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Kira's Graduation/Birthday Party

Started by Kat Kanning, May 25, 2009, 03:27 PM NHFT

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Mike Barskey

Kat Kanning

Mike Barskey

Russell Kanning

the volleyball net poles are up and the grass is being trimmed

Mike Barskey

Pat K

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

I'll try to be 'twice' as obnoxious to make up for Pat's absence


Quote from: Pat K on June 04, 2009, 12:15 AM NHFT
I am unable to attend. :'(

That settles it... I'm going!   ;D

(just teasing, PatK, I was going anyway)

Kat Kanning

We tried out the volleyball and net tonight.  Much fun! 

(Don't worry, no one will be forced to play  :) )

Russell Kanning

only with geeks do you have to promise them they can sit around and not play sports ;)

if the weather is perfect like these other days ... volleyball could be great


I despise volleyball. I had the ultimate stereotypical high school gym teacher, a >6 ft barrel-chested amazon woman, unmarried, who lived with her mother, who was really, really into sports.   :drevil: She expected us to dive for the ball, even if it meant landing chest-first on the CEMENT floor of our pseudo-gym.  We also had to "call the ball" or suffer the consequences; 20 years later, I STILL compulsively do this when calls come in at work, probably annoying the shit out of my coworkers.  I think I need volleyball therapy.   :'(

Pat K

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on June 04, 2009, 07:26 AM NHFT
I'll try to be 'twice' as obnoxious to make up for Pat's absence

Lloyds always looking out for me.

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

I never dive for the ball ... I might get hurt. :)

We can get you through this Sandy .... we are all here for you ... well except patk

the grass is soft ... and hopefully you can just stay on your feet .... or you can sit in a lounge chair and call out the ball for  the rest of us.

at work do you call "I got it" ... and after the play huddle up and hold hands ... also how do the knee pads fit over your pants?