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I Will Be Boycotting the NHUnderground Forums

Started by AnarchoJesse, April 20, 2009, 07:13 AM NHFT

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if you think cleaning your gun is a good time ... then you might be a gun cleaner
Yes. Probably because I am still learning how to do it.

if you post walls of text explaining to others how they should use a gun ... then you just might be a guncleaner
I don't but as a relatively new gun owner, I appreciate the value of such posts.

if you think pacifists are holding back your revolution ... then you might be a guncleaner
Pacifists have a job in the "revolution" and I think they do it well. Everyone has their place.

if you are wondering if you are a guncleaner ... then you might be one :)
Still wondering.

if you would have to buy another 2 gun safes to lock up your honeys ... then you might be a guncleaner
I want one pistol for me, one for my wife, a shotgun and a rifle. And maybe others depending on the situation.

if you think the perfect weapon could bring down the federal empire ... then you might be a gunpolisher
meh, no.

if you hand over your guns to a thug after bragging about how you will take them down like a hollywood star ... then you are just a guncleaner
I guess I'll find out. I have not bragged, but I'll feel really bad if I did hand them over.

if you are still reading this post ... then you might be a nh underground computer redneck :)
I left the south and am still a redneck. yay!

And what happens if I took a job as a literal guncleaner... would that be bad? :)

on a serious note, it is unfortunate that not everyone sees the value of others, or of the actions of others here.

Bill St. Clair

I just noticed that Russell alluded to yet another level of gun nut. He listed a whole bunch of behaviors that might make you a "guncleaner", and one more:

Quoteif you think the perfect weapon could bring down the federal empire ... then you might be a gunpolisher

Ooh. a gun polisher. I doubt I qualify, but hey, a man can dream.



Quote from: anthonybpugh on April 27, 2009, 09:44 AM NHFT
I am getting the impression that Russell is just a bit on the condescending and self-righteous side. 

gee what gave you that idea ...



i love it when so called freedom lovers, or "pacifists" berate something they don't agree with it.

aren't you doing exactly what you're fighting against?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: akmisrmaadi on April 27, 2009, 01:26 PM NHFT
i love it when so called freedom lovers, or "pacifists" berate something they don't agree with it.

aren't you doing exactly what you're fighting against?

No, because there is no threat of violence.


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 27, 2009, 01:52 PM NHFT
Quote from: akmisrmaadi on April 27, 2009, 01:26 PM NHFT
i love it when so called freedom lovers, or "pacifists" berate something they don't agree with it.

aren't you doing exactly what you're fighting against?

No, because there is no threat of violence.

i wonder if these people they are "fighting against" started the same way too?

isn't "fighting" against their rulers violence?


Quote from: Puke on April 27, 2009, 05:20 AM NHFT
I like when my guns are clean. Cleaning them though...not so much.
I also like target practice. Guns are awesome.
:occasion13: have a ban->:hammer: lol :cardinal:


It is a bit sad that NH freestaters lost Jesse.

Maybe it would be best for all if the Kannings made it very clear about their position regarding their strong beliefs in pacifism but moreso for their their non-tolerance towards anyone choosing to defend themselves. Imagine someone relocating to NH to join up with the freestate project yet later finding out they are not welcome because they choose to bear arms. And to make things worse, they get their name smeared (negatively) over the internet media by people they considered friends. 



Quote from: littlehawk on April 27, 2009, 05:45 PM NHFT
It is a bit sad that NH freestaters lost Jesse.

NHFree.com does not equal NH Freestaters

It might be confusing to new posters, but Jesse is still very much active among freestaters, just not on this forum.


good thing the founders of this country weren't made up of ''pacifists''.
"let's all sit around the campfire, hold hands, sing kumbaya, & buy the world a coke"....and the british silently sailed into the good night, and thence, the United States of America was formed.....
what a jackass mentality.
it serves one purpose:
Darwin said it best, when he said;
"See those assholes over there? The ones that won't protect themselves? They'll die, and the stronger/smarter ones, will   survive."


Quote from: Coconut on April 27, 2009, 06:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: littlehawk on April 27, 2009, 05:45 PM NHFT
It is a bit sad that NH freestaters lost Jesse.
NHFree.com does not equal NH Freestaters
It might be confusing to new posters, but Jesse is still very much active among freestaters, just not on this forum.

Yeah, he isn't "lost".
He just has a disagreement with the purveyors of this particular forum. As Jesse tends to do.


The reason you cannot shoot cops etc, is the same reason you cannot spank another persons child, even if they spank their own child.  It is an issue of legitimacy.  legitimacy is the difference between the clan rulers (a form of patriarchal gov't) of Somalia, and the USA gov't.  It is the difference between Mexicos' gov't and the USA gov't, (if you would join a military, would you even consider joining the Mexican army?).  It is the difference between Hans Solo casually shooting at imperial storm troopers (the military), and the average fat and happy American watching Idol on tv. 

Look at the political trends in this country.  Do you really think that if your wished for shooting war begins that the trend would somehow be anything close to what you believe would be good gov't?  You do realize that both the facists and the socialists would shoot libertarians, right?  We are vastly outnumbered. 

What some here apparently believe is a viable option is the Carl Drega option.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Drega  He killed some gov't people, but didn't live long to enjoy his 'freedom'.  I have no doubt that after the dust settled, the outpouring of support was not for Drega, but for the people he killed. 

It is amazing how people in a political minority group, (libertarian oriented people) who literally can't get dog catchers elected, somehow think that the people are fed up enough to join a shooting war against gov't.  Oh, and nevermind that the gov't in question has the most powerful military in history, and that they damn sure will go house to house confiscating weapons (New Orleans).  And nevermind that they will villify and murder anyone who opposes them.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOVE  The cops literally dropped a bomb that eventually burned nearly a city block killing several people unrelatted to the targets. 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_Davidian_Massacre  20 children and 2 pregnant women were killed.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge_Standoff  Vicky Weaver was shot in the head. 

Wow.  Keep dreaming guys.  And why you are at it, keep blaming the Kannings, those evil pacifists who don't want to take your guns away.   ::) 


our military can't control iraq what makes you think they can control the united states.

there aren't enough soldiers in our combined armed forces counting pogs and other back benchers to put a dozen in every town or city.

no one knows what would happen. i suspect it would be quite non violent if our government was to collapse

on a related subject, what has pacifism ever won? NOTHING. never nothing. being a pacifist has never worked.


Pacifism, like a lot of other -isms, is a neat theory on paper. It might work long term in a very small community, but I don't think it will ever work on a large scale because it goes against human nature. Pacifism by its very nature cannot result in freedom. You cannot choose to not defend yourself and expect to be free for any length of time. Sooner or later someone is going to come along and take your freedom from you, if not your possessions and your life.

That being said, I respect the Kannings for living the lifestyle they feel is best and leading by example. I personally don't subscribe to their theories, but I don't suspect they subscribe to mine either and that's fine. All of us are working towards the same basic goal from different backgrounds and experiences using many different methods. It is human nature to think our own way is really the best and wish that others would just see things our way. That is what has poisoned and paralyzed the liberty movement since it began. People focus too much on our differences instead of focusing on the things we have in common. None of us are going to get everything we want in this change we are trying to make. Hell, most of us won't get half of what we want, but if we can get the core things that we agree on we will all be a lot better off.

Infighting does nothing but make us weaker and less effective.



For myself, coming from the pacifist perspective, I don't mind people owning guns.  Hell, I've bought a few myself just to have them. But the utter fascination that some people hold for them borders on idolatry to my mind.  It truly sometimes seems like an obsession. I would think that is what a "gun cleaner" is.

The average joe off the street might wonder what would possess an otherwise intelligent young man to take a gun, tie it to a string, and sling the gun-on-a-string over his shoulder like it was an evening jacket.

But it makes perfect sense when you consider that that same young man is a member of a community that worships guns.  Now he's just being a good boy and trying to fit in.