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Yahoo! suckage

Started by Friday, June 01, 2009, 06:37 AM NHFT

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Has anyone else been having problems with Yahoo! email lately? I've been having problems for about a week now.  Problems translating to unable to connect to my mailbox and read my @#$%ing mail.

Also, they instituted some new security policy, at the behest of the gooberment no doubt, where they require that all users provide an alternate email address *and a phone number*.  I ignored their requests as long as they let me, but eventually they wouldn't let me access my email until I provided what they wanted.  I tried providing my MagicJack number and they wouldn't take it because that number doesn't accept text messages.  So finally I gave them my cell number, to which they sent me a pointless text message for which I'll be charged. 

I'm thinking Big Brother wants to make it easier to track down and locate anyone who uses a free email service such as Yahoo by having your personal tracking device cell phone linked to your account.


i see why you would be angry. 
Gmail isn't doing asking for phone numbers yet is it?

Tom Sawyer

I have a yahoo account I rarely use, I am able to access it, and I haven't been asked to supply any additional info.

Moebius Tripp

I just received this same message yesterday.  The texting phone wasn't a required field, though.

Pat McCotter

I guess not enough people are taking advantage of their NEW mail system that they are forcing changes on those of us who have stayed with the Mail Classic. I bitched about some broken things but haven't heard back from them. I guess they are a bit busy fielding complaints that they can't reply.

I just went through my account there and I don't have a phone registered with them and they still have a fake address as my alternate e-mail - and still pending verification. I don't chat or text. Also, I have a free account, not their premium account.


I use google voice for anything that wants a phone number.


I haven't been able to login to Yahoo from Mozilla for two weeks now.

As for their alternative account info thing..... no matter my answer to the 'two questions' it always says, "it has to be greater than 3 letters."

Kat Kanning

I've never been asked for my phone number on Yahoo.


Fascinating.  I, too, use the free service, and the phone field was not only mandatory, it rejected my valid home phone number that I entered, which is why I entered my cell number as a second choice.  Wonder what makes me special?

Pat K

The only required action on mine was to set up 2 security questions.

The alternate e-mail and phone #were above that on the page but
not mandatory.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Friday on June 01, 2009, 06:26 PM NHFT
Wonder what makes me special?

We've been compiling a list. :) ;D


Quote from: Friday on June 01, 2009, 06:26 PM NHFT
Fascinating.  I, too, use the free service, and the phone field was not only mandatory, it rejected my valid home phone number that I entered, which is why I entered my cell number as a second choice.  Wonder what makes me special?

I feel guilty even asking this question, because I know you're super tech-savvy, but... are you sure you weren't being phished?


Quote from: KBCraig on June 01, 2009, 11:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on June 01, 2009, 06:26 PM NHFT
Fascinating.  I, too, use the free service, and the phone field was not only mandatory, it rejected my valid home phone number that I entered, which is why I entered my cell number as a second choice.  Wonder what makes me special?

I feel guilty even asking this question, because I know you're super tech-savvy, but... are you sure you weren't being phished?

I guess I'm not 100% certain, but if it was phishing, it was rather skilfully done.  Enroute to reading my Yahoo email, I was presented with the form to provide an alternate email and phone.  I'd been presented with it at least 3 times previously, over a period of at least 2 weeks, and each time had selected "Ask me later".  The last time, "Ask me later" wasn't an option.  In other words, I couldn't get to my email without filling out this form. 

I was also asked for the two security questions not that long ago.  I suspect I'm not the only one who's going to get hit up for the phone as well. 

Russell Kanning

nothing new with my yahoo mail ... at least not bad
i have been sticking with the classic mail though

if they ask for too much i guess i will use gmail


FYI, I also use classic email.

I think I know why this happened.  Yahoo requires an alternate email address, and the one I was using was to a domain that I recently allowed to expire.  I just updated that to a different email address, and deleted my cell phone number;  we'll see if they ask me for a phone number again.