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Your Favorite Latin Phrases!

Started by AntonLee, April 11, 2009, 07:44 PM NHFT

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Becky Thatcher

I think this one is pretty funny...

Vidi Vici Veni  ;)

Pat K


Vidi, Vici, Veni........Iterum Veni


E pluribus sum

Out of the many I am.

I'm not that good at Latin so my grammar may be bad.  But I was mad at the state motto so I've adopted this alternate version.


Nunc est bibendum
Now it is time to drink


Quote from: freeman4liberty on April 16, 2009, 02:32 PM NHFT
E pluribus sum

Out of the many I am.

I'm not that good at Latin so my grammar may be bad.  But I was mad at the state motto so I've adopted this alternate version.

reminds me of "I am, I said"  lol

Quote from: erisian on April 16, 2009, 02:45 PM NHFT
Nunc est bibendum
Now it is time to drink

nice one!

Sam A. Robrin

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Men's sauna.
Men's sauna who?
Men's sauna in corpore sano.


Orimos pagispum sikolatte sikolorum.

The hot chocolate bun my tongue.

A group of men came to a house party. One man sip a cup of chocolate. He goes" hey bud, you got a new ceiling put on? Then ,get up went to the kitchen & spit the chocolate to the trash,unfortunately the dog pass by & got spit on.
The dog was screaming from 3rd degree burn.

Some countries hot chocolate are serve pure & gives no clue how hot it is.