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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 22, 2008, 02:06 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on July 21, 2008, 09:56 PM NHFT
Batman and Robin on board:


No can see images.

That's so weird, because on my browser, I can see the image fine now.
[now I can't]


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 22, 2008, 04:00 AM NHFT
maybe we could hit the tuesday meeting in Plymouth from Burning Porcupine

That'd be cool - If you have a laptop with wi-fi, we could check out this viewing problem there - the restaurant has wi-fi.

Google route from BP to theCMan: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=Hoyt+Rd,+Grafton,+NH+03240&daddr=231+Main+Street,+Plymouth,+New+Hampshire&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=67.724291,108.984375&ie=UTF8&z=10

Basically Rt. 4 to Rt. 104 all the way over to 93 and then up. Exit 26 to Rt. 3A/Rt. 25, Tenney Mountain Highway, then, almost immediately, first exit to take Main Street south into town just a block or so.

Their directions: http://www.thecmaninn.com/html/Location.html


1,000 Architects & Engineers by this September!
Help us!!!

Fellow AE911Truth Petition Signers & Friends:

Congratulations!! We now have over 400 Architects & Engineers demanding a real investigation of the 3 WTC high-rise towers — including 20 structural engineers and 3 high-rise architects! We have about 2000 other petition signers, as well, including metallurgists, physicists, scientists, explosives experts and demolition contractors.

Here is our goal: 1,000 A&E petition signers by this September 11th. We will be a massive voice of credibility and conscience — a force to be reckoned with! The petition will be submitted to Congress and we will not stop until there is a real, unimpeachable investigation with subpoena power.

[info on how to help on AE911Truth site]


Quote from: jaqeboy on July 22, 2008, 01:09 AM NHFT
Tuesday in Plymouth - In Their Own Words
4th Tuesday in Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Plymouth are at The Common Man Inn at 231 Main Street. We'll gather at 6:30 for drinks and dinner. At 7, we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video 7:15ish. We'll be in the Abenaki Dining Room off of Foster's Boiler Room.

This venue was great! It was very cool-looking - built around the boiler room of an old shoe peg factory. Service was great as Tuesday is a slow night for them. They provided TV/DVD player comp this time, usually $25 extra. Highly recommend this place for all kinds of meetings.

Quote from: jaqeboy on July 22, 2008, 01:09 AM NHFT

This month, we're showing : IN THEIR OWN WORDS; Untold Stories of the 9/11 Familes

This video was good, showing first of all how a small group of people can "be the management" - the Jersey Girls essentially forced the administration to have a commission at all, but also showing how such commissions can be manipulated and controlled - hence how far we have yet to go in taking our country back.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


Will you be doing this in Plymouth again soon?


Quote from: Jan on July 23, 2008, 08:00 AM NHFT
Will you be doing this in Plymouth again soon?

Yes, on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Go to the meetup group: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org to sign up on the email list to get announcements sent to you. We did make contact with some students at the meeting and will follow up with them re working with existing student groups and possibly using PSU facilities in the future for events. If you want a local person to contact, PM me and I'll give you the name, email and number. (Maybe the 2 of you could work together on having more frequent showings).

Russell Kanning

I loved that restaurant/inn. :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 26, 2008, 09:46 PM NHFT
I loved that restaurant/inn. :)

Yeah, that was a great room, wasn't it? I bet it would hold 30 or so comfortably and the dinner was great, too. Mmmm, sweet potato fries...

Russell Kanning

we tested some pancake theories on the burning porcupine .... it became soft and deformed under heat and pressure, but we couldn't make it fall at freefall speeds


Tuesday in Nashua - Loose Change: Final Cut
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce:

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in America, not the fluff news from the mainstream media, but the hard, wrenching truth. Some of this information will be hard to watch, some hard-to-believe, some will make you squirm and feel worse than when you walked in, but we're banking on "the Truth will set you free!" and we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester, the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday in Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Nashua are at The Balanced Health Center at 155 Main Dunstable Road, Suite 135. We'll gather at 7 - we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video promptly at 7:30.


This month, 5 August 2008, we're showing : Loose Change: Final Cut

This video by Dylan Avery, Corey Rowe and Jason Bermas is the final version of their runaway internet sensation. This version, though, contains all new material and is not just an edit of their "2nd Edition." Each of the Loose Change videos stands on its own.

We'll also go over how each attender can become more involved and spread the workload of running a meetup like this.

We'll have free DVD's and DVD's and books for sale. Everyone should bring their collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc. Bring your favorite books, too. We've developed a collection of books for sale at these various meetings.

A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway.

Merrimack Valley 911 Truth has set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Carpooling arrangements can now be made by clicking on http://mv911t.erideshare.com to go to the online ridesharing group. Now that gas has gone up to around $4.00/gal, carpooling is starting to get a lot more interesting.

What you have to do is set up an individual username & password on eRideShare.com. Then, our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". Once you've figured out how the system works, just bookmark http://mv911t.erideshare.com and remember the password is "truth". Then you can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - or if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride.

As always, donations for the ride-sharing are always appreciated by the driver to cover gas costs.


We realize that 9/11 is not a happy, fun-time subject, but neither is the plight of the first-responders and clean-up workers. We encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


If you're just curious and not convinced, this is an excellent opportunity to view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for snacks and beverages (bring something to share), a movie and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


Tuesday in Manchester - Improbable Collapse; The Demolition of our Republic
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce:

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in America, not the fluff news from the mainstream media, but the hard, wrenching truth. Some of this information will be hard to watch, some hard-to-believe, some will make you squirm and feel worse than when you walked in, but we're banking on "the Truth will set you free!" and we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester, the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday in Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Manchester are at The Great Buffet in the plaza across the street from the Mall of New Hampshire on South Willow Street. We'll gather at 6:30 for dinner and drinks - we'll have a brief business meeting at 7:00 and start the video soon thereafter.


This month, 12 August 2008, we're showing : Improbable Collapse; The Demolition of Our Republic.

"Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic" is the first film to look at the events of September 11, 2001 from a scientific perspective.

On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center Twin Towers disintegrated in a manner that scientists say resembled deliberately calculated implosions.  The facts open for discussion include: at 5:20 p.m. that same day another building, the 47 story WTC 7, completely collapsed within 70 feet of its footprint in 6.6 seconds.  These three buildings became the first such structures to ever suffer complete collapse due to fire and damage.

The film closely examines one of the world's worst catastrophes from a civil engineering perspective.  Using photo and video footage as well as expert scientific testimony, the film thoroughly examines the official reports, offering varied criticisms of the official findings, while raising a more plausible hypothesis.  The findings from these scientific experts  have been quietly ignored by both government investigations and the mainstream media.

We'll also go over how each attender can become more involved and spread the workload of running a meetup like this.

We'll have free DVD's and DVD's and books for sale. Everyone should bring their collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc. Bring your favorite books, too. We've developed a collection of books for sale at these various meetings.

A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway.

Merrimack Valley 911 Truth has set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Carpooling arrangements can now be made by clicking on http://mv911t.erideshare.com to go to the online ridesharing group. Now that gas has gone up to around $4.00/gal, carpooling is starting to get a lot more interesting.

What you have to do is set up an individual username & password on eRideShare.com. Then, our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". Once you've figured out how the system works, just bookmark http://mv911t.erideshare.com and remember the password is "truth". Then you can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - or if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride.

As always, donations for the ride-sharing are always appreciated by the driver to cover gas costs.


We realize that 9/11 is not a happy, fun-time subject, but neither is the plight of the first-responders and clean-up workers. We encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


If you're just curious and not convinced, this is an excellent opportunity to view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for snacks and beverages (bring something to share), a movie and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


Tuesday in Concord - The Secret Government, by Bill Moyers
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce:

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in America -  "the Truth will set you free!" and we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester, the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday in Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Concord are at Liberty Books. We'll gather at 6:30 for snacks and beverages  - we'll have a brief business meeting at 7:00 and start the video soon thereafter.


This month, 19 August 2008, we're showing : The Secret Government, by Bill Moyers.

This 1987 PBS documentary features the Iran-Contra scandal, but goes much deeper. Host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of the secret government. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today. Interviews with respected, top military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives.

We'll show a couple of short subjects after the main video.

In our business meeting, we'll go over how each attender can become more involved and spread the workload of running a meetup like this.

We'll have free DVD's and DVD's and books for sale - Jim is pleased to stock several titles in the store for your review and purchases during the rest of the month. Everyone should bring their own collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc.

A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway, and, please bring your friends.

Merrimack Valley 911 Truth has set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Carpooling arrangements can now be made by clicking on http://mv911t.erideshare.com to go to the online ridesharing group. Now that gas has gone up to near $4.00/gal, carpooling is starting to get a lot more interesting.

Our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". Once you've figured out how the system works, just bookmark http://mv911t.erideshare.com and remember the password is "truth". Then you can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - or if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride.

As always, donations for the ride-sharing are always appreciated by the driver to cover gas costs.


We realize that 9/11 is not a happy, fun-time subject, but neither is the plight of the first-responders and clean-up workers. We encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


If you're just curious and not convinced, this is an excellent opportunity to view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for snacks and beverages (bring something to share), a movie and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


4th Tuesday in Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Plymouth are at The Common Man Inn at 231 Main Street. We'll gather at 6:30 for drinks and dinner. At 7, we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video 7:15ish. We'll be in the Abenaki Dining Room off of Foster's Boiler Room.

This month, 26, August 2008, we're showing : The Secret Government, by Bill Moyers.

This 1987 PBS documentary features the Iran-Contra scandal, but goes much deeper. Host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of the secret government. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today. Interviews with respected, top military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives.

We'll show a couple of short subjects after the main video.

In our business meeting, we'll go over how each attender can become more involved and spread the workload of running a meetup like this.

We'll have free DVD's and DVD's and books for sale - Jim is pleased to stock several titles in the store for your review and purchases during the rest of the month. Everyone should bring their own collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc.

A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway, and, please bring your friends.


Quote from: mvpel on June 26, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT
Quote"We subsequently went to the stairwell and were going down the stairs, when we reached the sixth floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and now had to walk back up to the eighth floor. After getting to the eighth floor everything was dark."

I've posted the video of electrical transformers exploding before, but I suppose I'll do it again.


The WTC blueprints posted earlier indicate that the seventh floor was a mechanical area, and the floor plans show a huge electrical substation in the bottom center of the diagrams.

There were undoubtedly many, many explosions during the demise of the towers, of various things.  Here's a video of an aircraft oxygen generator burning, for instance:


Just because there was an explosion, and someone heard it and survived, doesn't mean it was a demolition or an "inside job."

With the passage of time and the tireless efforts of independent researchers and media and the release of the NIST report on WTC7 this past week, several things come out (admittedly, I haven't read it and have only listened to early review reports):

1) the quote above is from Barry Jenkins, a city official who was proceeding down the stairs from the Emergency Operations Center. He was interviewed by NIST re his eyewitness evidence of explosions and death and devastation in the lobby of WTC7 BEFORE the towers collapsed, but was not reported on. Note the timing of the explosions that Jenkins witnessed. His testimony to independent  researchers is on YouTube and there is an accompanying witness that was with him on the stairway at the time of the reported explosions (I forget his name).

2) The report doesn't find or report of devastating damage from electrical transformers exploding. That seems to be speculation, which is not helpful to this investigation.

3) I don't believe anyone alleges the explosion of an aircraft oxygen generator.


Quote from: mvpel on May 04, 2007, 09:24 AM NHFT
QuoteBuilding 7 was not hit by anything save a small amount of debris from the towers and suffered limited fires across just eight floors.

A "small" amount of debris?  Are they witholding evidence and photographs?

Oblique view of WTC7 involvement in WTC1 collapse.

WTC southwest corner damage:

The collapse of WTC-1 generated a 0.6 magnitude earthquake, and sent thousands of tons of steel flying through the air, and nobody has any photos of the side facing the site of the collapse, and the buildings were only 300 feet apart, and they're definitively claiming a "small amount of debris?"

Limited fires?

The NIST report on WTC 7 doesn't claim that debris from the collapse of the towers caused the collapse of the building. They back-pedalled on the planted story that Popular Mechanics put out as a propaganda hit that the south side of the building was "scooped out", though it sure scooped up a herd of true believers.

Quote from: mvpel on May 04, 2007, 09:24 AM NHFT
QuoteIn addition, explosions were being reported by occupants within WTC 7 before the towers had even collapsed.

This is the Barry Jenkins testimony, among others. NIST did not report it out, apparently.

Quote from: mvpel on May 04, 2007, 09:24 AM NHFT
Video of electrical transformers exploding.

This is wholly irrelevant and not alleged by any researchers that I know of.

Quote from: mvpel on May 04, 2007, 09:24 AM NHFT
The steel was only five inches thick near the bottom of the structure, where it had to withstand the most force, it tapered down to perhaps 2" thick near the middle of the building, down to perhaps as little as a quarter inch thick near the top.

That 1/4 inch number of yours is exaggeration for effect - the thicknesses are out there.

I was trying to keep this to WTC7 and the NIST report, but couldn't let that one through.