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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Candlelight Vigil for Sam Dodson at Central Square in Keene

Started by Lumpy, April 16, 2009, 07:12 PM NHFT

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Originally scheduled for Monday but I got lots of calls and I think In and Mark will want to come.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Lumpy the Assless Wonder on April 16, 2009, 07:12 PM NHFT
Some copies of Richard's (aka Sam A. Robrin) song "I Will Record", sung to the tune "I Will Survive", will be passed around as well.  I'll post the song here shortly for any and all interested.

Here, I'll do it (along with a few others that might be appropriate):

I WILL RECORD   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBR2G-iI3-I
COPYRIGHT 2009 by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it (Hey, I lifted the melody!), but if you make a little money on it, I want some!

Up till now, you cops had citizens deceived--
It was just your word against our word, and guess whose word got believed.
But so many innocents told tales of lawmen getting rough,
I got tough,
I finally said, "Enough!"

Now let's see you smash a child's face into the street,
Blow out the brains of someone handcuffed helpless at your feet.
You casually made people die, as of today, don't even try,
You may believe you're little gods,
But don't believe you can defy
The camera's eye--
I will record!
I've got a pocket camera any working stiff can well afford.
It's the handiest of tools
When it's you cops who break the rules.
I will record!
You bet your badge I will record!

You think that you can stop us standing up to you--
Just pass another law and we'll believe there's nothing we can do.
You've grown complacent in your power and you think you own us all.
You've gone too far--
We'll show the whole world what you are.
We'll capture truth
On video
And when they see it on the Web, even your sycophants will know
That they can't ignore the evidence about the lies they feel.
You'll have to measure up to your alleged ideal.

So smash our heads,
Unleash your dogs--
And your atrocities will be depicted on our blogs.
And the pathetic egos that you all so smugly deify
Are going to topple--
The camera's staunch, unblinking eye
Doesn't lie.
I will record!
I have a camera and a thousand activists like me on board,
With tens of millions coming yet--
Then you'll know "Quis custodiet . . ."
I will record!
You bet your lives I will record!
I will record!

GET INVOLVED  (No melody with this one yet.)
COPYRIGHT 2009 by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it, but if you make a little money on it, I want some!

We love our liberties,
And live life as we please
Regardless of the callous way you try to run the town.
We've stayed defiant sorts,
Ignored your laws and courts.
When you compelled obedience we stood and faced you down.

You found us unignorable,
Entirely deplorable,
Just kooky nonconformists mocking custom and convention.
Being "different," acting strange
Was no way to muster change,
You said.  As long as we behaved that way, you'd pay us no attention.

"Get involved," you said,
"Work with the system."
"The council's done good things for you," you said
(Though I'm hard-pressed to list 'em . . .).
We're involved--you won.
So take a bow!
Hey!  What are you complaining about now?

We could tell from your reaction
You received no satisfaction
From the offbeat and outlandish way we persiflaged and sparred.
We would show up at your sessions
And you'd brandish grim expressions
Like someone'd dumped a dead rhinoceros in your back yard.

So we put on suits and ties,
Curbed our wont for cracking wise,
Got informed about the laws and processes of regulation,
Filed writs and affidavits
To mandate the State behave its-
Elf.  You voted down each one without the least deliberation.

"Get involved," you'd said,
"Work with the system."
But when we gave you our suggestions
You summarily dismissed 'em.
We're involved--you're ho-
And regardless, you maintain complaining now.

However hard we tried,
We found out our hands were tied
And insisting on our rights was viewed as being rather quaint.
Every action was about you
LIke we couldn't live without you
And "involvement" meant accepting without question or complaint.

For our mindless acquiescence
We got further State excrescence.
What you called "participation" was demand for our assent.
The laws, we can see now, are
Just your tools for keeping power.
We give up!  To hell with it!  Our goal is zero government!.

"Get involved," you said,
"Work with the system."
If you had any other helpful hints,
I guess we must have missed 'em.
"Get involved," you said.
We are--and how!
We'll give you lots of reasons for complaining now!

CALL A KANGAROO COURT   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPu-C5vvzU4
COPYRIGHT 2009 by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it (Hell, I lifted the melody!), but if you make a little money on it, I want some!

[Spoken] There's an old politician, straining, campaigning, and he calls in a favor from a judge, and he contacts a few cops who are eager to bust some heads, and he says:

Toss 'em all in a cell, Mel,
Toss 'em all in a cell.
Cuff and Taser 'em well, Mel,
And toss 'em all in a cell.

[Chorus] All together, now: Call a kangaroo court, sport.
Call a kangaroo court.
No justice here to report, Mort,
Just call a kangaroo court.

Stack the charges like brick, Mick,
Stack the charges like brick.
We're bound to make something stick, Mick,
So stack the charges like brick.


Set the bail at ten mil, Jill,
Set the bail at ten mil.
We know they can't foot the bill, Jill,
So set the bail at ten mil.


Hand the trial to Burke, Dirk,
Hand the trial to Burke.
It's guaranteed he's berserk, Dirk,
Let's hand the trial to Burke.


Ban the videocam, Sam,
Ban the videocam.
It shows me just as I am, Sam,
Must ban the videocam.


Charge contempt if they fuss, Gus,
Charge contempt if they fuss.
Rules are for them but not us, Gus,
So charge contempt if they fuss


And there are lots more where those came from!  I've been going full-throttle on a program to make the power-brokers "Hear It and Fear It!" 

Ryan McGuire

I'll be there. I can take at least two more people in my car, coming from Nashua.


May I suggest that we keep all of this conversation in one thread so people don't have to check multiple forums and redundantly post things?



I hope we have a lot of people for this. Sam is in there for all of us.  I feel it is as if we were all arrested.  These Thugs need to know that we are not going to take it and we will not allow this tyrannical abuse and brutality.  



Anyone who has Gadson FLAGS.. please bring them with you.   


Quote from: dalebert on April 17, 2009, 09:44 AM NHFT
May I suggest that we keep all of this conversation in one thread so people don't have to check multiple forums and redundantly post things?



Quote from: research101 on April 17, 2009, 09:49 AM NHFT
It's not easy when there is multiple forums.



With the influx of new activists and interest in the Keene area, the Free Keene forum really seems to be maturing.  More posts and participation there than ever.  I'd say it's the second most popular activist forum in NH after this one, and the Keene posts have definitely shifted from here to there, mostly.   8)

Russell Kanning


next week is our first softball game, so if any of you keeniacs want to make Sam proud and beat the Grafton Welcome Wagon crew ....

if we build it ... can Sam come?

Kat Kanning

When is this vigil again?  I missed the 10 posts and phone calls. ;D


I'm sad that I can't get my body out there to support Sam tonight. However, my mind, heart, and soul are with you all.
The Government people's (all 3 branches) violence has shown it's ugly face again and again; but soon "we shall overcome" with "a thousand people in the street."
The old revolutions have worked to bring us here. Now, the Evolution is beginning.
Please join the Peaceful Evolution.

The Government people's violence has to -and will- stop at the local level first.



Imperfect as the person and/or the speech may be, our movement forward is only advanced by such people as whom are still willing to speak.
Afraid or unafraid - Speak! Speak through silence. Speak through Peaceful Noncooperation.
Speak in comfortable settings among your friends.
Speak (even through silence) when people around you are looking to hurt others.
I include my brother Mr. King's speech because, among other things, this speech is where Mr. King used the words  ". . .  And so -Let Freedom Ring - from the Prodigious Hilltops of Hew Hampshire - Let Freedom Ring!"
Maybe the Government people in Keene will remember (from their pre- government days) that their whole idea was to stop hurting people?


This was a wonderful event. Thank you to everyone that came, especially from a distance and especially the locals folks who showed up.
50+ people and a new record for Social Sunday.  The more they hurt us, the stronger we become.