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Group of activists arrested, Keene District Court April 13, 2009

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, April 13, 2009, 01:01 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Plz Digg new vid
Photog arrest sparks bloodcurdling screams


A New Hampshire liberty activist's exclusive video of the infamous "right to record" arrest at Keene District Court.

Diggable at:  http://digg.com/politics/Photog_arrest_sparks_bloodcurdling_screams


Mike Barskey


Interesting that they won't discuss recusal on the record. The fiduciary conflict of interest seems a solid argument. Unless that's why they won't discuss it on the record...

Kat Kanning

Pretty funny...the lawyer wanting to know if the freestaters were going to do something interesting.


Cool.  I guess us slaves just go up to the task master's window to get our "papers" for our next "trial" or some crap?

"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison
without formulating any charge known to the law, and
particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers,
is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation
of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist."
-- Sir Winston Churchill
(1874-1965) Prime Minister of England
November 21, 1943

Odd that Judge Berserk seemed to try to avoid that recusal...  and we all know the SOB read the thing too and arrogantly pretended that he didn't and arrogantly acted like he could simply speak noting of it and we'd be just like the other slaves and shut up while knowing "our place in line".
I won't pay them crap when they want to "fine" me after finding me guilty of trying to discuss with my friends how best to go find out what happened to the man they apparently were beating in the other room.


Quote from: Lumpy on May 14, 2009, 11:00 PM NHFT

"... to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious..."
-- Sir Winston Churchill
(1874-1965) Prime Minister of England
November 21, 1943

To say that some men are my peers and some are not, is in the highest degree odious.  Good thing we don't have that class crap in our U.S. Constitution.  What it's doing in some State Constitutions is anybody's guess.


To clear up confusion, that I am partly responsible for, I had forgotten my arraignment time, it is 1:30.  Several people had asked, and I wasn't able to answer properly.   :blush:


Quote from: David on May 17, 2009, 07:17 PM NHFT
To clear up confusion, that I am partly responsible for, I had forgotten my arraignment time, it is 1:30.  Several people had asked, and I wasn't able to answer properly.   :blush:

Miracle! I have a wireless signal!  My "arraignment" is at 1:30 today as well but I'm not going as I start a potential excellent job today.  Aubern is going for me, on my behalf.  Couldn't get a signal long enough to figure out to post it on the calendar.  It will be interesting to see what they do with that.  NOT showing up, by the way, for me, is a tough decision but after weighing it all out I had to decide what is most important to me and that is earning a living and the kangaroo court is secondary at best.


It will be interesting to see if they will allow an appearance on your behalf.


Yes and no.  They wouldn't let Aubern speak on his behalf but did take her word on where he was,where he could be sent mail and gave her instructions on how Curt could avoid a bench warrant.

Richard's court date    27 July, 1:30
Nick's court date        27 July, 1:30
Tim's court date        27 July, 1:30
Curt's court date       27 July, 1:30



Quote from: TackleTheWorld on May 18, 2009, 02:11 PM NHFT
... gave her instructions on how Curt could avoid a bench warrant.

Curt's court date       27 July, 1:30

What were those instructions? Was Curt's charge reduced as well?

My bet is that Richard's is also reduced, but at the time of his early arraignment, they didn't make that decision.

Kat Kanning

Kurt was supposed to file a motion for delay of his arraignment (don't know what you call it) by the end of the week and I think explain why he wasn't there (which Aubern already did).

I think you're right about Richard.


Attached is the audio from today. Hear the judge get upset about the audio recorder, and me question who is actually prosecuting the case. Also me telling the judge to "just mail the paperwork."

I can see why people find me rude and demanding... that's how I sound.

Edit: I'm not actually yelling, I'm just closer to the microphone than anyone else :)