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I thought Disorderly conduct was bad nope contempt of court is worse

Started by slim, May 20, 2009, 07:42 AM NHFT

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I decided to do some reading in to contempt of court after listening to a FTL interview with Sam. According to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contempt_of_court

"The civil sanction for contempt (which is typically incarceration in the custody of the sheriff or similar court officer) is limited in its imposition for so long as the disobedience to the court's order continues: once the party complies with the court's order, the sanction is lifted. The imposed party is said to "hold the keys" to his or her own cell, thus conventional due process is not required."

Essentially that says if you piss off a Judge he/she can legally throw you in a jail until you do what he wants. No "public" trial, no motions, nothing other then the judge himself can decide for you to be released. So if a judge wants you to say that 2 + 2 = 5 he can keep you in a cell until you die or you admit that 2 + 2 = 5.

I used to joke that the prison was the ministry of Love described in 1984 more and more I learn that it is true but I needed to add the court in to that definition. They might not have a room 101 yet but hey it is only a small step away. 

Bill St. Clair

Yep. Nowadays, most courts are contemptible, but let the judge know it, and be unwilling or unable to defend yourself from his jack-booted kidnappers, and you'll pay dearly.

Kat Kanning

Judge Burke ordered a guy held for a year because the guy wouldn't turn over his kid to the state.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 20, 2009, 07:53 AM NHFT
Judge Burke ordered a guy held for a year because the guy wouldn't turn over his kid to the state.
