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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Here's a 3 minute trailer on Google Video of BBC Two Conspiracy Files - 9/11 The Third Tower: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8577967979083861234&q=Third+Tower+Conspiracy+Files&ei=WOB0SPz0N4LS-AG2vfGYCw&hl=en

Looks like some other good footage linked to on the left side of the page.


Here's the 911 Blogger page with the 1 hour show on there of BBC's "The Third Tower" as a G-video:



The producer of The Reflecting Pool writes to announce the NYC premiere. Remeber, you saw the sneak preview first at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth's Nashua showing on July 1st! We scooped the big city cinemas!!!

Hello Friends,

First, let me apologize if you've already received notice of the New York Premiere of THE REFLECTING POOL, running Friday July 11 - Friday July 18 in New York City at the Pioneer Theater. We are simply doing all we can to get people to come out and see the film. Please spread the word to those you know in the New York area!

THE REFLECTING POOL is the first investigative drama (feature narrative film) to take a personal look at what happens when someone questions the official story of 9/11. The film expands the discourse on 9/11 to include broader issues such as the state of media, journalism, and government in the United States today.

FRI JULY 11- FRI JULY 18 at 7PM & 9PM
Pioneer Theater
155 E 3rd Street
New York, NY

Filmmakers Jarek Kupsc, Jodie Baltazar, and Joseph Culp will be present for a Q&A at all screenings. Note there will be no shows on Thursday July 17. Call 800-595-4849 for tickets.

ALEX, a Russian-American journalist and son of a Soviet-era propaganda minister, agrees to fact-check the 9/11 Commission report with COOPER, father of a 9/11 victim, as his guide. They interview key witnesses and examine evidence, but as the official story begins to crumble Alex struggles to maintain faith in his profession and newly adopted country.

July 19 WATERVILLE, MAINE Maine International Film Festival
July 21-24 WATERVILLE, MAINE Railroad Square Cinema
July 23 NORTHAMPTON, MA Media Education Foundation
Aug 04 BERKELEY, CA. Pacific Film Archive
Aug 07 PORTLAND, OR Hollywood Theater
Aug 08 SEATTLE, WA Trinity United Methodist Church
Aug 09 BELLINGHAM, WA Pickford Cinema

Jodie Baltazar, producer


Tuesday in Concord - ZEITGEIST
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce:

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be
meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in
America, not the fluff news from the mainstream media, but the hard,
wrenching truth. Some of this information will be hard to watch, some
hard-to-believe, some will make you squirm and feel worse than when
you walked in, but we're banking on "the Truth will set you free!" and
we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester,
the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday up north (final
location t.b.d.) - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Concord are at Liberty Books, 75 Allison
Street. We'll gather at 6:30 for setup and snacks. At 7, we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video at 7:15ish.


This month, we're showing Zeitgeist .

[from German: : the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era]

Zeitgeist took the internet by storm a little over a year ago - it caused quite a sensation and considerable controversy - WARNING: it is critical of modern religion (Christianity & others), so if that would offend you, proceed with caution - but, we do encourage you to proceed. With the sequel coming up in the Fall, we thought it would be a good time to review the original, or see it for the first time if you haven't already.

From the website http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ :

Zeitgeist, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The information in Zeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and the current Source page on this site lists the basic sources used / referenced and the developing Interactive Transcript includes exact source references and further information. A Q & A page is also being developed.

Now, it's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our erstanding, without the necessary research performed. For example, some information contained in Part 1 and Part 3, specifically, is not obtained by simple keyword searches on the Internet. You have to dig deeper. For instance, very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist. However, if one takes the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is based on documented evidence. Non-Profit DVDs / Free Video Downloads are available through the Downloads page.

Furthermore, in October 2008 the sequel to Zeitgeist will be presented for free online. This feature length work will address the solutions to the problems presented in the original work. This work is entitled: "Zeitgeist - Addendum"-- That being said, It is my hope that people will not take what is said in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.


We realize that 9/11is not a happy, fun-time subject, but neither is the plight of the first-responders and clean-up workers. We encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


If you're just curious and not convinced, this is an excellent opportunity to view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for snacks, a movie and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


John Lear thinks the planes were holographs (holograms?). He has a long interview on Youtube. John Lear, Project Camelot.


Yeah, I had heard of those theories - I'll watch this interview, but with a very critical eye.


NEWS from NY911Truth:

Petitioning to establish a NYC 911 Commission is proceeding apace. They get about 700 signatures per day and they have over 23,000 signatures so far. The goal is to get 30,000 signatures turned in to the City Clerk on August 1st to get an item on the November 4th city election ballot.

If people here want to help, call 718-492-2192 - NYC911T will arrange lodging (couch-surfing) for you.

There will be a big push on the last weekend and they encourage everyone to come help then. Here's the schedule:

arrive NYC: Friday, 25 July and check in - lodging arranged, talk over process for Saturday
start petitioning: Saturday, 26 July, 10 AM
Party: Saturday, 26 July in the PM to celebrate reaching the 30,000 goal.

This is absolutely the most important action for truth in the country. New Yorkers have standing to investigate a crime committed in their city and can establish a commission by petition and vote (the lawyers have reviewed it all and helped design the ballot issue). In order to prevent anyone from messing with the commission members, I believe the ballot issue names the commissioners already.

All the details on how to join in and volunteer to help out in NYC, including carpooling info, will be posted over at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth's meetup site.


There will be a big publicity stunt in NYC at the premiere of the new Batman movie. Hint: it involves this device:




Tuesday in Plymouth - In Their Own Words
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce:

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be
meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in
America, not the fluff news from the mainstream media, but the hard,
wrenching truth. Some of this information will be hard to watch, some
hard-to-believe, some will make you squirm and feel worse than when
you walked in, but we're banking on "the Truth will set you free!" and
we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester,
the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday in Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Plymouth are at The Common Man Inn at 231 Main Street. We'll gather at 6:30 for drinks and dinner. At 7, we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video 7:15ish. We'll be in the Abenaki Dining Room off of Foster's Boiler Room.


This month, we're showing : IN THEIR OWN WORDS; Untold Stories of the 9/11 Familes

In late 2006, the movie 9/11: Press For Truth became a worldwide underground hit. It exposed the story of the "Jersey Girls" and their allies -- the 9/11 families who had fought for the Commission but ultimately failed in seeing 70% of their questions answered.

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: THE UNTOLD STORIES OF THE 9/11 FAMILIES is the new, official companion DVD to 9/11 Press For Truth. Over 2 hours of unseen families' interviews and rare news clips originally intended for inclusion in the movie ended up on the cutting room floor -- until now.

A unique, balanced look at a diverse group of topics includes:

* Top officials' whereabouts and changing stories on the day of 9/11
* Insider trading before the attacks
* War games coinciding with Sept. 11th
* A confrontation between the families and FBI Director Mueller
* British reports that some of the hijackers named by the FBI are simply wrong
* Government whistleblowers' calls for accountability
* The FBI informant who lived with 2 of the hijackers
* A Defense Department program that identified 4 hijackers in 2000
* The families' push to receive the Pentagon crash tapes
* Bin Laden extradition negotiations after 9/11
* The Project For the New American Century
* And much more...

Directions to the Common Man Inn can be found at: http://www.thecmaninn.com/html/Location.html

Please arrive at 6:30 if you can, in order to get your dinner and beverage orders in. We'll start a brief business meeting at 7 and then on to the video showings. Books and other materials will be available for purchase at the event.

Merrimack Valley 911 Truth has set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Carpooling arrangements can now be made by clicking on http://mv911t.erideshare.com to go to the online ridesharing group. Now that gas has gone over $4.00/gal, carpooling is starting to get a lot more interesting.

What you will have to do is set up an individual username & password on eRideShare.com. Then, our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". Once you've figured out how the system works, just bookmark http://mv911t.erideshare.com and remember the password is "truth". Then you can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - or if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride.

As always, donations for the ride-sharing are always appreciated to cover gas costs.


We realize that 9/11 is not a happy, fun-time subject, but neither is the plight of the first-responders and clean-up workers. We
encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


If you're just curious and not convinced, this is an excellent opportunity to view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for dinner, a movie and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:

Russell Kanning

maybe we could hit the tuesday meeting in Plymouth from Burning Porcupine