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Census Civil Disobedience

Started by bigmike, April 04, 2009, 05:57 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 23, 2010, 09:51 AM NHFT

Thanks Kat!  :)    I signed it, I'm just waiting for a confirmation of my email so that it posts!   I put Raineyrocks, is that okay?

Kat Kanning

No, you're going to jail for putting a false name on a pledge.  :P


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 23, 2010, 10:43 AM NHFT
No, you're going to jail for putting a false name on a pledge.  :P

The confirmation email isn't coming to my inbox.  I wonder what's taking it so long.  :-\


I wonder if I put the right email address in  :duh: maybe I should go ahead and fill it out again.  :dontknow:


Oh I forgot to hit the continue button, silly me!  I think I accidentally signed it twice too!   8)

Jim Johnson

Rainey Rainey Rainey....  slow down... take a deeeeeep breath.
Now let it out slooooowly.
Take a few more deep breaths... slooooowly.

OK, now repeat this phrase, "I am a beautiful person and..."
No, "I am a beautiful per..."
No... not me, you...
Don't say you... say, "I am a beautiful person."

Just put your right e-mail there, the response will be almost instantaneous.  ::)


Quote from: Jim Johnson on March 23, 2010, 11:16 AM NHFT
Rainey Rainey Rainey....  slow down... take a deeeeeep breath.
Now let it out slooooowly.
Take a few more deep breaths... slooooowly.

OK, now repeat this phrase, "I am a beautiful person and..."
No, "I am a beautiful per..."
No... not me, you...
Don't say you... say, "I am a beautiful person."

Just put your right e-mail there, the response will be almost instantaneous.  ::)

Okay, how many times?  ;D   Okay, how many times?  ;D

Russell Kanning

just tell them 80 when they come to the door :)


Sheesh. Not only did I get a letter warning me that a census form was coming, then the actual census form, I actually got a postcard a week later, telling me to fill it out. The vast amount of government waste is infinite, isn't it?


Quote from: Ogre on March 23, 2010, 03:18 PM NHFT
Sheesh. Not only did I get a letter warning me that a census form was coming, then the actual census form, I actually got a postcard a week later, telling me to fill it out. The vast amount of government waste is infinite, isn't it?

Whoa!  You got the triple smackdown!   Yup, they love to waste trees and then talk about everyone going "green" or else.  Don't you love the hypocrisy,(sp?), of it all ?

The kids told me when I was sick that the damn census lady that came out to our house ran over our trash can lid on her way out. 


In case I had any qualms about going ahead with not completing my census in full, this article just nailed it for me:
http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=2744  Still pondering the various possibilities, but I guess this will be my first official act of civil disobedience.   :brave:

Things that stuck out:
-- "private" census data has been used within the last decade to locate A-Rabs in 'Merica
-- the PATRIOT Act, which was just renewed, makes it "legal" for the gooberment to use "private" census data
-- not only did they lock up Americans of Japanese ancestry and steal their assets during WWII (which I remember learning about at school, or Pearl Harbor, or somewhere), they locked up Americans of Italian and German ancestry, too!  I always wondered why they *didn't* do that; now I realize they did and just didn't mention it to us in school.  I'm currently checking with relatives to see if anyone in my own family was locked up during WWII.
-- there is a very hefty fine for not completing the form, which is not printed anywhere on the form or envelope (I just checked)
-- the GPS coordinates of your front door have, or soon will be, recorded, to facilitate quick and easy retrieval when Mr. TButtle becomes too much of a nuisance

I have security sensors in my (very long, winding) driveway that alert me when someone is coming up it.  They often go off when an animal scampers by, or the wind blows a tree branch in front of them.  Today it went off, and I noticed a pickup truck had come up my driveway, then promptly turned around and left.  Was it my friendly neighborhood census GPS man?   :-\

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Friday on March 27, 2010, 07:35 PM NHFT
Was it my friendly neighborhood census GPS man?

I believe that phase ended sometime ago.


Quote from: Fluff and Stuff on March 27, 2010, 08:40 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on March 27, 2010, 07:35 PM NHFT
Was it my friendly neighborhood census GPS man?

I believe that phase ended sometime ago.
Thanks for the insider info.  :P

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 23, 2010, 12:13 PM NHFT
just tell them 80 when they come to the door :)
Or, 4. It depends upon how many plants you have.

Pat K

Tell them on your planet, there are trillions.