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Group of activists arrested, Keene District Court April 13, 2009

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, April 13, 2009, 01:01 PM NHFT

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Quote from: feralfae on April 23, 2009, 09:47 AM NHFT
Can you get the names of all the arresting officers to post here as well?

I think we need a complete list of all the government agents involved so we know whom to shun.
Yes, shun: that grand old pacifist tradition of ignoring, avoiding, and refusing civil discourse with those who are in need of a hissing and a shunning.
Shun them all.  Post their names publicly.  Every officer, court helper, jailer, every one of them who participated in placing free, honest people in jails.
Thank you.

While I support ostracism, I think I'll do the opposite and invite them out for drinks.


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on April 23, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
While I support ostracism, I think I'll do the opposite and invite them out for drinks.

This is an awesome idea. Not that I'd ever say we could consider them 'friends', but destroying the image they create of the people they cage should work wonders to dissolving their necessary-to-the-job 'us and them' mentality. They'll put more thought into arresting a 'nice person' (in their mind) then some 'punk anarchist'.


Quote from: Giggan on April 23, 2009, 09:48 PM NHFT
Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on April 23, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
While I support ostracism, I think I'll do the opposite and invite them out for drinks.

This is an awesome idea. Not that I'd ever say we could consider them 'friends', but destroying the image they create of the people they cage should work wonders to dissolving their necessary-to-the-job 'us and them' mentality. They'll put more thought into arresting a 'nice person' (in their mind) then some 'punk anarchist'.

Oh really?

If the local Rabbi invited the local Obersturmführer for a few steinkrugs do you think the Rabbi would not be loaded on the train?


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on April 23, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: feralfae on April 23, 2009, 09:47 AM NHFT
Can you get the names of all the arresting officers to post here as well?

I think we need a complete list of all the government agents involved so we know whom to shun.
Yes, shun: that grand old pacifist tradition of ignoring, avoiding, and refusing civil discourse with those who are in need of a hissing and a shunning.
Shun them all.  Post their names publicly.  Every officer, court helper, jailer, every one of them who participated in placing free, honest people in jails.
Thank you.

While I support ostracism, I think I'll do the opposite and invite them out for drinks.

Perhaps the two need not be mutually exclusive.  Must the need to prepare for conflict shoulder aside the desire to make peace?  I say thee nay!
I think Hook made a good point, but at the same time, so did Giggan.  (Waffle much?)  Their ability to violate people's rights hinges on their ability to dehumanize them; to maintain that "us vs. them" mentality, as Giggan put it.  By showing them humanity, we begin to tear down that mentality.  At the same time, however, when the moment of decision arrives between violating the rights of a person whom they cannot so easily marginalize as one of "them" and putting their pensions, their careers, and the sum total of their inculcated-from-the-cradle worldview on the line...you'd better have something other than an olive branch at your disposal.  Like a whole bunch of witnesses.  Preferably with cameras.  And torches.  And pitchforks.  And a will to shun, at the least.


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on April 23, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
While I support ostracism, I think I'll do the opposite and invite them out for drinks.

I'm leaning more and more toward the approach of catching flies with honey than vinegar as well. This doesn't mean kissing ass. It means being a better person than the person I am critical of for being belligerent and violent. I intend to continue to speak the truth boldly and bluntly. It means living by example and hoping that I inspire others to live their lives the same way. I get angry like everyone else, that's for damn sure, but I also know that much of the violence out there is happening due to indoctrination and ignorance. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Getting angry just makes me feel helpless and frustrated. Feeling positive, hopeful, and communicative empowers me and frankly just makes my life more pleasant. Hopefully it makes the lives of those around me a little more pleasant as well.

I'm trying to make a positive impression on my Keene neighbors every chance I get. Then maybe when they see me being shoved into the locked back seat of a squad car, instead of thinking "Good riddance. Whoever he is, he's surely a trouble-maker!", maybe they'll think to themselves, "That's Dale! I know him. He's a nice guy. Why are they treating him like that?"

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: dalebert on April 24, 2009, 12:20 AM NHFT
I'm leaning more and more toward the approach of catching flies with honey than vinegar

This, however, is catching bees . . .


Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: dalebert on April 24, 2009, 08:20 AM NHFT
Well bees are even MORE useful than flies, so NYAH!!  :P

I just worry that this could lead to a . . . well, a sting operation.


Quote from: hook link=topic=17822.msg295603#msg295603
Oh really?

If the local Rabbi invited the local Obersturmführer for a few steinkrugs do you think the Rabbi would not be loaded on the train?

The difference being that KPD people are not Nazis. Yes, they often act similar to nazis, but if Rivera had called his buddies to take all Keeniacs who didn't leave the lobby behind the courthouse and execute them, my money's on none of them doing it.

And I'm sure there were Nazi soldiers who decided not to kill people because of their ethnicity based on positive experiences they had with people of that ethnicity. Not killing someone isn't as newsworthy as killing them, but it certainly makes on impact on the non-killer as well as the non-killed.

Fluff and Stuff

I highly encourage people to follow Ian's lead on this.  Being nice to the local media and PD is a good idea (especially the local media).


I agree. City council members, court staff, have Sam invite the guards from the jail.


Quote from: dalebert on April 24, 2009, 12:20 AM NHFT
Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on April 23, 2009, 12:08 PM NHFT
While I support ostracism, I think I'll do the opposite and invite them out for drinks.

I'm leaning more and more toward the approach of catching flies with honey than vinegar as well. This doesn't mean kissing ass. It means being a better person than the person I am critical of for being belligerent and violent. I intend to continue to speak the truth boldly and bluntly. It means living by example and hoping that I inspire others to live their lives the same way. I get angry like everyone else, that's for damn sure, but I also know that much of the violence out there is happening due to indoctrination and ignorance. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Getting angry just makes me feel helpless and frustrated. Feeling positive, hopeful, and communicative empowers me and frankly just makes my life more pleasant. Hopefully it makes the lives of those around me a little more pleasant as well.

I'm trying to make a positive impression on my Keene neighbors every chance I get. Then maybe when they see me being shoved into the locked back seat of a squad car, instead of thinking "Good riddance. Whoever he is, he's surely a trouble-maker!", maybe they'll think to themselves, "That's Dale! I know him. He's a nice guy. Why are they treating him like that?"

I would agree

Russell Kanning

Quote from: feralfae on April 23, 2009, 09:47 AM NHFT
I think we need a complete list of all the government agents involved so we know whom to shun.
Yes, shun: that grand old pacifist tradition of ignoring, avoiding, and refusing civil discourse with those who are in need of a hissing and a shunning.
I just read a letter by John Adams about the shunning that went on surrounding the stamp act and others

you could just look up all the people who work for the keene pd and add them to your "naughty" list


Quote from: dalebert on April 24, 2009, 12:20 AM NHFT

I'm leaning more and more toward the approach of catching flies with honey than vinegar

A couple of years ago my son had to do a science project for school.  I bought some fly traps on the internet and set them up on my trampoline with various attractants such as vinegar, honey, ethyl alcohol, dead bird, dead fish, water, and human feces.  The result was that we caught no files with vinegar (although if there had been Vinegar Flies around, AKA Fruit Flies, we would have caught a few), a couple of flies with honey, and the most flies of all with human feces.

Bottom line:  You can catch more flies with shit than with honey.