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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: akmisrmaadi on April 26, 2009, 12:51 AM NHFT
i dont know what happened. but i don't believe it was staged.

wierd shit happens in this world if you didn't notice.

I noticed. I just don't think it's random.


A Modern Myth
Did we create a modern myth
Did we imagine half of it
Would happen in a thought from now

Save yourself
Save yourself
The secret is out

To buy the truth
And sell a lie
The last mistake before you die
So don't forget to breathe tonight
Tonight's the last so say good-bye

The secret is out


A Modern Myth - A Beautiful Lie

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: jaqeboy on April 26, 2009, 12:09 AM NHFT
P.S. I'm presuming you now accept the FBI's evidence re the phone calls - ie, that the Barbara Olson calls didn't happen? What does that do to your understanding of what really happened?

Now, we've had major wars, defense contractors rolling in the bucks, U.S. control of the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world, establishment of a western-style central bank in Iraq, the spread of the front all the way into Pakistan and establishment of military bases surrounding Iran, the destruction of privacy and civil liberties at home -- and all of that hinges on things like the B. Olson phone calls that didn't happen, and, by the way, hers were the only phone calls that referred to "box-cutters", so we all get frisked by TSA at the airport because of that call that didn't happen. Does the truth of her purported calls matter?

I'd like to know what happened to her, too, and I'd like to see Ted Olson get skewered for his role in this mess!
The ties between 9/11 and Iraq were never truly made.
And Iraq doesn't have the 2nd largest oil reserves... that honor would go to Canada, with Iran being third... and Iraq fourth.
I believe you'll find the attack on Iraq had more to do with circumstancial political cover and tactics.

Both Iran and Iraq have over the years presented a public oration that the price of crude oil is too low. It takes just a moment looking at a map of the area to realize that either of these two countries possess the military capacity to control the strait through which a lot of oil shipments must occur. As the world neared 100% utilization of the then capacity, any small incidence within those waters would result in a dramatic increase in crude pricing (hence all the speculation of last summer).
The Bush/Cheney Administration used the UN Security Resolutions, and what we now have confirmed to be false intelligence reporting, to launch a policing action that would secure the strait.

As for the western-style bank... I would hypothesize that the US is taunting OBL et al.


What are people's opinions on what was used to destroy the buildings?  Nanothermite?  Directed energy beams?  Both?  Something else? 



Whatever that is it would explain how the vertical columns could vaporize like the one in the "Spire" video.

The hollow box columns lent themselves to being filled with some type of catalyst. The dust recovered from the aftermath confirms it.

Micro nukes (the evidence of their existence destroyed  @ OKC bombing) were apparently used also. Tritium recovered from the scene  and the extremely odd melting of isolated car parts confirms that also.


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 27, 2009, 02:02 AM NHFT
As for the western-style bank... I would hypothesize that the US is taunting OBL et al.

Why do you think that Pakistani chick got assassinated a couple of days after she told David Frost OBL was dead?


what a load of shit. unbelievable. you guys give put the ook in kook


Quote from: akmisrmaadi on April 28, 2009, 01:57 AM NHFT
what a load of shit. unbelievable. you guys give put the ook in kook

Brilliant retort akmisrmaadi. The way you dissected that information and exposed all it's flaws. Do you work for Popular Science?


OBL dead?

Who'd a thunk it?


Mr Zardari's comments came as he sought to reassure the international community that it need not worry over the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons.



Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 27, 2009, 02:02 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on April 26, 2009, 12:09 AM NHFT
... U.S. control of the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world...
And Iraq doesn't have the 2nd largest oil reserves...

Oops, my bad. Was shooting from the hip on that one. :) Didn't have time to go look it up. I knew it was up there. You sure they aren't 3rd largest?


Quote from: akmisrmaadi on April 28, 2009, 01:57 AM NHFT
what a load of shit. unbelievable. you guys give put the ook in kook

Your issue seems to be with reported facts. There is plenty of info out there for those who care to get the facts, which is why David Ray Griffin's talk was called "Time for a Second Look", since many people seem to be relying on info available back in 2002, much of which was propaganda or disinformation. The actual evidence is stacking up. So, anyway, my suggestion for the curious is to do some reading of material that has come out since then, and a good first step is the recent DRG presentation, posted previously, but, I repeat myself.


Quote from: Tunga on April 28, 2009, 06:15 PM NHFT
OBL dead?

Who'd a thunk it?

Not to sound like a one-note, but DRG's next book is on bin Laden - he'll review all the known info of UBL and his conclusion is that he died around or shortly after 13-14 December 2001. Not sure when the book will be out, but soon.

John Edward Mercier

OBL et al. is a reference to Fundamentalists.
Islam has a tenet against money lending and money lenders... the same as Christianity.
Western-style banks would be in opposition to this tenet.

Quote from: jaqeboy on April 29, 2009, 10:20 AM NHFT
Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 27, 2009, 02:02 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on April 26, 2009, 12:09 AM NHFT
... U.S. control of the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world...
And Iraq doesn't have the 2nd largest oil reserves...

Oops, my bad. Was shooting from the hip on that one. :) Didn't have time to go look it up. I knew it was up there. You sure they aren't 3rd largest?

Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iran, then Iraq. But the Strait, controls much of the crude shipments in that region... and could upon tight utilization of crude supplies control the global price.


I haven't taken the time to read this entire thread, so if this has already been mentioned, then I apologize.

One of the very few positive things to come out of to come to light after the 911 attacks, whether an inside job or not, is that there is a growing number of people inside and outside of the liberty movement who wouldn't put it past the government to commit such attrocities.