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Mike Ruff/Miller Travis Open Carry Incident

Started by Kat Kanning, May 05, 2009, 12:05 PM NHFT

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Quote from: John Edward Mercier on May 09, 2009, 02:18 PM NHFT
In a truly free market... how would you 'require' a sign?

The shop owner could refuse to trade with, or interact with, you for any reason... or none whatsoever.

I sign is still not legally binding.  I'd still go into a place that had a sign saying no guns allowed (if it wasn't a place restricted by an RSA).  Until I'm asked to leave it isn't illegal for me to be there.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: doobie on May 10, 2009, 06:55 AM NHFT
I sign is still not legally binding.  I'd still go into a place that had a sign saying no guns allowed (if it wasn't a place restricted by an RSA).  Until I'm asked to leave it isn't illegal for me to be there.

It isn't illegal but demonstrates a lack of respect for private property.


that's kinda crappy, so you'd knowingly bring vanilla ice cream into my house????  Even if I had a sign?



Quote from: Alex Free Market on May 08, 2009, 06:49 AM NHFT
policies are:  (a) known to the customer before hand, or (b) he is made aware of them, combined with (c) the customer having a choice to then consent to those rules by either complying or being free to walk away.

but of course.
i should have made myself clear.
the manager, or whoever called the cops, should have given the customers the courtesy of a verbal request to leave the premises, or put their guns in their car, and then return to the store.
the manager prob. was too timid to approach armed men & confront them thusly....what if the patrons were unreasonable? ill-tempered?...drunk??
shit, they put up signs "no shoes, no shirt, no service" everywhere.
i guess they should put up "no guns" signs.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 10, 2009, 06:59 AM NHFT
Quote from: doobie on May 10, 2009, 06:55 AM NHFT
I sign is still not legally binding.  I'd still go into a place that had a sign saying no guns allowed (if it wasn't a place restricted by an RSA).  Until I'm asked to leave it isn't illegal for me to be there.

It isn't illegal but demonstrates a lack of respect for private property.

I disagree.  If it was truly private property anyone not specifically invited would be trespassing.  It may be private property, but they have willingly opened their doors/property to the public and until they tell me to leave I don't consider myself trespassing or violating their property rights.  But the second they tell me to leave, I'm heading for the door and never going back.


I disagree, if a sign is posted specifically stating their rules then there isn't much need for interpretation.  Their sign might as well say "you're welcome to shop here, but not if you carry your gun into our store"

if you put up a no trespassing sign, wouldn't it be the same if I just decided to enter your property until you told me I had to leave?  What's the good in even having a sign OR rules if people are just going to break them?

What were to happen if they put up a sign saying "if you come in here with a gun, we will shoot you" . . .are you still going to break their rules and enter?  Do you think you have a right to shoot back at someone who legitimately gave notice of their rules?

The whole thing can be avoided by heeding the rules of someone on their private property.  If they disallow guns on their property and you knowingly enter their property with the intention of breaking their rules I believe that to be immoral and whatever happens to you happens.

I would never enter your property Doobie and expect you to come find me out to further explain any already posted rules.  If you put up a sign saying "no illegal drugs". . and I come walking in with a bone hangin' out of my mouth I'll expect whatever it is I get. . . even if you're double fisting 6 shooters pointed at me.

sometimes, I choose to go beyond and think about what MIGHT be breaking their rules on someone's property.  I know that some of the occupants of Animal Farm don't use drugs. . . hence why when I visited that I finished off what I had before I entered their property.  If I had seen a sign saying "no one under the influence of drugs on the premises" . .  I would have waved goodbye and got back in my car and left.  Turns out there were no signs and no one seemed to care.

frankly, you can have 40 guns on your belt, a machete, 6 joints hangin out of your mouth (encouraged) and a lapdog and I'd still allow you on my property Doobie.   ;D ;D

(no vanilla ice cream however)

John Edward Mercier

The sign is legal posting of criminal trespass under RSA 635:2
NH doesn't use the western US version where anyone not specifically invited onto your property is considered trespassing... positive posting is only required for specific uses.


NH might not consider it trespassing.  I might.  Thankfully I can also consider or not my property part of NH. 

of course, that'd be my opinion. . . others in NH might think differently.  Fortunately for me their opinion means dick on my property.


Everyone seems to think that a sign is the cure all, but what about the blind(visually challenged) open carry community? Seems a little sightist to me.


^ fuck me thats funny...
I can see a blind dude packing 40 guns, 6 joints swanging, a seeing eye dog and a shoping at the ole stop and shop...Mental pic mad me lol...


John Edward Mercier