omitted. According to a group of Keene State College students, without a clear accounting of the facts, no reform can be effective in protecting national security. The students have organized a one-day symposium, on Saturday, May 17 -- "This symposium has been put together by undergraduate student scholars -- a group of young people committed to the pursuit of truth in a country that so often substitutes the comfortable life and easy paths over the rocky roads of ethical personhood," states Donna Marsh O'Connor, mother of Vanessa Lang Langer, who died escaping the South Tower.

Keene, NH May 12, 2008 -- New Hampshire College students and local activists have organized a one-day symposium, entitled, "Family Members, Researchers and Whistleblowers Speak Out", to be held at Keene High School on Saturday, May 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. "This symposium has been put together by undergraduate student scholars -- a group of young people committed to the pursuit of truth in a country that so often substitutes the comfortable life and easy paths over the rocky roads of ethical personhood," says O'Connor, who along with Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son Bobby, and Michele Little, who lost her firefighter brother David, will be making presentations at the symposium.

"This government has made me the victim of conspiracy theories, because they haven't answered fully or allowed anyone to ask the true questions of September 11th," stated Donna Marsh O'Connor, mother of Vanessa Lang Langer, who died escaping the South Tower on Sept. 11, 2001, speaking at the National Press Club on Sept. 11. 2006

O'Connor and hundreds of victim family members have been demanding answers to questions about the deaths of loved ones ever since the horrific events of September 11, 2001 - to no avail. Dozens of witnesses who offered to testify were ignored; many others found their testimony omitted. In their book, "Without Precedent", Commission co-chairs Kean and Hamilton wrote, "Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11, but it could not explain why all the after-action reports, accident investigation, and public testimony by FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue."

According to the students, without a clear accounting of the facts, no reform can be effective in protecting national security. As Peter Jennings said on 9/11/01, "The terrorist wins when he or she manages to alter the behavior of a people or infringes on the way of life in a country--that a democratic country particularly--alters its way of life. It raises the whole question of civil liberties and access and freedom of movement."

Presentations will also be made by several investigative journalists and filmmakers, including:
Daniel Hopsicker, investigative journalist, author and documentary filmmaker, whose seminal work, "Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 Cover Up in Florida," revolves around activities of the alleged hijackers and their connection to Huffman Aviation in Florida.
Sander Hicks, Brooklyn-based author and investigative journalist, who has extensively researched the Pakistani connection to 9/11 and published "The Big Wedding,"detailing the whistle-blowers and conflicts of interest within the 9/11 Commission.

Barrie Zwicker, award-winning Canadian journalist, documentary producer and political activist, will examine what he calls the "media blackout" of alternative 9/11 views. He has written, "Towers of Deception" and produced three documentary films about September 11.

Korey Rowe, documentary filmmaker and activist, will discuss his internet blockbuster film, "Loose Change," which continues to draw worldwide attention to the anomalies and questions surrounding 9/11. In addition, Michael Springmann, former head of consular services at the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from 1987-1989, will explain how he was forced by his superiors and the CIA to issue visas for individuals traveling to the US who he suspected may have had terrorist connections.

Springmann reveals that these individuals were being trained in the US and sent back to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. Eleven of the nineteen alleged 9/11 hijackers obtained visas from this same consulate in Saudi Arabia. For Springmann, this begs the question: "Just how involved was the CIA in the creation of what became 'Al-Qaeda'; and who might have had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks; and what, if any attempts were made to warn the American public?"

The New England 9/11 Symposium: Family Members, Researchers and Whistleblowers Speak Out
Saturday, May 17, 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Keene High School, Keene, NH
Contact: Mike Jackman at 603-899-2783 or Justin Martell at 860-575-4293


New video from Italy:

ZERO; an investigation into 9/11



Tunga wonders what happened to them.
Is there no evidence of thier even being?

These are questions to everyone's answers.

26 posts.

Add that to 640 and you get 666.

Thats right.

Tungas back.

And boy are you eva gonna be sorry.


Saturday in Keene - a HUGE 9/11 event:

9/11 Victim Family Members Raise Questions Media Still Fail to Ask

$15 door, I'm leaving Deerfield at 7AM, can pick up one passenger along the way. Anybody want to jump on board for the day? Call me at 233-1058 anytime from now until then.

Russell Kanning

Kat will be covering part of the event in Keene today.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Tunga on May 16, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT
Tunga wonders what happened to them.
Is there no evidence of thier even being?

These are questions to everyone's answers.

26 posts.

Add that to 640 and you get 666.

Thats right.

Tungas back.

And boy are you eva gonna be sorry.

I deleted the political boards.  Your lost posts were probably there.

Pat McCotter

I just came across this in Mises Anarchy in the Skies article:

QuoteSince 1961, American pilots were allowed to bring firearms in to the cockpit of their airplanes, but just two months before the 9/11 attacks, the FAA banned this practice. As a result, the hijackers knew for sure that arming themselves with knives and box cutters was sufficient to overpower four entire passenger jetliners, as none of the pilots onboard would be armed. This gun ban was then lifted in November of 2001, hopefully never to return again.

Can Varrin confirm this?

I've been ignoring the 9/11 talks for a long time because - if our gov't can do this to its own people then we have already lost the war. But I guess this little tidbit was the "straw" on the proverbial "camel's back." Sometimes all it takes is one small thing, ya know? I will be following the claims more closely from now on.

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning