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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Census Civil Disobedience

Started by bigmike, April 04, 2009, 05:57 AM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

Quote from: Tim L on May 08, 2010, 05:07 PM NHFT
So whats the answer to the question? Can they legally ignore my signs ?


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Tim L on May 08, 2010, 01:43 PM NHFT
Can census workers ignore no trespassing signs ?

Such signs don't apply to people appointed to federal government positions.


that law of my land might not apply.  But the law of gravity does.  With all the flowers around my property, census workers that won't respect my private property might find themselves dealing with the law of gravity.  You see, flowers need to be watered, and what water that goes up must come down.  If a census worker stands near my flowers he might get a little wet.

after all, the no trespassing sign isn't just there for my shits and giggles, but for the protection of people that might come onto my property.  No fair spashing someone with water if there's no warning. 

Here's your sign. . .


If "No Trespassing" signs would keep the government out of so-called "private" property, there would be an awful lot more "No Trespassing" signs around.


The census man has been to my house 4 times so far. My land is posted with many no trespassing signs everywhere that he routinely ignores. This is pissing me off big time. I made a couple of small posters that are placed inside the window panes of my front door. They are pdf's that were attached to this post. These don't seem to get the point across that he IS NOT WELCOME ON MY LAND. The idiot keeps coming back. I will not answer the door. He  snoops all around my house trying to look in the windows which have closed blinds.

Russell Kanning

nobody here yet
my answer is 80

Lloyd Danforth

I was unaware of it, but someone put something on Facebook to vote to have 88 year old Betty White host SNL, and got a zillion responses. I don't know why SNL hasn't been begging her to host.
She hosted last night. They brought back some former actresses for the show. It looked as though she wanted to recreate some old skits. They did a verion of 'Sweddy Balls'. They also redid the Census skit.
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Census

Fluff and Stuff

The old version was better but the more the merrier.


Well, I got visit #1.

Let me preface this by saying I absolutely hate confrontation.

I also have a dog. Its a medium-sized mutt and quite friendly, but always barks at everyone he sees for the first time, and wants to sniff them a lot.

So the doorbell rings. The dog is going nuts as I head towards the door. Before I get there I can see a giant bag in front of the window that says "Census Bureau." I open the door and a lady about age 50 is standing there with multiple ids and "Census Bureau" all over the place. She stands way too close to me as I open the door, holding the dog's collar with one hand and the door handle with the other.

Her: "I'm from the census bureau."
Me: "Yes, I already sent my form in."
Her: "It must have gotten lost in the mail, because you're on the list for us to visit."
Me: "Okay."
Her (handing me a piece of paper while opening up a pad with a questionnaire): "Can you hold this?"
Me: "No, I'm holding the dog."
Her: "Well, can you fill this out, its just a few questions."
Me: "Five."
Her (while going down, checking a number of different boxes, then writing 05 in the box): "Is this your usual residence?"
Me: "Five."
Her: "Okay, there's a few more questions, I need their names."
Me: "Five."
Her: "You're not going to tell me the names?"
Me: "Five."
Her (Turning the page to another page): "I also need their dates of birth."
Me: "Five."
Her: "Is this your usual residence?"
Me: "Five."
Her: "You're not going to tell me anything else."
Me: Shaking my head.
Her: Turns and walks away, shaking her head.

She then sat in the street near my house (I live in a subdivision with houses all over the place) for awhile. I couldn't tell if she was just trying to find the next address, or if she was filling out the form with made-up information. Eventually, she drove away. I'll wait and see if they show up again, or if she just filled that form out herself. I know its not much, but it feels good to exercise my rights.

Tom Sawyer

Just got home, brought in the groceries... kind of tired... woman for the Census shows up at our door. Gives me a piece of paper, I smile hand it back to her and say   "We are not going to cooperate. Good bye."


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 09, 2010, 04:50 PM NHFT
nobody here yet
my answer is 80

Just keep giving them different, randomly increasing numbers each time they ask another question.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 09, 2010, 04:50 PM NHFT
nobody here yet
my answer is 80

I wonder if you hung a sign on the door saying "80 people live here and I'm not answering any other census questions" if they accept that as an answer and go away or if they would still knock on the door?


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 09, 2010, 05:11 PM NHFT
I was unaware of it, but someone put something on Facebook to vote to have 88 year old Betty White host SNL, and got a zillion responses. I don't know why SNL hasn't been begging her to host.
She hosted last night. They brought back some former actresses for the show. It looked as though she wanted to recreate some old skits. They did a verion of 'Sweddy Balls'. They also redid the Census skit.
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Census

That was so funny!  Thanks for posting that Lloyd.  ;D


I found a notice in between my door from a Census person saying they'd be back out today or tomorrow so Rick and I are thinking up stuff to say.  This is gonna be fun!  :)


Quote from: Trifith on May 10, 2010, 09:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 09, 2010, 04:50 PM NHFT
nobody here yet
my answer is 80

Just keep giving them different, randomly increasing numbers each time they ask another question.

hahahaha..  that's awesome.

Have ya'll see this article yet? : http://www.whas11.com/news/local/Burglary-and-rape-arrest-in-Pekin-Indiana-93240824.html