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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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A new Italian movie, which was the talk of European film festivals, will premier in Keene at Keene State's Night Owl Cafe
this fall: ZERO, An Investigation of 9/11.   We [Monadnock 9/11 Truth Alliance] will let you know the date as soon as we know.


Tuesday in Manchester - Loose Change: Final Cut
Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, videos about what really has been going on in America - the hard, wrenching truth. We're banking on: "the Truth will make you free!"

first Tuesday in Nashua
2nd Tuesday in Manchester
3rd Tuesday in Concord
4th Tuesday in Plymouth
details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Manchester - The Great Buffet: plaza across the street from Mall of New Hampshire on South Willow Street.
We gather at 6:30: dinner and drinks
brief business meeting at 7:00
video soon thereafter.

This month, 9 September 2008, we're showing : Loose Change: Final Cut.

This video by Dylan Avery, Corey Rowe and Jason Bermas is the final version of their runaway internet sensation. This version, though, contains all new material and is not just an edit of their "2nd Edition." Each of the Loose Change videos stands on its own.

Like previous versions, this third installment in the evolution of the Loose Change series continues to ask the tough questions about the 9/11 attacks and related events. It presents over 2 hours of new, undeniable evidence challenging the official story that will leave you speechless.

Loose Change Final Cut is substantially different from Loose Change and Loose Change: 2nd Edition in the way it presents the information surrounding 9/11. However, it remains true to the spirit that has made Loose Change what it is today.

With the intention of presenting the most balanced documentary possible, dozens of professionals who both agree and disagree with the official version of events of that day were interviewed.

The information in this film will hopefully be a catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED.

Loose Change Final Cut will leave no doubt that the actual events of 9/11 were far different from what the public has been told. Come learn what the government and corporate media want kept secret. This is the knowledge that will provide a foundation for understanding our wider political reality we face today.

Free DVD's - DVD's and books for sale. Everyone should bring their collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc. Bring your favorite books, too. We've developed a collection of books for sale at these various meetings. A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway.

Carpooling group online at http://mv911t.erideshare.com. Our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth".

If you want to do something to help the first responders, we encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


Anyone want to share a ride to NYC for the 11th - I'm having too car issues right now, but could chip in for gas and I probly can get us cheap or free lodging in Brooklyn. There will be memorials, seminars, film premieres and lots of networking amongst the freedom movement folk there. It's well worth the trip. I suggest leaving Wed afternoon and returning Friday sometime.


Also, more locally, from George of the Monadnock 911 Truth Alliance:

Some great events are planned for 9/11 this Thursday, the primary effort
being the rally in the Square in Keene from 11:30am - 1:00pm.  I wanted
to let the group know of other opportunities in Keene as well.

Fair and I are going to do a banner drop from the Court Street bridge
over the Bypass (this is right near the hospital) at 7:30am.  We're
gonna use the inspired slogan, "If the Truth about 9/11 doesn't
matter...  what does?"  Would others like to join us, with a banner of
their own?  Please do!

On WKNH (91.3FM), Caz, Mark and myself - as WKNH DJ's who will be on the
radio all that morning - want to open up the studio to you as community
members to be on the radio.  This opportunity will go from 9:00am to
roughly 11:00am, and we would like to invite everyone who would like to
come to the studio (or call in) and seriously give your input about why
the truth about 9/11 matters, what you really think and feel about the
situation.   The studio is on the 3rd floor of the KSC Student Union. 
The call-in number is 358-8863.  Let me know if you'd like to do this,
but you are unconditionally welcome to participate in this community
opportunity to speak your mind on the airwaves.

Can't wait to see everyone *** George and Fair *** 446-3561


Filmmaker Urges International Tribunal to Probe 9/11, Deutsche Welle

Italian film-maker Giulietto Chiesa, who was in Berlin for a screening of his documentary ("ZERO")
which questions the official US version of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has called for an international tribunal
to probe events.

Chiesa was in Berlin at the weekend for a screening of his film which
features, among others, novelist Gore Vidal and playwright Dario Fo as
well as retired American professor of philosophy David Ray Griffin who
advances conspiracy theories that contradict mainstream accounts of events
of 11 September, 2001....


We'll show Zero soon! - Tonight in Manchester, though, it's Loose Change: Final Cut

details at http://merrimackvalley911truth.org


The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé
David Ray Griffin

"Citizens in many countries are waging a war on the cover-up of the basis for the so-called war on terror---this basis being the official interpretation of the 9/11 attacks. Along with the Internet, which has equipped both public figures and ordinary citizens to wage this war on the cover-up, David Ray Griffin has revealed dozens of omissions, distortions, and contradictions in the official story in a way that provides undeniable evidence of its falsity. The New Pearl Harbor Revisited presents a powerful exposé of the false narrative that has been driving the mainstream political agenda since 9/11. It is now up to politicians and journalists around the world to expose this truth to our peoples."---Yukihisa Fujita, member of the House of Councilors, the Diet of Japan

"With this work, Dr. Griffin cements his place as the preeminent spokesperson for the growing number of people who demand answers to an expanding list of questions about 9/11. . . . Even those members of the 9/11 Truth Movement who have immersed themselves thoroughly in the subject will find new information here, presented in the precise and very readable style Dr. Griffin has brought to each of his books. . . . Absent a revival of investigative journalism---a dim prospect at best, in view of the media ownership concentration---books like this one, arming the informed citizen with solid information and providing a basis for demanding direct action, appear to be our best hope."---Shelton F. Lankford, Lt. Col. US Marine Corps (Ret.)....


Looks like an interesting new book - gotta see if we can get our supportive booksellers to carry it, like Liberty Books, and maybe Richard will put it on the "red pill" shelf at Just Read Books in Milford.


In the Boston area:

Thursday, Sept. 11, at 7:00 pm: Boston911Truth.Org proudly and respectfully presents the Boston Premiere of "Zero - An Investigation Into 9-11" with shocking new evidence exposing 9-11-01 crimes, at the Regent Theatre, 7 Medford St., Arlington Center, MA. A sensation at the 2007 Rome Film Festival last fall, new Italian-directed documentary stars Gore Vidal and Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo. "What results is a sequence of contradictions, gaps and omissions of stunning gravity" (Italian daily newspaper Il Corriere de la Sera).


Seacoast area:

Friday, Sept. 12, at 5 pm (Portsmouth) & 5:30 pm (Rochester) & Saturday, Sept. 13, at 11 am (Dover) peace vigils: There will be the opportunity to remind the public that there are questions that many of us feel are not fully answered about the world trade center. Because the group will not be large and there will be others with different messages concerning peace, please make the 9-11 messages clear and cover the general openness of concerns. See below for exact locations of peace vigils. For more information contact Wes Flierl at <WesFlierl1@netzero.net>.


Cindy Sheehan's moving commentary on 9/11:

Reflections on 9-11
Cindy Sheehan

The 7th anniversary of September 11, 2001 is approaching and it seems like a good time to reflect on what our nation has lost since that tragic day and what we can do to go forward.

I do not think that anyone alive on that day will forget the shock that struck our nation when the symbols of US capitalism and militarism were struck out of the clear blue sky. I was in panic mode for a few days, because I did not hear from Casey who was stationed at Ft. Hood on that day and his base went into lock-down and he was too busy to call. Even though we mourn with our fellow Americans, the loss of over 3000 innocent people and the pain their families have had to deal with, the attacks of 9-11 have touched every American.

There are several ways to look at 9-11:

•    9-11 was planned and executed by the US government.
•    BushCo did not plan 9-11, but they knew it was going to happen and did nothing to prevent it and, in fact, may have allowed it to
•    9-11 was planned and executed by a group of 17 terrorists (14 of them from Saudi Arabia) without the fore knowledge of the US
     government and we were attacked because the terrorists "hated our freedoms and democracy."

Whichever of the theories is true, one thing is for sure: the Bush regime's response to 9-11 was woefully inept and criminal and many people have been killed, wounded, displaced or destroyed because of the Bush regimes' exploitation of the tragedy to use ultra-violence against the innocent people of two nations in response to a criminal act perpetrated by a few. Watching the recent RNC was a reminder of 9-11 hysteria used to justify implementing the Project for a New American Century and excusing BushCo for the crimes they have committed on the non-existent graves of our brothers and sisters who perished that day and whose remains were never recovered.

Instead of taking a hard and critical look at the corporate-imperialistic policies of our government and trying to objectively figure out why we were attacked, we set off on a nationalistic flag waving fervor of mass fear that was only to be cured by shopping, traveling and allowing George and Dick to make a demented response to it. After 9-11 our country lost a real opportunity to search our souls and make amends to the world for our greed and violence. An apt response would have been to punish the perpetrators of the crime in a court of law and not by rabidly seeking the first country to destroy. Attacking Afghanistan was like bombing Sicily to oblivion for the crimes of the Mafia. Attacking Iraq was just for neocon kicks.

George Bush was handed a Presidential Daily Briefing in Crawford, Texas on August 6th, 2001, that read: "Osama bin Laden determined to strike in the United States." According to journalist Ron Susskind, Bush told the agent who delivered the message: "Okay, you've covered your ass." Instead, our collective asses are twisting in the wind of the abuses and excesses of the last 7 years.

Our economy is being destroyed by 7 years of seemingly endless occupations that have made Dick and his cronies wealthy, but have harmed the rest of us. The price of gas has almost tripled since 9-11, thus causing all other consumer goods to skyrocket. People are losing their jobs and homes because this war economy cannot be sustained with Monopoly money printed and devalued to cover our rising deficits. We have become the worlds' worst debtor nation and our treasury is trillions in debt.

Our famous "freedoms" that the terrorists "hated" have been eroded due to the PATRIOT ACT, the Military Commissions Act and the violent response to protest from our robo-clad police state. We can be guaranteed that any call, email or text message that we send or receive is being read and if we dare protest we will be pepper-sprayed, maced, tear gassed, tasered, or beaten with a Billy club by our employees: law enforcement; authorized by our other employees: government.

My opponent, Nancy Pelosi, has cooperated and collaborated with the Bush regime to allow torture and incarceration without due process and NSA spying on Americans without warrants. She opens her Gucci bag and doles out billions for his War OF Terror while sitting in her mansion, children and grandchildren out of harms way, while our country implodes and Iraq and Afghanistan burn. She has legitimized BushCo's crimes and refuses to hold them accountable for the destruction they have unleashed upon our world.

It's not only time for new leadership in our government, but it's time for a new 9-11 Commission that has subpoena power and is not facilitated by the crooks who either perpetrated the crime and/or collaborated with it. Government abuses cannot be credibly investigated by government commissions: A citizen's investigation that is independent from the federal government and where people like George and Dick will actually have to give their testimony in the light of day, under oath and not holding hands, must be empowered and empanelled.

If you agree with me that a new 9-11 investigation is warranted, please contribute to my campaign to unseat Vichy-Pelosi who would never agree to investigate her buddy Bush for any crimes, much less the crime of our new century.

But most importantly, Cindy for Congress sends our deepest condolences to those who lost family member on 9-11 and anyone else on this planet who have lost their jobs, homes, or lives due to George's tragic response to the tragedy of 9-11.

My son is one of the ones whose life was ended prematurely. I mourn deeply for him each day, but the way forward is towards healing, peace, accountability, environmental sustainability, and economic equality and away from the violence and greed that has colored every aspect of our lives since that sad day.




Kat Kanning


Tuesday in Manchester - Zero - An Investigation Into 9/11
Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, videos about what really has been going on in America - the hard, wrenching truth. We're banking on: "the Truth will make you free!"

first Tuesday in Nashua
2nd Tuesday in Manchester
3rd Tuesday in Concord
4th Tuesday in Plymouth
details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Manchester - The Great Buffet: plaza across the street from Mall of New Hampshire on South Willow Street.
We gather at 6:30: dinner and drinks
brief business meeting at 7:00
video soon thereafter.

This month, 14 October 2008, we're showing : Zero - An Investigation Into 9/11,  by Telemaco Pictures.

This film was produced by an Italian company and was recently shown on Russian state television, so it's been seen by millions of people. It seems that only the Americans are in the dark!

On Tuesday 26th February, 2008, Europarlementarian Guilietto Chiesa invited his colleagues and the press to attend the screening and debate of the Italian-produced documentary named 'ZERO, an investigation into the events of 9/11'. Object of the screening was to create political awareness of the faulty official investigation into the events by the 9/11 Commission.

Besides Mr Chiesa, the panel consisted of Japanese parlementarian Fujita, Dr David Ray Griffin, film distributor Tim Sparke & the director and producers of the film.

After his opening statements, Mr Chiesa welcomed his guest speakers, including the producers, director and distributor of the documentary. Mr Chiesa pointed out that he was unable to find any distributor in his native country of Italy and was happy to find a company in the UK, led by Mr Tim Sparke, to handle worldwide distribution of this important film. 'It is important to realize,' he emphasized 'that the movie was made thanks to contribution and donations of hundreds of citizens who feel a new investigation is more than warranted.' No less than 450 people worked on this documentary on a voluntary basis. They never received any kind of payment. Their reward is the movie itself, which they feel is an instrument to create awareness and a means to provoke a political debate in Europe.

Free DVD's - DVD's and books for sale. Everyone should bring their collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc. Bring your favorite books, too. We've developed a collection of books for sale at these various meetings. A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway.

Carpooling group online at http://mv911t.erideshare.com. Our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth".

If you want to do something to help the first responders, we encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


New previously-unreleased video of WTC7, showing tell-tale puffs of smoke:


Don't know how to embed videos from this source... forummistress?


I have a simple question, I hope it care be answered simple,  I am I simple man is all.

If We have some much proof, well I seen alot 911 stuff and I being a simple man can figure out its a set up.

Why is this not being seeked out upon?
Why is Bush not in jail?

I remember Clinton getting head and getting the I word dropped... but why not Bush?

I cant believe there is nothing we can do!?
I looked into bush's brothers...WOW!
Its so clear but not a thing has been done or will???