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Good ol' federal representatives

Started by Friday, September 15, 2005, 04:20 PM NHFT

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OK... my Congressman's name is Jed.  And my Senator's name is Judd. 

Is this a joke? Is that a banjo I hear?  I am in New Hampshire, right, not West Virginia?  ???


You can hear 'dueling banjos' when driving down many back roads in NH.

Welcome to NH!


At work today I was "selling" NH to a group of co-workers. None were totally shocked at the notion that I'm moving there. The first comment was, "That's a gorgeous place. It's Yankeeland, though."

Which gave me a chance to explain that these particular yankees aren't like MA yankees, or NYC yankees, or NJ yankees. There are redneck yankees, too. :)

We had a long talk about NH's gun-friendly laws (appropriate, since we had just finished cleaning guns at the range). I didn't get to give my whole Free State speech, but I hope I planted some seeds. The people I work closely with all know my plans, but those today aren't people I work with every day.



Excellent Kevin....
Make sure they know WE aren't NY Yankees!