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I've Learned (more) My Lesson

Started by Ogre, April 11, 2009, 08:29 PM NHFT

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So, I live in North Carolina (I'm sorry, I WANT to be in NH, and I'm trying to get there, but darn this house). Early (way too early) this morning, my dog decided to kill a skunk. Oh, the humanity! My first instinct was to just throw it in the trash. It really, really, really stunk. So, I thought about it, and horribly thought, "Gee, I should call animal control to get rid of this thing."

I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. I have learned, and I promise I will never, ever do so again.

So, I called animal control, and the moron who answered the phone blathered on until he talked to "an officer." Then he said that the officer would be out "to investigate." She came out (about 8 hour later) and took a report. Yes, the dog had a current rabies shot. No, I don't know anything about the skunk. Sure, go ahead and send the head off for rabies check. Everything was fine.

Three hours later, the phone rang.

The "investigator" was calling. She suddenly explained that they were not going to send the head off to determine if it had rabies (I didn't care, because the dog had his shots). But, oh, by the way -- I had three days to get a booster shot for the dog. And by the way, on Monday (this all happened on Saturday), the department would be following up to check on the rabies information I had provided them.

In other words, the call, as I interpreted it:

"You have three days to pay money to get another state-mandated shot, despite already having the state-mandated shot. If you do not, you will be jailed. And we are going to investigate you on Monday to determine if you already have the state-mandated shot. If the number you provided us does not match our records, we will also jail you."

Holy friggin crap.

I plan on doing not a damn thing on Monday. I already vaccinated my damn dog. If the damn vaccination isn't any good, why the hell did I vaccinate the dog? If the damn state wants to come take my dog, I will resist them. If they want to friggin arrest and jail me for not paying for a "booster" shot for the damn vaccination I already paid a state-mandated fee for, they can damn well arrest me. If the sorry-ass "animal investigator" calls me, I'm not answering the damn phone. If the sheriff shows up, he can stand outside and suck eggs until he breaks down my damn door over a damn "booster" shot.

Government really, really sucks. I've always known it, but this is more than enough for me. I've known government sucks, but this is I guess what it takes to make it personal.

I have to classify myself as an anarchist, if this is what government looks like.


every story like this makes me want government in my life less.  Thanks for the refresher man, you can't just read stories of civil dis and political crap without hearing a story about plain old people dealing with asshat bureaucrats.

No good deed shall go unpunished.   ;D ;D


If my dog ever kills a skunk again, I shall throw the carcass in the street and claim my dog just smells like that normally.


I would get my dog the shot... because I loved my dog and I would just do it as an extra precaution. I would refuse to allow the state to follow "up."


So does this mean that anytime a pet kills or fights with another animal, you must get them a booster shot by law? If so then I broke a law a couple days ago when my dog killed a mouse outside. The thought of taking her to the vet for that never even entered my mind... I just saw it as fun for my dog.


Now keep in mind, I'm (sadly) in NC, and laws differ by jurisdiction. But as the "officer" explained to me on the phone, YES, if your animal comes in "contact" with another animal that "may" have rabies, you are required by law to have a "booster" shot, even if you already have vaccinated your animal against the disease.

I have searched the criminal code, and I cannot find the law the "officer" referenced. I'm next going to check other ordinances like county laws, but I honestly cannot find the law this person implied I would be breaking if I did not re-vaccinate my animal after already vaccinating my animal.

I'm just incredibly disgusted about this whole deal, especially because if I had not called the government, there would be NO issue with anything there.

Russell Kanning

new checklist
stuff to stay away from:

animal control officers

Kat Kanning

That stinks!

BTW, tomato juice bath works pretty good to make the dog smell better.  No recommendations for making gov't officials smell better.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 12, 2009, 06:22 AM NHFT
That stinks!

BTW, tomato juice bath works pretty good to make the dog smell better.  No recommendations for making gov't officials smell better.

Thanks for the suggestions, the dog has had 3 peroxide baths and 3 baths with "skunk off" stuff. He still smells, but its tolerable.

As for the government officials, I'm not sure 10 baths would make them smell better.


What good is a booster shot if the dog has already come in contact with an animal with rabies?  Seems rather stupid to me.


My little brother was shot with a BB gin once and had to get a tetanus booster, I guess following the same logic. Right in the damn wound, too.  :faint:


Its a massive bureaucracy, so my guess is they were empty threats. I did nothing and they will do whatever they want. I'll guess they will issue some sort of bench summons or have some note put on my record so that if I'm ever pulled over and they find out who I am, I'll be arrested or some such crap.


Quote from: Ogre on April 17, 2009, 02:30 PM NHFT
Its a massive bureaucracy, so my guess is they were empty threats. I did nothing and they will do whatever they want. I'll guess they will issue some sort of bench summons or have some note put on my record so that if I'm ever pulled over and they find out who I am, I'll be arrested or some such crap.

in my little police town, my old man was arrested at his house for not paying a dog license fee. the cops actually came there with a warrant from a judge and arrested him. the bail was over 1k for doggie license.

hilarious. but the funny thing is it costs the government about 10x as much to do all than the $60 dog license they'll get

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 12, 2009, 06:22 AM NHFT
BTW, tomato juice bath works pretty good to make the dog smell better.  No recommendations for making gov't officials smell better.

The Tree of Liberty requires an altogether different red liquid . . .