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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Not sure why thats important. Sort of common knowledge around these parts.  :blush:


We're over there so we can be over there. Cause we need the stuff they have.  :o


Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

Steve Watson
Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video 250510LadenTwo former CIA officials have admitted to creating a fake video in which intelligence officers dressed up as Osama Bin Laden and his cronies in an effort to defame the terrorist leader throughout the middle east.

The details are outlined in a Washington Post article by investigative reporter and former Army Intelligence case officer Jeff Stein.

Do you still believe a bin Laden confession, just because you saw it on TV?

Russell Kanning

just yesterday I ran into a guy who didn't believe the government could cover up something this big

i guess he was right



Yeah, too many leaks in the system. The propaganda media just won't blare this stuff on the front page like they should, though, so it's up to you and me, brother.


So, where are the leaks among the thousands of individuals who it would have taken to do a controlled demolition on all those buildings and cover it up?  Not one of them has come forward?



Quote from: MaineShark on June 20, 2010, 06:16 PM NHFT
So, where are the leaks among the thousands of individuals who it would have taken to do a controlled demolition on all those buildings and cover it up?  Not one of them has come forward?


Joe the leakers as you call them worked for a private contractor based in Israel that employed artists and movers.

The artists constructed sound deadening walls on unoccupied floors of the WTC while they rigged each floor for demo.

Windows were removed and a high speed winch brought explosives up in the middle of the night.

After the attacks several of them were arrested driving  explosive laden vans. All 100 of them were rounded up and deported back to Israel by DHS director Chertoff.


Several of those deported Artists/Movers admitted to having rigged the buildings on an Israeli talk show.


Yeah, artists are pretty good at setting demolitions charges.

In a normal situation, most demolitions companies wouldn't touch the WTC towers.  Imagining that it can be done clandestinely, and deal with plane impacts without causing any demolition failures, is just beyond compare.



Why wouldn't demolition companies take down the towers? Take out a few (of the 47 high strength core columns) high up in the structure and pour a few thousand gallons of kerosene down an elevator shaft and just wait an hour or so and the whole thing comes down in it's own foot print.

Sounds pretty easy really. How come more buildings aren't destroyed like this? Oh, Ya. Cause its a fucking joke!


Nothing that large has ever been dropped.  And, regardless of the cause of the collapse, the damage to surrounding structures is (as happened) quite substantial.

Most of the large skyscrapers have been built with no thought to how they will eventually be taken down.  Even assuming someone had the audacity to attempt it, it would require controlled conditions, not installing explosives in some magical way that prevents anyone from noticing, crashing a jetliner into the building, and then just hoping against hope that the explosives are still where they need to be, with no way of checking.

Buildings don't come down by magic.  The "controlled demolition" fantasy requires that one assumes too many things which exceed the current state of the art, as well as ignoring a simpler option (ie, find some gullible terrorists and convince them to fly planes into the buildings).




Joe the steel core columns? Where did they go?

Your cluelessness is showing.

Do you have any idea how much weight a box column 3 inches thick by 4 feet long by 2 feet wide can carry?

Ya no. YOu just repeat the NWO talking points. Hate the Muslims. You got it down Joe.


Quote from: KBCraig on June 22, 2010, 02:15 AM NHFTJoe, Joe, Joe...  :deadhorse: :BangHead:

It's a good workout.

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 05:42 AM NHFTJoe the steel core columns? Where did they go?

I wasn't aware that they left.  Maybe Hawaii?

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 05:42 AM NHFTYour cluelessness is showing.

It's odd that no actual, competent engineer says anything else, eh?

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 05:42 AM NHFTDo you have any idea how much weight a box column 3 inches thick by 4 feet long by 2 feet wide can carry?

Yup.  I also have a fairly good idea of how its bearing capacity goes down as temperature increases (here's a hint: you don't need to even get particularly close to the melting point to soften it such that it's like large taffy).

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 05:42 AM NHFTYa no. YOu just repeat the NWO talking points. Hate the Muslims. You got it down Joe.

Who hates Muslims?

Anyway, the only folks who benefit from the nonsense story about controlled demolition are the Feds and other Statists.  Right after the attack, there was a large demand that passengers be allowed to be armed, so any future hijackings could be prevented.  The Feds didn't like that, so they concocted the silly story that planes didn't actually cause the collapse, so their anti-self-defense policies wouldn't be blamed; after all, if it was done with explosives, armed passengers would not have stopped it.

Plus, it wastes folks' time, that they could be doing something useful with, rather than attending conspiracy conventions.  And it sidelines the liberty movement by association in the minds of most of the population.  We would have been able to prevent much of the evil done in the last decade, with more man-hours and less "I heard a Truther say the same thing that you're saying, so I'll just ignore you."

Anyone spreading that story is just helping the government.



So a building built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 is made of Taffy? Popular Science doing your calculations for you Joe?
They build a lot of buildings right Joe? What do they recommend? Carbon Carbon stiffeners laminated to 2X12's? That's what you'd use right Joe?

Quote from: MaineShark on June 22, 2010, 08:03 AM NHFT

It's odd that no actual, competent engineer says anything else, eh?

Yup.  I also have a fairly good idea of how its bearing capacity goes down as temperature increases (here's a hint: you don't need to even get particularly close to the melting point to soften it such that it's like large taffy).

Plus, it wastes folks' time, ....

Anyone spreading that story is just helping the government.


There are lots of competent engineers that can explain why what we all saw on the TV that day was a controlled demolition.

Tunga is wasting his time talking to you. No big whoop.

Anyone defending the governments official story is accessory to murder.

Your ok with that though?

A kerosene fire 1000' up in the air can melt a steel column in the basement. Again I ask you: why don't more demolition companies employ this technique? It not only saved Mr. Silverman billions; it actually made him money.


Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 08:18 PM NHFTSo a building built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 is made of Taffy? Popular Science doing your calculations for you Joe?

Nope.  I ran the numbers on that, well back in the 1990's.  It's not like the idea of flying a jet into a building as an act of terrorism is a new concept.  Someone asked me if it would just cause a lot of damage, or collapse the building.  The numbers said it would collapse the building.

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 08:18 PM NHFTThere are lots of competent engineers that can explain why what we all saw on the TV that day was a controlled demolition.

Whom?  I've not heard of a single one.  And don't go bringing up the foolish group full of interior designers and electricians, who claim they understand structural engineering.

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 08:18 PM NHFTAnyone defending the governments official story is accessory to murder.

Your ok with that though?

The only one here presenting a story released by the government are you, and the other Truthers.  I think the government knew that terrorists were going to do this, and let it happen.  I wouldn't blink if evidence that some elements provided material support to those terrorists came to light.  They did it with the earlier bombing, so why not this time?

Government involvement is believable.  Ghost explosives are not.  But the explosive story provides substantial support to the government.

Quote from: Tunga on June 22, 2010, 08:18 PM NHFTA kerosene fire 1000' up in the air can melt a steel column in the basement. Again I ask you: why don't more demolition companies employ this technique? It not only saved Mr. Silverman billions; it actually made him money.

Because it makes a mess of the surroundings, as evidenced by the massive damage to other buildings in the area.  Controlled demolitions are a heck of a lot cleaner than the WTC collapse.
