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Are they serious? (warning this is an excerpt of the National Service bill)

Started by soliscjw, March 23, 2009, 09:38 PM NHFT

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      '(a) Prohibited Activities- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:

            '(1) Attempting to influence legislation.
            '(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.
            '(3) Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing.

            '(4) Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements.
            '(5) Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office.
            '(6) Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials.

            '(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.
            '(8) Providing a direct benefit to--

                  '(A) a business organized for profit;

                  '(B) a labor organization;

                  '(C) a partisan political organization;

                  '(D) a nonprofit organization that fails to comply with the restrictions contained in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 except that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent participants from engaging in advocacy activities undertaken at their own initiative;
                  '(E) an organization engaged in the religious activities described in paragraph (7), unless Corporation assistance is not used to support those religious activities.

            '(9) Conducting a voter registration drive or using Corporation funds to conduct a voter registration drive.

            '(10) Such other activities as the Corporation may prohibit.

      '(b) Ineligible Organizations- No assistance provided under this subtitle may be provided to the following types of organizations (including the participation of a participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle in activities conducted by such organizations) or to organizations that are co-located on the same premises as the following organizations:

            '(1) Organizations that provide or promote abortion services, including referral for such services.

            '(2) For-profit organizations, political parties, labor organizations, or organizations engaged in political or legislative advocacy.

            '(3) Organizations that have been indicted for voter fraud.

      '(c) Nondisplacement of Employed Workers or Other Volunteers- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not perform any services or duties or engage in activities which--

            '(1) would otherwise be performed by an employed worker as part of his or her assigned duties as an employee or by another volunteer who is not a participant in an approved national service position;

            '(2) will supplant the hiring of employed workers or work of such other volunteers.'.

This is one of the reasons that has refreshed my goal and need to move to NH


You will work when and where Obama says. You will follow the instructions of the government, no matter you beliefs, or you will be jailed. The bill seems pretty clear to me.


No they're not kidding.

The answer I should have given that legislator who said my gun made her nervous rings truer than ever today:

"I can understand how the little bit of power on my hip might make you nervous, because the tremendous power you exercise in my life every day TERRIFIES me.".

K. Darien Freeheart

So... in the realm of government, I'm not entirely sure I disagree with this. National Slavery, YES, I disagree with. But I've very much been of the opinion that people who work for the government, or get MONEY from the government, shouldn't have a say in the DIRECTION of government.

52% of Americans work FOR the government OR a contractor who's primary service is to a government agency. Those people have the biggest incentive for the government to grow and in a world where majority rules, there's no hope in "changing the system" if they can vote.


Oh, no arguments there. I've always supported the idea that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote, and anyone who works for government should not.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Ogre on March 24, 2009, 12:49 PM NHFT
Oh, no arguments there. I've always supported the idea that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote, and anyone who works for government should not.

As long as the rules made by those who vote don't apply to those who don't vote.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: cxxguy on March 24, 2009, 12:05 PM NHFT
I can understand how the little bit of power on my hip might make you nervous, because the tremendous power you exercise in my life every day TERRIFIES me.



Quote from: dalebert on March 25, 2009, 12:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: cxxguy on March 24, 2009, 12:05 PM NHFT
I can understand how the little bit of power on my hip might make you nervous, because the tremendous power you exercise in my life every day TERRIFIES me.

Dale what does "QFT" mean?


John Edward Mercier

Not sure that any 'mandatory volunteer' work qualifies under the above guidelines.


  I understand and agree with government employees not influencing with religion; separation of church and state is imperative. I don't agree with the abortion clause, abortion is an approved medical procedure, which can be compared to an elective surgery. It's like saying I can't refer you to a surgeon for knee surgery.
   I am aware that abortion is controversial, however on the one hand it's stating no religious endorsement and on the other no support for abortion, which is infact a religious issue! The facts are this, abortion is a legal and medically approved procedure, wether you agree with it morally or not is a religious issue, sounds like more hypocrisy.

John Edward Mercier

True, but its a hypocrisy within a hypocrisy. How to you have a 'mandatory' volunteer program?


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 29, 2009, 06:40 PM NHFT
True, but its a hypocrisy within a hypocrisy. How to you have a 'mandatory' volunteer program?

The federal income tax is sustained through voluntary compliance.


Quote from: Ogre on March 24, 2009, 12:49 PM NHFT
Oh, no arguments there. I've always supported the idea that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote, and anyone who works for government should not.

Voters must swear to being US citizens. A US citizen is a government subject or an employee of the federal government.

Tunga claims status as a national of the US and is therefore ineligible to vote. Of course the ability to lawfully avoid paying federal income tax kinda makes up for that little inconvenient truth. Seein' as how the voting is totally rigged anyway.