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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Here's a recent piece (file attached) by Bill Woodward of UNH about the psychology of 9/11. I'll look for the YouTube video link and post that later.

partial quote:
I would like to speak about the public perception of 9/11. Psychology has a lot to offer for understanding how the public reacted over the past eight or so years.  I will apply the insights, drawn from experimental and clinical research, from the theories of psychoanalysis, social psychology, and cognitive-behavioral psychology.

The initial event caused a collective trauma. Like the Kennedy assassination, most in my generation can still remember what we were doing when we got the news. Similarly, for most of us, the images of planes flying into those tall World Trade Center buildings will never go away. It may haunt us when we sleep. We want to talk about it, or we don't want to talk about it. Either way, it is a cognition lodged in our minds.

This memory is what psychologists call a cognition. According to the social psychological theory of cognitive dissonance, we unconsciously try to harmonize our cognitions, or to make them consonant (Festinger, 1957).  When we encounter a shock like 9/11, we naturally look for causes right away. Finding cause and effect helps to produce consonance between cognitions.

The cause was actually provided by our national media, rather surprisingly, within the first day or two of the attack. We experienced it with "shock and awe." We saw the faces of all 19 Arab hijackers on television. We saw the planes going into the buildings, over and over. We saw the hole in the Pentagon. That was it. And that is where many people remained -- with what I will call "the official theory" of 9/11. This official story helped many to reduce their cognitive dissonance, to reconcile the attack with a ready story of  the perpetrators. Our president even provided a motive: they hate our freedoms. Others looked deeper and reasoned that they hated our bases on their sovereign lands.

Others, however, experienced a different cognitive dissonance.  They saw this shocking event and became suspicious of the official story, either right away or gradually over a period of months and years. I am in the latter category. It was a local group who gave me the moral support to push on toward the truth. We began by reading Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert (2004). He suggested that this was a state crime motivated by diminishing resources. 



That's funny.  He started reading about it in 2004?  And he magically became an expert on what the government does and doesn't do, and have the capability of doing?



Joe the A&E members posted the plans to the WTC on line at their website. Because the government has sequestered the plans the column schedule sheet is absent from the set.

Can you explain how you "ran the numbers" when you are obviously clueless to the structure? Did you have access to the missing column schedule or did you pull your numbers from your rectal cavity?


Quote from: MaineShark on June 23, 2010, 07:11 AM NHFT
That's funny.  He started reading about it in 2004?  And he magically became an expert on what the government does and doesn't do, and have the capability of doing?


... but stupid lasts forever


Quote from: Tunga on June 23, 2010, 11:01 AM NHFTJoe the A&E members posted the plans to the WTC on line at their website. Because the government has sequestered the plans the column schedule sheet is absent from the set.

Can you explain how you "ran the numbers" when you are obviously clueless to the structure? Did you have access to the missing column schedule or did you pull your numbers from your rectal cavity?

Oddly enough, the structure isn't actually secret, despite manufactured conspiracy theories.

Quote from: Tunga on June 23, 2010, 11:07 AM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on June 23, 2010, 07:11 AM NHFTThat's funny.  He started reading about it in 2004?  And he magically became an expert on what the government does and doesn't do, and have the capability of doing?
... but stupid lasts forever

Sounds like you'd have more experience with that than I.

Anyone with any level of understanding of science or even just basic reasoning skills examines evidence, then reaches a conclusion.  Conspiracy theorists reach a conclusion, then search for any random bits of evidence that support it, and ignore anything that refutes it.



Quote from: MaineShark on June 23, 2010, 01:19 PM NHFT, and ignore anything that refutes it.


Hmm. Who does that sound like? Let's ponder that shall we?


"Nope.  I ran the numbers on that, well back in the 1990's." - Joe the Maine shark

Joe is a regular guy who gets his "numbers" off a rectal thermometer.

Run those numbers Joe. Are you running a fever Joe?  Maybe he means he has the runs? Running for office?

Maybe he's worried the IDF won't give him his bonus check this month.

Come on Joe. Shut the Tunga up why don't cha?


... only has to pretend a little to "not know anything about" what a "cutter" charge is.


Back Stop Failure.

Thats when the little left behind shill for the big important world powers realize that he's been ah, as we said, um, left behind.



Aww, come on Joe! That should get the Tunga at least two negative Karma points! Because telling the truth makes the lying shills very mad and they might actually go out and take bad actions based on their petty little jealous insecurities.

Tunga is sorry if he aroused an actual emotion from these obviously brainless droids infesting this earth. They are fun to pick on though. So you gotta give' em that.



I realize that you wish you actually had a life, and think that hanging onto conspiracies is what you need to make yourself happy.

Obviously, it bothers you that you've supported this evil system, so it eases your burden if there was some secret cabal pulling the strings, and your actions didn't matter, because the Grand Conspirators would have achieved their ends, anyway.

Sorry, but your actions do matter.  You supported this evil system.  It's done what it's done because you, and millions like you, helped it do those things.  No secret group is out there to take your blame for you.

There's a good reason why those of us who have never, from day one, ever supported the system... never fall into the conspiracy theory trap.  I have no guilt I need to pawn off onto others.  So I have no need to invent those others.  Typically, those who jump onto conspiracy theories are those who had the rudest awakenings.  What evils did you help the State achieve, that you have so much guilt about, Tunga?



The 14 year old Tunga signed a "Social Security" card after he was assured that he had too.

Swallowing the lie for next 30 years he  tried to fit into the system. That didn't work out so well.

Now that research has exposed this lie for the Tunga he is only trying to enlighten others as to the nature of the slavery you appear to embrace.

Still waiting for a chance to rebut your "numbers" that your ran back in the '90's. You know the ones that showed how a 767 traveling at 20% over the maximum attainable speed for that plane could cause a building to fall down without resistance.  Did they go to Hawaii  or something?


Quote from: MaineShark on June 23, 2010, 09:30 PM NHFT

There's a good reason why those of us who have never, from day one, ever supported the system...


So you have never paid IRS or Social Security excises? Oh that's right! Citizens of Israel aren't liable to the Federal Reserve.


Quote from: Tunga on June 24, 2010, 07:51 AM NHFTThe 14 year old Tunga signed a "Social Security" card after he was assured that he had too.

Swallowing the lie for next 30 years he  tried to fit into the system. That didn't work out so well.

Now that research has exposed this lie for the Tunga he is only trying to enlighten others as to the nature of the slavery you appear to embrace.

By "enlighten others," you mean "invent fantasies to avoid blame for his own actions," right?

Quote from: Tunga on June 24, 2010, 07:51 AM NHFTStill waiting for a chance to rebut your "numbers" that your ran back in the '90's. You know the ones that showed how a 767 traveling at 20% over the maximum attainable speed for that plane could cause a building to fall down without resistance.  Did they go to Hawaii  or something?

Since you clearly have zero grasp of engineering of physics ("no resistance" - what is that supposed to mean? the buildings fell in an instant, in your world?), I'm not sure how I would go about explaining the failure mode to you.  Planes hit buildings.  Go boom.  Cut many columns.  Fires soften other columns.  Heavy building causes columns to fail.  Remaining columns under more weight, and getting softer.  Too many columns break, and building falls.

Quote from: Tunga on June 24, 2010, 07:57 AM NHFTSo you have never paid IRS or Social Security excises? Oh that's right! Citizens of Israel aren't liable to the Federal Reserve.

Victims of armed robbery aren't responsible for the robber's acts; they aren't "supporting" the robber.  Those who willingly donate their time, money, and consent to mass-murdering thugs, are.  You chose, because you wanted to, to support thugs who commit horrible crimes against millions and millions of innocent people.  And, rather than face the fact that you were a happy little supporter, goose-stepping along with their evil, you try and invent some scapegoat to blame.



This report was made in 1992. Is this the paper you were talking about?


So Joe if you pay the IRS "unwillingly" you're not supporting the evil?

Joe a regular guy who thinks rebuttal using emotion instead of fact will get him the respect of those petty little karma strokers.

Say it, don't spray it.