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Census Civil Disobedience

Started by bigmike, April 04, 2009, 05:57 AM NHFT

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Excellent sites Checkpoint. Thanks.


Oh this just gets better.


My favorite part is just before the end where it states "The remaining $750 million will be used for early 2010 Census operations to reduce operational costs."

Only the terrorcrats can spend money to not spend money.


Did everyone know that they are starting the process this month? "visitors" will be around every neighborhood in the country with GPS devices to mark the physical location of houses.


Tom Sawyer

The goal is to have the GPS location of the front door of every residence in america...

It used to be big brother could find out about individuals, but it took leg work, physically going and reading local records or interviewing people. Their goal is to have everything in their database.

Want to round up dissidents? They could grab most everyone who was at home, in under an hour. Feel safer now?


John Edward Mercier

In NH, most of that information they already have.
Heck, some municipalities could give you the GIS file on every manhole cover in their area.


I'm not "required" to do anything I never agreed to do.  I didn't sign the constitution, so they won't be getting any answers from me.


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on April 11, 2009, 02:32 PM NHFT
I'm not "required" to do anything I never agreed to do.  I didn't sign the constitution, so they won't be getting any answers from me.

I'm with you.


During the last Census, I refused to speak to the "worker."  She snuck into my building, knocked on my door, once I found out who she was I said "no thank you" and closed the door.    :)

She started calling me, sneaking in the building again, knocking on my door at odd hours...I just never answerd the door again and she eventually gave up after about 2 (!) weeks.


I almost applied to be a census worker, but the positions were filled.

I figured I could get away with not doing my job... it is a govt position after all. :)


They came by my work today, badges and all. I am working at a residence. They wanted to know what the structures were in the backyard (poolhouse and a dojo) and what the home address was. they were decent but I was annoyed, they said the info is confidential as to appease me, I mentioned something about not trusting the State, they laughed....


This is a really good article that, among other things, explains why the original Constitutional justification for the simplest of censuses (i.e. a headcount) is no longer valid:

Conspiracy, Census and the Case for Secession

I had never really thought about the census until just now.  I've decided I won't participate, or pay a fine.    :brave:


There's this ongoing census form called the American Community Survey that apparently was just sent out. I couldn't find out how long they've been doing this for but their website did say ongoing, and it seems to differ from the actual census.

A friend of mine said Glen Beck had a woman on his show that said the fines could reach up to $5000 for not complying, but a census worker told her they don't have the resources to go after people for the fines.

Another note, the American Community Survey is not anonymous even if you leave your name off the form. Each has a specific bar code that matches the records of the address sent to.

By the way, great article Friday. I can't believe I missed that one on LR.


I fully documented my encounter with the ACS last year. They won't fine you and eventually will leave you alone. Just make sure to tell neighbors not to tell them anything about you either because they will go snooping around.


Quote from: bile on June 14, 2009, 09:23 PM NHFT
I fully documented my encounter with the ACS last year. They won't fine you and eventually will leave you alone. Just make sure to tell neighbors not to tell them anything about you either because they will go snooping around.

My neighbours know nothing about me.  Works out well :)