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Who Is Sam Dodson?

Started by Pat K, April 29, 2009, 03:23 AM NHFT

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Sam's father explained his understanding of the Dodson/Miller discrepancy. I've reposted it at http://jailedactivist.info if you are interested.

Glad to hear Sam's eating. I was also happy to hear the article misheard him. 116 didn't make sense. Though the image of him in the article make it appear he's lost more than 20lbs.

Russell Kanning

i  wonder what his first food was
i hope he didn't give in to the green eggs and square bread ;)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 18, 2009, 12:58 PM NHFT
i  wonder what his first food was
i hope he didn't give in to the green eggs and square bread ;)

It was the tasteless oatmeal.


Quote from: bile on May 18, 2009, 08:54 AM NHFT
Sam's father explained his understanding of the Dodson/Miller discrepancy. I've reposted it at http://jailedactivist.info if you are interested.

Do you have a more exact cite? I don't see anything there, nor by clicking on Sam's info, that explains it.

I don't really care, I think anyone should be known by the name they choose, but I'd like to read the explanation if I could find it.


QuoteI did not realize there was much concern over Sam's name. However, I will tell you what I know but you will eventually need to get it straight from Sam himself.
When Sam became an activist and began producing his documentaries on government injustice from his personal encounters and experiences he began receiving phone calls from well wishers and other activists offering their support and assistance in anyway they could. He quickly found himself spending most of his free time on the phone and very little time on his photography and activism as his phone number was readily available from the phone company and internet. He was not trying to escape his well wishers and volunteers, but he simply no longer had the time necessary to pursue his mission. I believe he also thought about most actors having a screen name in addition to their real names. So somewhere between the two issues he began using Sam Dodson for all of his video work and activision.
The Dodson name is his mothers maiden name. His grandfather Dodson passed away a number of years ago and his grandmother preceeded him by several years, so Sam may have decided to use Dodson out of love and respect for his grandparents. The more recent video he did about his big change and move to NH earlier this year, he shot it at the old Dodson family farm, you know the one where he is chasing a black cow. The farm was subdivided between his mother and her two sisters and a brother. His mother and her brother now reside on the old Dodson homestead in East Texas.
Only Sam knows why he began using a public name. Once he gets out of prison up there you will have to get him to tell you why made that decision in life. But I suspect it is from some combination of all of the above.
Sam has absolutely nothing to hide from anyone regarding his name. I hope this helps.
Sam's Dad

Russell Kanning

mmmm oatmeal

i was never concerned about Sam's name. i only ever new him as Sam or on this forum as SamIAm. Good enough for me. :)


I've done the same thing as Sam. This name is my free name. I refuse to use my government name. And if worse comes to worse, my government name will have no record if I need to leave the country.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 26, 2009, 10:08 AM NHFT
i was never concerned about Sam's name. i only ever new him as Sam or on this forum as SamIAm. Good enough for me. :)

2nded. A person's "real" name is what they choose. It's whatever they want people to refer to them as. I've even felt bad for shortening Patrick to Pat, which I've done out of habit sometimes, but I'm trying to be better about asking people what they prefer.

Pat K

Quote from: dalebert on May 26, 2009, 12:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 26, 2009, 10:08 AM NHFT
i was never concerned about Sam's name. i only ever new him as Sam or on this forum as SamIAm. Good enough for me. :)

2nded. A person's "real" name is what they choose. It's whatever they want people to refer to them as. I've even felt bad for shortening Patrick to Pat, which I've done out of habit sometimes, but I'm trying to be better about asking people what they prefer.

In that case you may call me= His Royal Lordship,bringer of Beer and destroyer of planets PatK.


Quote from: Pat K on May 26, 2009, 06:47 PM NHFT
In that case you may call me= His Royal Lordship,bringer of Beer and destroyer of planets PatK.

It's not a fair fight when you destroy planets by using your greater gravitational mass.

Pat K

Quote from: KBCraig on May 26, 2009, 10:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on May 26, 2009, 06:47 PM NHFT
In that case you may call me= His Royal Lordship,bringer of Beer and destroyer of planets PatK.

It's not a fair fight when you destroy planets by using your greater gravitational mass.

If your in a fair fight your tactics suck. ;D

Besides I was referring to the slow destruction brought about by fat people
adding to global warming.

Kat Kanning

PatK = funny guy in NY
Patrick = skinny young guy in Keene

Pat McCotter

I move away and everybody forgets about me. :'(

Pat K

Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 27, 2009, 03:45 AM NHFT
I move away and everybody forgets about me. :'(

Na we all know Pat the smart guy in Connecticut.

Kat Kanning

McPat - the one who wasn't being confused :)